Back on the wagon


Aug 2, 2018
First post ever. Not sure where it should go. It?s been a long week. A longgggg week. I had been clean for almost two years, up until three weeks ago. I?m a heroin addict and it got me by the balls once again. This has been a hard week because I got back on Suboxone but didn?t wait long enough TWO times and went into precipitated withdrawals twice within a couple days of each other. Finally managed to wait a good 22 hours until I was good and sick to take the subs and it finally worked. Third time is the charm right. I just needed somewhere to say how exhausted I am. Physically mentally And emotionally. It?s been two days now back on the subs and I feel decent but not like myself yet. But I feel good knowing I?m back on the wagon. To anyone else out there who?s going through the same thing. I?ll read and reply to any comments. It?s about time I get back to my dreams and fucking do something with my life. I?m still only 26 and have only 3 semesters of college left and I am finally going to go back and finish. It?s been good reading these posts about people getting clean as it has inspired me to go for it again before I go too far downhill again. It?s wild how fast you go right back to your old ways and your old grimy self. Lying cheating it?s ridiculous. Well thanks everyone and good luck out there in the wild world
Blessed be

First post ever. Not sure where it should go. It?s been a long week. A longgggg week. I had been clean for almost two years, up until three weeks ago. I?m a heroin addict and it got me by the balls once again. This has been a hard week because I got back on Suboxone but didn?t wait long enough TWO times and went into precipitated withdrawals twice within a couple days of each other. Finally managed to wait a good 22 hours until I was good and sick to take the subs and it finally worked. Third time is the charm right. I just needed somewhere to say how exhausted I am. Physically mentally And emotionally. It?s been two days now back on the subs and I feel decent but not like myself yet. But I feel good knowing I?m back on the wagon. To anyone else out there who?s going through the same thing. I?ll read and reply to any comments. It?s about time I get back to my dreams and fucking do something with my life. I?m still only 26 and have only 3 semesters of college left and I am finally going to go back and finish. It?s been good reading these posts about people getting clean as it has inspired me to go for it again before I go too far downhill again. It?s wild how fast you go right back to your old ways and your old grimy self. Lying cheating it?s ridiculous. Well thanks everyone and good luck out there in the wild world
It's good to hear you're motivated to head down that route of positive thinking once again. There's always many bumps in the road when it comes to addiction, as most of us know all too well. I'd been clean 2 yrs this past fall before my brother passed. Non drug related accident. I've been on methadone these past 4 years and got myself down to 20mg. Though the past few months I've done nothing but test my limits and set myself up for a very unpleasant multi-drug addiction once again. Enough about me and my bullshit. Sounds like you are a smart young man who's damn close to finishing school! That it so amazing brother, I know your family is proud as shit of you already. I can tell you have the motivation, you'll get through it. That H is fucking rough. I'm not preaching..I do a combo of drugs daily, I'm ashamed to say. But God do I ever wish I had never put that first point in my arm. God bless you bro, I hope only for the best for you. You'll do it, be free again.
Thank you for the response. I know when I finish school, all this will have been worth it and will have made me a stronger person. Good luck to you my friend and just know you have made an impact in someone’s life, however small it may be. But life after all, is just a series of small impacts and fleeting moments is it not? Good luck to you and thank you
HOMELESS -> TDS (perhaps SL?)

Mods, please move if I'm wrong on TDS. Thanks.
Good to hear. Be well. Be stable.
Live your life!
Great job on getting going again back to school!
Keep moving forward!

Sorry to hear you have been going through hell with us!
Things are quickly improving though.
Hang in there and good luck!
Hi Jhurd, hope you are taking care of yourself these days.. just checking in to see how you are doing..