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Bad comeups


Apr 28, 2013
Helllllo everyone,
I tend to have really intense comeups which is filled with anxiety (but once I settle in im perfectly fine) and I was wondering if anyone knows if having some Valerian root extract about an hour before the trip would help? let me know thanksss%)=D
It might help. But difficult come-ups are something I always used to have too, I still do sometimes. The best things to do are lay down, possibly listen to music, or go outside. Honestly, being outside always makes me many times less anxious on trips, and that includes the come-ups. It's like being inside makes me feel closed in and strange, but when I'm outside the lack of walls and ceiling and the presence of so many beautiful things to see and hear and smell makes me feel so much better. Sometimes I go outside just when the come-up gets bad and it makes me feel substantially better.
Gotta agree with you Xork...

I know, when I take a psychedelic, that I'm in for a less than predictable ride. It's not like I get the fear leaning over a line of cocaine, or at least, I never got the fear leaning over a line of something that might've had a bit of cocaine in it back when I did that sort of thing...

But taking a psychedelic is different. Once I've ingested, I normally change my mind about trippng, & of course, it's too fucking late! So anxiety is pretty common during come-up for me & one of the most likely anti-dotes is indeed, the outdoors! Getting outside into the fresh air, preferably under some warm sunshine, at a park or in a forest distracts me from my fears during the come up & once that's out of the way, I'm good to go. Despite the fears, I've never really had a really bad trip. I've had some bloody uncomfortable trips, & I've had some very bad moments during trips that have fortunately been resolved during the trip. But never a bad one from start to finish...

The only other thing that helps with come-up anxiety for me, & this is particularly effective with long come-ups, is the other thing Xork suggested, which is meditation &/or deep breathing, relaxation excercises. These seem to work better with longer come-ups because more time is available to reach a satisfying mental plateau before the drug begins to work on it. I've had some very energetic trips on Al-Lad, for instance, at gigs, or out trekking, but when I first got it I was using it after an hour or so of deep breathing & those trips were amongst the most relaxing I've ever had & produced in me a love & respect for Al-Lad that I honestly don't think I have felt for any psychedelic in particular before now. I like tripping, I LOVE Al-Lad.
Personally I find that staggering the dosing over 20-30 minutes is great for dealing with harsh comeups. YMMV though, I know some people prefer to get it over and done with.

If it's "buyer's remorse" like si-ingwe mentions then there's not so much to say about that but make sure that your set and setting are wonderful and the rest should follow.
I have often staggered dosing with phenethylamines because I found that eased considerably the nausea associated with the come-ups on that particular group of psyches, 2c-e etc. I can see how low &/or staggered dosing would ease the other difficult symptoms of come-up.

Buyers remorse? Is that what I get? =D
For want of a better term, when you take it and then you have regrets and wished you had taken less (but then usually have a blast anyway)

I always get it with sublingual 2C-B and then without fail regret spitting it out an hour later.
Oh I know that one too! This is how it goes with me...

"I'm not 100% sure I'm up for this, let's just neck a half dose tonight instead, cool?"

Two hours later...

"Well this is crap, I'm going to sleep".
If you take about 5g of kratom before you dose the come-up anxiety and all bad feelings pretty much go away. Also kratom does not reduce the effects of psychedelics, it potentiates them.

You can also load up on magnesium and that would help.

Higher quality LSD will have a smoother come-up as well, but mostly just make sure you yourself are chilled and relaxed. If not, kratom will get you there.
I agree that kratom mixes well with psychedelics, much better than other opiates. Perhaps it's because mitragynine and 7-HO-mitragynine carry the tryptamine skeleton. Whatever it is, I used to use kratom on nearly every trip. I wouldn't say it potentiates them for me, more like it doesn't detract from them and it adds its own effects as well which can definitely steer a trip more towards the "joyful" category, and make it less likely you're going to enter "fear" territory.
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My favorite remedy for a bad come-up is putting on 'The Magical Mystery Tour' on vinyl. At least that cured my most intense comeup I've had, when my sober buddy guided me the right way with it.

But honestly, I feel the anxiety I get on come-ups is me shedding the negative vibes, because once the peak hits it's always just euphoria and pleasure and revelation from then on out.

