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BDD Social and Info BoothVs30-I used to have a drug problem, now I make enough money

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FACK am I fiending. All I wanna do is sip on a pipe badly...

And ya, I don't recommend chantix at all...patches were working for me until I quit using them lol...I've spent many a days inpatient in a psych ward with nicotine patches only...longest I've gone without was 2 weeks since I started smoking and that was this summer...
gimme my nicotine!!! need moar cigggs RawR

this methadone shit aint half bad, trying to see if i can find somemore ;)
lool man, im far from it! but seriously, i ran out of valium and oxycodone as i dosed last night on the methadone. and i am probably getting less than i did last night.


Ca va? il fait de soleil, et je suis heureux :)
fuck living where there's no pawn shops open...I've had a TI-89 platinum edition calculator (~150 bucks retail) since the 8th grade and I haven't been able to use it in any class...always had to borrow my sister's 83/84 Plus for tests, and my calculus teacher even made me go buy an 84 from the book store...this thing was made for calculus (wtf?). All I want is 5 points of ice lol...apparently that's too much to ask for...bah...it really is a lot to ask for I realize...but it doesn't negate the fact that I want it lol...

Never had methadone, laccy...but be careful with that shit...redosing is almost as dangerous if not just as dangerous and redosing barbs...
fuck living where there's no pawn shops open...I've had a TI-89 platinum edition calculator (~150 bucks retail) since the 8th grade and I haven't been able to use it in any class...always had to borrow my sister's 83/84 Plus for tests, and my calculus teacher even made me go buy an 84 from the book store...this thing was made for calculus (wtf?). All I want is 5 points of ice lol...apparently that's too much to ask for...bah...it really is a lot to ask for I realize...but it doesn't negate the fact that I want it lol...

Never had methadone, laccy...but be careful with that shit...redosing is almost as dangerous if not just as dangerous and redosing barbs...

Meth isn't worth it; keep your calculator IMO.
^ i am actually thinking of pawning my graphing calculator, are pawn shops open on sunday??

i actually might like 1mg bupre or just bupre in general better than a low dose of methadone (20-30mgs)..hrmm actually idk... i liked the methadone, it was nice and sedating, but i for some reason i still think IV bupre was way better than methadone.
lool man, im far from it! but seriously, i ran out of valium and oxycodone as i dosed last night on the methadone. and i am probably getting less than i did last night.


Ca va? il fait de soleil, et je suis heureux :)

Hah, c'est bien.

Je le sais pas, man, il fais pas soleil ici, il est assez sombre dehors maintenant, mais j'ai quelques oiseaux qui chantent donc c'est pas si pire. J'ai eu un reve hier, puis je m'en rappelle pas, mais je l'ai pas aime, puis je me sens anxieux, meme apres deux heures d'etre debout. J'ai plus de pot, mais j'ai pas netoye ma pipe encore, donc j'imagine que les sept grammes que j'ai fumer la-dedans ont produit une quantite de resine. Ca, puis j'ai 500ug de lorazepam et une poigne plein de comprimees de DXM. Je va prendre ca mellow, par contre....

Pis toi, ca va?
the only thing i understood was lorazepam, DXM, 500, and maybe anxiety, if it was even writen lol

im pretty damn high off some weed and 200 mgs of tramadol plugged.
the only thing i understood was lorazepam, DXM, 500, and maybe anxiety, if it was even writen lol

im pretty damn high off some weed and 200 mgs of tramadol plugged.

Well those are pretty much the things i was talking about, gold star!

Or rather, un étoile en or!
hahaha qui connait combien resin coutre dans votre pipe!? j'ai deja nettoye ma pipe le mien, mais j'ai une gramme de les jolies herbes!

je fumes tandis que j'attends mon ami avec la methadone pour me rencontrer..

fumes tu avec moi ? nettoye ta pipe!

aimes-tu DXM? je l'adore, especially with some benzos %)

hahah whats good man, do you have AIM?
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Well those are pretty much the things i was talking about, gold star!

Or rather, un étoile en or!
hahaha well thank you
hahaha qui connait combien resin coutre dans votre pipe!? j'ai deja nettoye ma pipe le mien, mais j'ai une gramme jolies herbes!

je fumes tandis que j'attends mon ami avec la methadone pour me rencontrer..

fumes tu avec moi ? nettoye ta pipe!

aimes-tu DXM? je l'adore

hahah whats good man, do you have AIM?

i wanna understand the conversation damn it. no i do not have AIM, havent had it since 2003. all i gotta do is install it right? ill try now.
heh, true. that is if anything blows my way, my friend isnt answering his phone :/

yup it is pretty simple :)
yes, it does, but he is the one that called me today asking if i still needed so who knows? waiting sucks, especially knowing that WD is just around the corner; its been 24hrs since my last methadone dose.

on the other hand, i am trying to just stay positive, and prepare for the worst! i have some weed to keep me at bay while i wait so im good for now :)

how are things on the other side of the country for yah' man??
is your AIM name the same as your bl name? mine is. if so, does the capital c matter? lol

i tried to add 2 different lacs and both were offline. im to stoned for this so add me, im online now. smokemctoke420
yes, it does, but he is the one that called me today asking if i still needed so who knows? waiting sucks, especially knowing that WD is just around the corner; its been 24hrs since my last methadone dose.

on the other hand, i am trying to just stay positive, and prepare for the worst! i have some weed to keep me at bay while i wait so im good for now :)

how are things on the other side of the country for yah' man??

Things are going well out here. %)

I have a very kick ass vacation planned for myself this month.
nice! my friend answered and he is on his way back from ATL, should be back shortly and he has his a 40mg methadone wafer!!

glad to head things are going well for you!!
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