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Bali Nine Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran to be executed together in Bal

What enables/creates a black market? How does the illegality of a desired product and the limitation of regulated and ensured competition effect price? Does this inflated price discourage or promote is distribution? Does Prohibition ever work?
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I love how in this thread a bunch of druggies are threatening to boycott Indonesia.

Isn't that exactly what the Indonesian government wants? I'd argue that their methods appear to be very successful
Dude take an economics course, I can't answer these questions for you but I get your point. Here is mine they intentionally set out to break the laws of a soverign state for profit. They got caught, now they get shot.

Does it make it 'right'? Frankly, I dont give a fuck, as for prohibition the bottom line is its decided by voters in any democratic state. If the heroin lobby gets off the couch and forces a referendum on legalization/decriminalization I say more power to them. Otherwise ...
I love how in this thread a bunch of druggies are threatening to boycott Indonesia.

Isn't that exactly what the Indonesian government wants? I'd argue that their methods appear to be very successful

Just remember that you are defending state sanctioned murder. A state that treats drug traffickers harsher than terrorists on that note.
Seeing as I am neither planning on trafficking drugs or committing a terrorist attack, I couldn't give two shits that I'm supporting them
Seeing as I am neither planning on trafficking drugs or committing a terrorist attack, I couldn't give two shits that I'm supporting them

Nice attitude. Seeing as I'm neither homosexual nor planning on becoming Jewish, I couldn't give to shits about them. See how that works?
why do you feel that posted laws that promote tempting black markets justify murder?
As a miner, you hate to see your fellow miners die in a cave in, but you understand and appreciate why you get danger pay.

It isn't about justifying murder, it is the risk of murder justifying your profit margin.
as for prohibition the bottom line is its decided by voters in any democratic state. If the heroin lobby gets off the couch and forces a referendum on legalization/decriminalization I say more power to them. Otherwise ...

So is it decided by voters or a money through a lobby? The only prohibition i have seen decided by voters have been the recent rec/medicinal marijuana legalization's in the US.

A pretty passive approach to say you "don't give a fuck" about reformed drug dealers being executed, especially if you are a person who consumes illegal drugs.
meh, they still killed Tookie. Chan and Sukumaran haven't done half the good Williams did.
Nice attitude. Seeing as I'm neither homosexual nor planning on becoming Jewish, I couldn't give to shits about them. See how that works?

Being Jewish or gay is a victimless crime, that's the difference. These drug traffickers were selfish and greedy. They choose a poor country without the budget for high tech customs security.. They were hardly trafficking drugs for aulturistic motives. They tried to flaunt the system and lost. I feel for their family's loss but reality is they went in knowing the consequences if they got caught. The rewards were tempting and unfortunately they rolled the dice and lost.

To argue that Indonesia's harsh laws don't deter drug trafficking is naive. Most sane people I know stay well away from drugs in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia for this very reason.
So is it decided by voters or a money through a lobby? The only prohibition i have seen decided by voters have been the recent rec/medicinal marijuana legalization's in the US.

A pretty passive approach to say you "don't give a fuck" about reformed drug dealers being executed, especially if you are a person who consumes illegal drugs.

Everyone reforms when they are staring down the barrel of a gun, 'reformed' means absolutely nothing in this context. Please dont kill me I promise not to do it again? Really?

Also don't twist my words, I said I personally dont give a fuck regarding the rights/wrongs of the morality question. The sovereign laws of Indonesia as decided by their voters are not my concern, knowing I will be executed for smuggling dope there is a good enough reason not to. I choose to consume my illegal drugs in countries where I can be treated as the victim of society that I am or where I can successfully bribe my way out of it. I'll leave the high stakes chicanery to the dumbfuck Aussies who want to export <spin> criminiality.
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Being Jewish or gay is a victimless crime, that's the difference.

Wait, so you don't think that drug-trafficking, alone and removed from some of the real crimes (murder, kidnapping, theft) often found around it, is a victimless crime? Who exactly is the victim?
Everyone reforms when they are staring down the barrel of a gun, 'reformed' means absolutely nothing in this context. Please dont kill me I promise not to do it again? Really?

Your not taking into account they served ten years in prison. If the death penalty is such a good deterrent why are there so many drugs in this country were that "policy" is in place?

