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Basic HEROIN Culture Questions

Have you ever wondered how to move up the ladder to the realer's dealer? I've wondered how it could be done -- or if it could be, how far up the ladder could you go (maybe burma jk)? The thing is, even if you've been a loyal customer and the regular guy doesn't get paranoid about why you are asking about his connects,, he won't want to lose your business, so I've figured it's probably next to impossible.

But if someone had the money to buy in bulk, I just wonder how they would bring the subject up.
If your dealer is going to "retire" or maybe go on vacation, they usually introduce you to their replacement, or their higher up. A lot of times, the money is staying within the same group, no matter who is directly getting it, so they don't mind passing you off to one of their boys.

If you are looking for bulk, their connect might wanna meet you since you are good money.

We can't get into how to go about meeting higher up dealers though.
people always say that in jersey you cant buy grams. that as much dope as u want u just gotta buy 100 bricks or watever u feel me. but that aint true. after i knew my main dude for a yr or so i started buyin grams from him, usually u have o buy 10+ you cant just cop one cuz its from a higher up dude who dont fuck with retail. but its possible for sure. it can be done no question, but chances are if u gotta ask us how then it aint happenin for u. u cant learn how to do that shit on the internet yo, thats some real life official ''street school'' lessons right there.
people always say that in jersey you cant buy grams. that as much dope as u want u just gotta buy 100 bricks or watever u feel me. but that aint true. after i knew my main dude for a yr or so i started buyin grams from him, usually u have o buy 10+ you cant just cop one cuz its from a higher up dude who dont fuck with retail. but its possible for sure. it can be done no question, but chances are if u gotta ask us how then it aint happenin for u. u cant learn how to do that shit on the internet yo, thats some real life official ''street school'' lessons right there.

Def true, I used to know a boy that go to Newark like once a week and he don't buy bricks he buy grams and bag it here. But on the other hand, I know my main boys dude be goin to Jersey all the time, and he just get mad bricks, most of the people I knew be like fuck all that baggin shit. It's worth it to bag ya own if the bags is small and weak but if you gettin some fire you might as well just cop it ready to sell so you ain't got to be sittin up all fuckin night/for days. Baggin up is def some stressful time consuming shit

So in Pittsburgh it's pretty much the same as NJ, ain't hardly nobody here slingin g's and shit, but I used to be grabbin g's from these Detroit boys I knew posted in a diff state and that shit was always one big ass chunk in a sandwich bag corner and usually cheaper gram for gram then bricks was.

Haha it's crazy I ain't been off d but for a few weeks and I'm already talkin bout "mufuckers I used to know" Prob wont be long before I be like "back when I used to get d a mufuckin brick was a brick, not like you young bucks be gettin now yall don't know shit bout some d"
Bags themselves become addicting I think. The whole thing of tearin the bricks open rippin the magazine paper off, then takin the rubber band off a bundle, rippin the tape open on a bag, squeezin the sides so the d in the bottom loosens up, flickin em towards the light to see how fat it is, then holdin em upside down and flickin em so there ain't a fuckin molecule of loose dope left in the bag. Callin to hear about what stamp is hot and what ain't, mufuckers bein like "man back in 06 when I had them XXX bags around June and July, now that was some fuckin diesel!" If you just buyin dope in a sandwich bag you just like "yeah the dope in 06 was fire"

It's a love/hate thing I guess. When bags are flame there ain't a much better way to do dope as far as my experience and I've had dope pretty much every way its packaged. Makes it easy to measure your dose, when I was gettin grams I'd be blowin thru them shits like nothin cuz I was just guessin instead of bein like "Ima do 7 bags right now, which is exactly X amount of dollars"

Plus if your slingin d, it's waaay fuckin easier to just get it already ready to go then like I said before sit up baggin up which might look like fun in the movies, but the fun disappears quick...or so I've heard.

