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Misc Barbiturates and the seizure threshold


Apr 4, 2024
So I've just been on the Wikipedia for anticonvulsant drugs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anticonvulsant
Under ->Drugs->Barbiturates, without any citation it states that only Primidone, phenobarbital, methophenobarbital, and Barbexaclone are anticonvulsant, others only so at anesthetic doses.

I think that sounds unscientific, they have the same mechanism of action. They all raise the seizure threshold at least somewhat, right? Maybe it's talking about effectively enough to stop an epileptic from seizure, alcoholic, or other types of tremors. Any thoughts on this? I found it interesting. Again, no citation- "[citation needed]". Seems like this might need changed.
I don't know anything about the topic, except that my dog used to have really horrible seizures. My vet first prescribed her 10 mg valiums and then phenobarbital. I guess it helped her some but she still got the seizures ( which was very sad)
When she died, I was left with a 100 or so each. I pick away at the valium once in awhile as I need them. The phenobarbs I never touch. I tried that stuff many many years ago and it was kind of a nasty excuse for a buzz.
I don't know anything about the topic, except that my dog used to have really horrible seizures. My vet first prescribed her 10 mg valiums and then phenobarbital. I guess it helped her some but she still got the seizures ( which was very sad)
When she died, I was left with a 100 or so each. I pick away at the valium once in awhile as I need them. The phenobarbs I never touch. I tried that stuff many many years ago and it was kind of a nasty excuse for a buzz.
Aw I’m sorry for your loss, I bet you took good care of your pup. It’s so hard losing fur fam & babies. Years ago I lost my dog during a surgery … it was so hard I cried for weeks. She had a bunch of tramadol left for her arthritis pain, I ended up taking them.
Hugs 💜

As far as barbiturates are concerned, I used to take fioricet. It’s a migraine medication that has a barbiturate in it (butalbital) .. also has caffeine & acetaminophen. I loved those pills, got super addicted to them. My old doctor used to prescribe be tons of it. When I quit I felt heart palpitations & kept having twitches for a couple weeks (it was a little scary).
I loved those pills, got super addicted to them. My old doctor used to prescribe be tons of it. When I quit I felt heart palpitations & kept having twitches for a couple weeks (it was a little scary).
Fioricet are fucking gas. Only had five ever :(
Only barb I ever took, and i doubt ill ever find them again.. Always took them bitches with opioids. Lol. I do know that any gabaergic wd can cause tremors and shit, but that's another reason I think the wiki is bullshitting this. Why would your seizure threshold lower on cessation if its not raised during use? Doesn't make sense. Thanks for the quick replies, both of you.
I remember taking a formulation of with fioricet with codeine back in the day
That's a good combo, had it once, but way too little codeine. (Wasn't combo #3s but fioricet and like 12 ml cheratusin D: ). Sorry to hear about your bad experience with barbs, they're one of my favorite experiences ever... Absolutely too far gone to give a fuck about anything. Not even shit that i want to kill myself over. Nothing else does that for me, not even opioids, they more cover it. Made nods so intense, plus the little caffeine lucidity... shit got me drooling.
Fioricet are fucking gas. Only had five ever :(
Only barb I ever took, and i doubt ill ever find them again.. Always took them bitches with opioids. Lol. I do know that any gabaergic wd can cause tremors and shit, but that's another reason I think the wiki is bullshitting this. Why would your seizure threshold lower on cessation if its not raised during use? Doesn't make sense. Thanks for the quick replies, both of you.

