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Back here because of ‘doctors’ effing my shit up yet again, what is my quickest option


Jun 12, 2021
I’m a chronic pain patient since 2016. I have severe peripheral neuropathy and joint pain from Lyme disease that wasn’t treated in time. I’ve been done with the antibiotics part for a long time now, so now I guess it’s post Lyme syndrome they call it. I will spare you the first round of pain management that involved being on a long acting and short acting oxycodone, then getting it pulled and handed out and pulled. Then a stint in a virtual clinic, where I was put on subs without even knowing what it was for (I stupidly thought they were just going to help me wean off directly).

I was doing pretty good on Belbuca, which is very low dose Bupe made for chronic pain. Of course doctors can’t leave you in peace for very long without fucking up your shit.

After being kicked back to pain management by my ‘doctor’ who was suddenly afraid of getting his license revoked because of my Belbuca (which doesn’t even need a X-waiver to prescribe, any fool can find that out with a 30 second google) then lied to by a horrible pain mgmt doctor (I’m in the process of filing a complaint against him with my state’s medical board) I ended up on Tramadol and stayed there for 3 years. The ‘Lyme doctor’ was fine with getting me hooked on Tramadol, but not okay with Belbuca. Make it make sense. Charging me $400 every 8 weeks for the privilege. And not helping me with much else.

Eventually I got depressed on Tramadol. They kicked me back again to pain management who put me on amitriptyline (sp?) where I developed self-harm ideation so bad they almost admitted me. After that I was done with fucking pain management doctors torturing me. And I was tired of being depressed on Tramadol. So I weaned myself off really fast because, they wouldn’t refill my meds without the $400 payment that I couldn’t afford anymore so I couldn’t wean myself off slowly. Enter nightmare withdrawals.

I doubled my dose of gabapentin (fortunately I had a 3-month refill) with zero improvement. Clonidine lowers my blood pressure too much, I can’t use it. Xanax doesn’t help. I dipped in the stash of pharma opioids I keep in my safe for emergencies, but the withdrawals were unrelenting. Finally I remembered I had some Belbuca left over. I took a film a couple of days ago and my whole body just… calmed down. No more withdrawals. Just peace. Cut the pain down too. Awesome. finally got a few hours’ sleep. The stress of withdrawals was so bad on my body that my knees and elbows broke out in plaque psoriasis.

So today I contact an online subs provider covered by my insurance. I ask them if they can prescribe Belbuca instead of subs, because even 2mg was too much for me last round. They say yeah your doctor will decide, but it’s possible. Okay great. I start filling out all the forms, but they want to work with my ‘Lyme doctor’ for care coordination. I tell them I’m no longer a patient because I refused to shell out $400 just for refills, but I give them permission to obtain my entire medical file from ‘Lyme doctor’. I don’t give them permission to discuss any new medical concerns with a previous provider. They said No you have to give us blanket permission to do anything we want. I said No thanks, assholes. So I was refused to be their patient.

I’m feeling pretty defeated now. No one in the ‘regular doctor’ world wants to touch bupe with a 10-foot pole, even the kind for chronic pain that doesn’t need an X-waiver. But I don’t want the subs provider forcing me to give away medical information to a former provider I do not want to work with. Is that a specific thing to online treatment centers? Would I be better off finding an addiction medicine doctor locally? I told them to access directly my CVS prescription file or I would even show them my pill bottles, piss in a cup 100 times, I don’t care I have nothing to hide. Nope - it was give away all rights to all your medical information past present and future for us to do what we please, or you can’t be a patient.

I also thought of self-referring to a neurologist and hoping they would endorse the Belbuca along with my other pain med Gabapentin, but that’s a dicey move as I have about 10 days’ worth of cheek films. I need fairly rapid intervention, if you can recommend a subs provider that doesn’t try to abuse your HIPAA rights I will definitely look into them. TY. Going to try to call around more tomorrow. Why does this always have to be so difficult. 😣

- a defeated thottie
Try a local in-person doctor. I don't have proof, but I'm sure the online telehealth companies have been abused a lot since people figured out they could get away with it during covid, so they're hesitant now
They probably see 2x or more online patients per day too, so a local doctor you can build a relationship with could be better long term
You could try asking pharmacies if they know any doctors around that prescribe bupe. I first got it from a random doctor at a walk in clinic.

Or you could give Kratom a try, or you could just buy bupe from the dark net but its pretty pricey. And would be pretty hard to dose if you are taking such small doses....

How about that Kratom? Have you tried it? Its easy to get and really cheap.