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Bad LSD trip vs bad shroom trip?


Oct 26, 2014
So I recently had a bad shroom trip, I have experience with both bad lsd and shroom trips and this got me thinking. What is in your opinion worse, a bad lsd trip or bad shroom trip?

In my opinion I think bad shroom trips are much worse, with bad shroom trips I have a horrible body load, and I legit feel like I am in hell. But with LSD, even with a bad trip I usually don't really get scared. I just feel horrible about my self. I would have have a bad LSD trip over a bad shroom trip any day. What do you guys think?
I view a bad mushroom trip as a threatening enviornment, and a bad LSD trip as your thoughts not making sense. So for me, i guess mushrooms can be more overwhelming in that aspect.
I've never had a bad trip on LSD, but I did have one trip where I got really bad anxiety on the comeup and was on the verge of having a panic attack for at least 6 hours afterwards.
I was at a festival and I literally had to go and sit at the complete other side of the festival, as far from the music as possible, and just chill there for hours until my heart quit feeling like it was gonna beat out of my chest.
For the duration alone I would think that if I had a bad trip on LSD it would be much worse, but I've only ever had a bad trip on mushrooms, and got was it hell. Fucking hell
based on time and amount of stimulation, i would rather trip badly on shrooms. I have had a "bad trip" where i essentially threw up and passed out (combined with a pot brownie), while the closest to a bad trip on lsd was actually on 25c (ive done lsd, but only had good experiences) and my friend had a 100% bad trip (thought he was paralyzed and was having flashbacks of abuse by his father) and i was sitting there next to him while he was balling staring into my eyes with a look of complete fear, and I knew it was my fault this was happening (i got it for him and I). A few hours later (and half a pack of cigs in 40 mins for me) he was better and we enjoyed ourselves for the next 3 hours of his trip.
There's no difference - the only difference is your imagination. If your vulnerable to bad trips then you'll keep having them, if you arn't then you won't. I've tripped more times than Alf's nose has got wrinkles and I've never panicked yet.
Mushrooms give me much worse negative headspace. With acid, I can get lost in the visuals. The body load and nausea can make me a bit uncomfortable on both tho.