I'll leave the high stakes chicanery to the dumbfuck Aussies who want to export <snip> criminiality.

So do you consider yourself a criminal because you use illegal drugs.. or just the people that get those drugs to you to use?

I went ahead and snipped out the derogatory comment based on nationality. Its against the BLUA

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post or upload any content that victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or any other reason;
Black markets exists irrespective of laws, always have always will. Laws aren't created to 'promote' punishments, punishments are created to induce people not to break laws.

if that were so, then we would have been living in a crime free society for thousands of years
Your not taking into account they served ten years in prison. If the death penalty is such a good deterrent why are there so many drugs in this country were that "policy" is in place?

Have you ever been to Indonesia? Outside of Bali, which is over run by foreign gangs, you would be hard pressed to see much support for drug use. Even excessive alcohol use is almost non existent. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but there is no denying their level of drug use is far less than the average Western nation. These laws are designed to deter foreign traffickers using their country as an exit point and it is hard to argue that most sane travelers don't think twice before carrying drugs in places such as Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore.
Have you ever been to Indonesia? Outside of Bali, which is over run by foreign gangs, you would be hard pressed to see much support for drug use. Even excessive alcohol use is almost non existent. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but there is no denying their level of drug use is far less than the average Western nation. These laws are designed to deter foreign traffickers using their country as an exit point and it is hard to argue that most sane travelers don't think twice before carrying drugs in places such as Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore.

No this is a part of the world i have not been to. Given my nature and political beliefs, as others have stated, i would not appear to be going soon if ever. Its a big planet and i still have quite a few places to hit.

With the poor rule of law and the pervasive and deeply-ingrained corruption that exists in the country, Indonesia’s law enforcement and military officials, even more so than their counterparts elsewhere in the world, are perfectly positioned to dominate Indonesia’s drug trade. The dramatic court showcases of Western tourists smuggling drugs aside, examples of military and law enforcement complicity in drug trafficking abound. Rather laughably, officials at one of Indonesia’s high-security prisons, for example, have been caught cooking meth and supplying both the prison and the nearby city

importantly, however, Indonesia is no longer just a transit country for illicit drugs heading to Australia, China, and Japan, but is also increasingly a destination country. It is also a hot and rapidly expanding meth production center. Since cold medications containing pseudoephedrine are sold in Indonesia without prescription or any registration required, as they used to be in the United States until the early 2000s, cooking meth is easy. A major producer of methamphetamines itself, China supplies the pseudoephedrine both to Indonesia’s pharmaceutical industry and illicit market in a rather unregulated and unmonitored manner.

Ever more, the meth cooks in Indonesia are native, instead of the Dutch who would arrive in their former colony to produce the methamphetamines. Indeed, one of the most important developments in the Indonesian drug market is the growth of Indonesia’s domestic production capacity. The expansion of the synthetic drugs market and the domestication of production have potentially large transformative effects on Indonesia’s landscape of organized crime

Western tourists may well be those most visibly apprehended in Indonesia, but the formation of powerful Indonesian drug-trafficking groups can radically transform the structure and characteristics of the Indonesian criminal market.

You can call it how you see it as a drunken tourist OTW.. but that does not mean you have clear picture.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I have read of some very large scale meth and MDMA labs busted in Indo in the past. The place is corrupt as hell, I wouldn't be surprised if many other huge meth and MDMA labs continue to pump out drugs without much fear of being busted because they pay a few higher ups some money.

Bali is the only place I have been extorted for a bribe from a policeman, it happened to me about 3 times. I was nearly going to refuse but I got told I would be taken to jail and other threats if I didn't comply. All for driving around on a motor bike.
Your not taking into account they served ten years in prison. If the death penalty is such a good deterrent why are there so many drugs in this country where that "policy" is in place?

So do you consider yourself a criminal because you use illegal drugs.. or just the people that get those drugs to you to use?

I went ahead and snipped out the derogatory comment based on nationality. Its against the BLUA


First off all Australians are criminals, even the ones who have never committed a crime, watch Minority Report. Secondly, <I> doesnt use illegal drugs or drugs which are not prescribed by <my> doctor in a laboratory setting...or drugs which are given to <me> while he is sleeping by the Lizard King...<snip>

ps <I> also replaced your 'were' with 'where'... <I>
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