That's a good combo, had it once, but way too little codeine. (Wasn't combo #3s but fioricet and like 12 ml cheratusin D: ). Sorry to hear about your bad experience with barbs, they're one of my favorite experiences ever... Absolutely too far gone to give a fuck about anything. Not even shit that i want to kill myself over. Nothing else does that for me, not even opioids, they more cover it. Made nods so intense, plus the little caffeine lucidity... shit got me drooling.
I ODd on reds in high school. I took 4 with zero tolerance. I don't know how close I was to death but they took me to the hospital
But my main problem with barbs is that they always gave me a sleepy and bored hangover for at least 24 hours after. Took forever to wear off. Same with quaaludes. No fun for me. Dexamyl was better because it was mixed with speed, but once the speed wore off, it was the same ol tired downer effect.
No fun for me. Dexamyl was better because it was mixed with speed, but once the speed wore off, it was the same ol tired downer effect.
I guess it's a difference in preference. Normally I think way too much, and the day after barbs, I bearly think at all, it's welcome to me. However, if I used them a lot, I could see it making me mentally retarded (like datura lol). I guess what I'm saying is I enjoy lethargy. Any after looking up dexamyl, I don't even know what I'd do to get that shit 😭 sounds like fioricet on steroids - the apap.
Where are you reading that they lower the seizure threshold? I'd like to check that out.
Raise the seizure threshold, not lower. Lower means that a seizure is easier to occur. Raising it is the opposite. I linked the Wikipedia article. The part is under ->Drugs->Barbiturates. The part I wrote about lowering the threshold in post #2 is about cessation of the drugs.
I think that sounds unscientific, they have the same mechanism of action. They all raise the seizure threshold at least somewhat, right?
Yes they all do that to various degrees.

They have arbitrarily high standards for something to get the FDA approval as an anticonvulsant. Even xanax and valium aren't approved for seizures in humans iirc, yet both those drugs would certainly arrest a seizure.

I don't know anything about the topic, except that my dog used to have really horrible seizures. My vet first prescribed her 10 mg valiums and then phenobarbital. I guess it helped her some but she still got the seizures ( which was very sad)

I used to have a cat with diabetes, he was given a few months to live but we gave him 5 more years with twice daily insulin injections.

Anyways, we he had his first seizure it was such a scary experience. I saved him by rubbing corn syrup in his mouth. After that experience he became unusually attached to me. Broke my heart.
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I assume you mean lower threshold, but yes they all do that to various degrees.

They have arbitrarily high standards for something to get the FDA approval as an anticonvulsant. Even xanax and valium aren't approved for seizures in humans iirc.

I used to have a cat with diabetes, he was given a few months to live but we gave him 5 more years with twice daily insulin injections.

Anyways, we he had his first seizure it was such a scary experience. I saved him by rubbing corn syrup in his mouth. After that experience he became unusually attached to me. Broke my heart.
That's dedication, 2 shots a day for 5 years! I just hate going through all that loss of the dying.
One of my dog's first seizures was on a backpacking trip I was on, her and me. She was such a a great hiking buddy. Anyhow, I made a little bed for her in the tent. She had the seizure in the middle of the night, very scary, but also she peed all over my clothes. Next couple days were pretty smelly
That's dedication, 2 shots a day for 5 years!
Yeah, we bought a huge industrial needle bin, the type you see in hospitals. Like 50 gallons in size. It was completely full of used needles by the end of his life.

Luckily it's really easy to give cats injections. You do it on the back of their neck/scruff where they have no pain receptors. They don't react to it.
Yeah, we bought a huge industrial needle bin, the type you see in hospitals. Like 50 gallons in size. It was completely full of used needles by the end of his life.

Luckily it's really easy to give cats injections. You do it on the back of their neck/scruff where they have no pain receptors. They don't react to it.
Wow, I can't imagine my cats ever putting up with anything like that
That's dedication, 2 shots a day for 5 years! I just hate going through all that loss of the dying.
One of my dog's first seizures was on a backpacking trip I was on, her and me. She was such a a great hiking buddy. Anyhow, I made a little bed for her in the tent. She had the seizure in the middle of the night, very scary, but also she peed all over my clothes. Next couple days were pretty smelly
Did you add the assumption about lowering rather than raising to snafus comment? I'm almost 100% certain I meant what I said. https://www.healthline.com/health/epilepsy/seizure-threshold
Raise the seizure threshold, not lower. Lower means that a seizure is easier to occur. Raising it is the opposite. I linked the Wikipedia article. The part is under ->Drugs->Barbiturates. The part I wrote about lowering the threshold in post #2 is about cessation of the drugs.
My bad. You (or someone) previously said lower. Thus the confusion from me reading too quickly and assuming. Mea Culpa.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Ah... To me barbiturates are so boring. I don't know why anyone would really focuse on them. Unless it's Sodium Thiopental.
Ah... To me barbiturates are so boring. I don't know why anyone would really focuse on them. Unless it's Sodium Thiopental.
They're definitely boring (in that you can barley form a thought), but if you keep it to once a while it's definitely novel. I enjoy it mostly because when you can't think, it's way harder to have negative thoughts too. Lol.