Staggering the dose is a good idea like others said. When I first took acid I took three doses over two hours, we thought it was bunk, the comeup was so easy, then WHAMMM! But when I last did acid, I took all three cubes at once, and that.... That, was a hard ass trip. Very profound lol. I just remember in the beginning being so freaked out about... Something. A nameless anxiety. When I stagger shrooms it works better too. Last time I just downed a three gram mushie smoothie, and that was a real bad comeup, followed by my best shroom peak to date lol.
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I tend to have really intense comeups which is filled with anxiety (but once I settle in im perfectly fine)

If you settle in fine, why do you need to ease the comeup? It makes the transition from ant autopilot to psychedelia appropriately jarring, IMO.

xork said:
But difficult come-ups are something I always used to have too, I still do sometimes. The best things to do are lay down, possibly listen to music, or go outside

My ideal come-up music vibes with anxiety/unpleasantness of the comeup, but is awe-inspiring/expansive as I transfer to your peak. I'll throw up my favorite example in PD social.
crack open a beer right after the tab dissolves. that seems to help. and the trip kicks in a little quicker
BBoB said:
crack open a beer right after the tab dissolves. that seems to help. and the trip kicks in a little quicker

Perhaps it only applies to [former] boozehounds, but I'd say keep it a single pint (I used to take a shot or two of liquor before IVing psychs, to make the comeup easier), or maybe I'm the only one that gets comedowns from alcohol. Unless of course you plan on drinking the whole trip, which can be great if you're going for a purely recreational/escapist experience. Like with stimulants, you can drink more than normal while tripping without becoming significantly impaired.
errr tripping drunk is only really nice with mescaline and clubbing but even then its fucking messy

sobering up while tripping=horrible

phenibut goes very well with lsd/mdma or many different drugs and doesn't dull shit like alcohol, dose low just as with poppies and tripping for a more vibrant trip with no dulling but no anxiety. its the dopaminergic action of morphine/phenibut that make the trips so lush though i really prefer phenibut cos i dont get a withdrawl even though i had benzo problems in the past.

with phenibut 2 days in two weeks is fine i.e. 2 days on the trot must be followed by 2 weeks clean to avoid rebound anxiety
phenibut goes very well with lsd/mdma or many different drugs and doesn't dull shit like alcohol

I have never used phenibut 'cause I would develop a habit, but it has GABAB action like G, doesn't it? I gotta say GHB combines fantastically with psychedelics (just gotta make sure you don't carp out and waste your trip ;)). In fact, I'd have a hard time naming something it doesn't go well with.
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Perhaps it only applies to [former] boozehounds, but I'd say keep it a single pint (I used to take a shot or two of liquor before IVing psychs, to make the comeup easier), or maybe I'm the only one that gets comedowns from alcohol. Unless of course you plan on drinking the whole trip, which can be great if you're going for a purely recreational/escapist experience. Like with stimulants, you can drink more than normal while tripping without becoming significantly impaired.

ever get wasted on acid? the trip seems to go so quickly. it's such a blur. all of a sudden when you start coming down the room lights up and you were like "that was sick, let me do that again". and you remember all the beautiful patterns you saw even though 4 hours seemed to go by in 5 minutes. although i'll never do it again because i limit myself to one beer these days. and i enjoy psychedelics for its purity more. although one beer on the come-up isn't bad :)
ever get wasted on acid? the trip seems to go so quickly. it's such a blur. all of a sudden when you start coming down the room lights up and you were like "that was sick, let me do that again". and you remember all the beautiful patterns you saw even though 4 hours seemed to go by in 5 minutes. although i'll never do it again because i limit myself to one beer these days. and i enjoy psychedelics for its purity more. although one beer on the come-up isn't bad :)
I feel like the feeling of being trapped in time is one of the many things I seek in psychedelics, so I only use beer on the comedown. Nothing like sittin on the porch just staring at the trees after a night of tripping acid, drinking a cold brew.
A hangover mixing with coming down off of psychs is horrifying, I did that ONCE, never again! I wouldn't drink very much during a trip if you paid me to. Fuck that noise!

A few wee bumps of K, a bit of nitrous to chill out...always did me right. :)
lol, i'm not a very experienced user of psychedelics, but when I do psychedelics the comeup only lasts for a short time. I don't have time to think about it before it's gone again :p
I found kratom to leave a negative imprint both times I tried it with psychedelics. It left me less able to handle the trip and keep control of my negative thoughts.