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been 40 minutes and 2mg of xanax hasn't done shit


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
i hardly take this stuff too. and i haven't eaten in 5 hours.

my reason for this thread is to ask what is your dosages on xanax, and others such as klonopin or anything else
One or two milligrams of xanax, maybe three klonopin or ativan. I'm a benzo lightweight.
i figured 2mg on an empty stomach would make a lil tipsy feeling
change benzo... i enormously like loprazolam and valium... havingg tried 11 benzos these are respectively my favourite hypnotic and anxiotyc... all people react different to diff benzos...
Or... He's expecting way too much...

They are chill pills not fucked up pills, switch drugs if you are trying to get smashed.
The only things you are gonna smash on benzos are ugly chicks, your inhibition, and memory.
Damn 2mg at once would be enough for me to feel pretty fuckin sedated...

Rememeber your not trying to get FUCKED UP (and if you are then imo there are better drugs than benzos for that)

3mgs should be enough. I dont know your tolerance but out of every benzo ive taken, xanax has the most "powerful" kick in. I feel very chill and very melo and very ready to sleep whenever.

Valium and klonopin dont do shit to me.