Stamps got their downsides tho, like their easy to get wet/moist, the names can usually be traced back to certain hoods/gangs, sometimes you get a brick of XXX bags on Monday that are some of the best you had, get the same name on Tuesday and they ain't shit. You never really know exactly how much dope your gettin cuz a bag could weigh .05 or fuckin .15 and like when you tryin to do a bundle or a few bundles real quick you got to be rippin open all the bags, then you got tape and half ripped bags everywhere and you've been in the gas station bathroom for 5 min and you still ain't even got all the bags open.

Haha I could go on and on about it, but I'm glad Pittsburgh is a "stamp city" I guess you could say
Bags themselves become addicting I think. The whole thing of tearin the bricks open rippin the magazine paper off, then takin the rubber band off a bundle, rippin the tape open on a bag, squeezin the sides so the d in the bottom loosens up, flickin em towards the light to see how fat it is, then holdin em upside down and flickin em so there ain't a fuckin molecule of loose dope left in the bag.

This is so ridiculously true. I hate, hate, hate having to go and actually pick up the dope, but once I have that bundle in my possession, man... It's like Christmas. I love flicking the bags, ripping them open, dumping out the dope, then ripping open that little inside seam where sometimes just a bit of dope gets stuck. When I am done taking that bag apart, man, there isn't a mouse fart's worth of dope left. And when the bag is fat, hallelujah!

I like stamps for this reason, the whole ritualistic thing, but honestly, I would rather buy a straight-up gram than a bundle. From what I have been told, a bundle is never really a gram because dealers will weigh the fucking bags, the elastic, everything. If that's true, then that sucks.
all you people talking about purity and stamps.... two words. Mexi. Tar.

mexican tar is fucking fire here in minneapolis. i have shot "flame" powder from east coast and i was like motherfucker ripped me off. plus tar is hard to cut so your average user/dealer isnt gonna cut it. tar is easier to eyeball weights too.

tar is just the bomb overall, except for what i hear it does to your veins
^Tar is actually not hard to cut. I have seen black tar cut and it is not hard at all. I think that is just a myth that tar is hard to cut.
all you people talking about purity and stamps.... two words. Mexi. Tar.

mexican tar is fucking fire here in minneapolis. i have shot "flame" powder from east coast and i was like motherfucker ripped me off. plus tar is hard to cut so your average user/dealer isnt gonna cut it. tar is easier to eyeball weights too.

tar is just the bomb overall, except for what i hear it does to your veins

How good is east coast heroin, anyway? Everyone always talks about east coast dope, but I have nothing to compare it to, having never made it out west (yet).
all you people talking about purity and stamps.... two words. Mexi. Tar.

mexican tar is fucking fire here in minneapolis. i have shot "flame" powder from east coast and i was like motherfucker ripped me off. plus tar is hard to cut so your average user/dealer isnt gonna cut it. tar is easier to eyeball weights too.

tar is just the bomb overall, except for what i hear it does to your veins

I've never had tar from here in minneapolis, but I've got many powder connects and it's always pretty good to fucking amazing. Most always white/tan, sometimes gray, and sometimes brown. Melts into water in under 10secs and is ready to shoot. Also my main guy is so legit and full of respect for me, my friends, and his homies. Even the ones who talk shit on him he talks no shit back, he's fast, always available, and tells me exactly what I'm getting, no bullshit.
Ive had both really good tar and really good powder and i would say powder smashes tar for sure. And slang up here in upstate NY is H, Dope, Smack, Skag, Garbage, My boy henry.
In the uk we generally call heroin 'Brown'. Usually comes in foil wraps, corners cut from plastic bags or sometimes just wrapped in a Rizla paper.
hell yeah brother! its all addicting!from the drive to get em to fillin up the pin . seeing how dark your shit is. all i can say is blue magic! haha i jus moved to tampa n it sucks down here!! it is absolutly no where around here..jus to easy to find up in good ol Pittsburgh
It's everywhere here, and I feel like once you've been made part of the club, so to speak, you'll recognize it for what it is... a rampant epidemic, really.

I remember a time when I thought dope would be so hard to find; one year later, and now I can't get away from it. I have two dealers calling me nearly every other day to tell me they've got good bags... guh