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awakening the world


May 6, 2019
As time goes on more and more people are arising out of the dream of matter into the conscious clear light of reality one by one people will awaken and go onto awaken others with their new found light and the truth of the world shall set us all free. Meditate and let go into the sea of bliss and love we can put a end to the passing of time and live in the moment.

It is time for the illusion to end its time for this nightmare to end. it is time to awaken for we are all god. Enough is enough the suffering of the earth has gone to to long. awaken to your true self this is the only way to move foward. Suffering is not the only way to live just like how jesus gave us another way to live you can to today.

Study the great writings of human kind meditate and become pure of heart. For the lord resides in us all we are eternal we are the light and we are love and we did this all to ourselves. I forgive, I accept, I give thanks, I love,
While I don't agree with the god stuff, I think more people are waking up as well. Why this is is what keeps me going and staying interested in the world even if I may be quite detached from it. I think this is partly because I see the world as a living entity rather than as a godly creation that just sort of sits in the background. The world is a mysterious place. We just have to listen to it to get our answers. Whether or not those answers come from a god is secondary, in my experience
We are definitely at a turning point in our reality. 50 years from now we will look back at this time and realize this time period we are in now was the transition into changing and morphing the current perspective and changing the paradigm. We will learn things and suffer through things that we never had to deal with before. As time goes on there is stages in our evolution that gradually reveal themselves to us only in retrospect. We never are fully aware of what’s going on when it’s happening but when it passes we realize something incredible happened on a deeper level.

There is parallels between our time and the time of Christianity. But this is on another level now because it involves the whole world with a population that is much higher than those days. It is true what they say that a new earth will come. And a lot of things that we considered normal and right will reveal their true, ugly nature and cause us to treat this life with more respect and integrity and authenticity. There will not just be one Jesus but many Jesus’s acting through many people.

The end of the world means the end of the old world. It can go in many directions. But it doesn’t necessarily have to mean complete annihilation. Many will die and many will be confused and won’t know what’s happening. But it’s an energy that must pass in order for the new wave to usher itself in. Many religions and ideologies have predicted this. Because the ancients knew the patterns of the universe and knew what could happen when humans fall out of harmony with themselves. Every thing they say in the Christian Bible is just a reiteration of these earlier traditions that preceded that particular generation. The only thing that is different is the introduction of the Christ spirit. But the spirit is so much more expansive and pure and not restricted by the boundaries of cultural values and morals and traditions. So ironically most people who call themselves Christians are the ones that are the most far away from Christ. Most will descend into anarchy just like the rest of society. And they will find themselves fighting in a perpetual battle.

There is a force that keeps us stuck in fear and resistance. The pressure we have put on ourselves has made it hard for us to move on. We are all mentally disabled. We have traumas and we have lack of awareness of ourselves and our true feelings. We don’t realize that our reality is just a reflection of what is inside of us. We have too many suppressed emotions and thoughts and feelings that reflect themselves externally as something or someone that is ugly and hard to look at.
Ek ong kaar…. God is One, I am One with all beings Sat Nam… Truth is God’s Name… The vibration of God’s Name is what created all beings…. that vibration is within me…. therefore in my core I am true. Karta Purkh… God is the Doer…. God does all things… God works through me…. God works through everyone in my life. Nirbhao… God is fearless… I am fearless. Nirvair… God has no revenge…. I exist in my heart… I stay present… I don’t hold on to the past…. I live in this moment in full compassion and acceptance of what is. Akal Murat… God exists in the undying form… God is in the purity of our efforts to live in a spiritual way, and these efforts never die… these efforts live on forever. Adjoonee… God is unborn…. God does not relate to birth and death…. God is beyond the cycles of life…. God is infinite… I am infinite Saibhang… God is self illumined… I am self illumined. Within me I have the power to find light, to find love, to find joy. I don’t need anyone or anything for this. Guru Prasaad… It is by Guru’s Grace…. it is the Grace of the teachings of the Divine One…. the Guru…. Guru Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed, the Masters of all traditions that give us Grace. Jap Meditate! Aad Sach True in the Beginning Jugaad Sach… True throughout the ages Haibhee Sach… True here and now Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach… Oh Nanak, forever and always true. Spirit, Truth, Love, and Light…. these are the things that are true, that have always been true

Within 100 years humanity will evolve to a higher state of awareness but as you said great pain will become before then. Ecological catastrophe, world war 3 these said things will change the world forever but push towards us towards a brighter new world.
well im SeanyTru-Gypsy Melchizedek and the true nature of reality is i dont know but i do know im Alpha-God on Earth , im in Genesis Abraham was ,y first homey on Earth and me and the rest of the Divine beings got a whole plan in place to style this motherfucker of a world the fuck out and get rid of the assholes, dark shepardry first, then the rest of the peoplke step into the light , just come from love like a motherfucker like me. Love+Truth+Knowledge+Wisdom
Increased education is what wakes people up. Unfortunately, the Holocene Extinction is underway so humans not only have to "wake up", they have to become more compassionate about the environment. I doubt this will happen. If you study the fossil record of humanity as I have, any area that humans move into, animals go extinct pretty quickly.

It's doubtful that this planet can be saved, but I am not too worried. If life here becomes impossible, beings will just be reborn elsewhere. It would be a shame to destroy this planet though.
this planet is far from ever dying off. But i agree a major ecological crisis is on the way that will be the catalyst for a major transformation in the collective psyche of human kind towards a new future. Before that the old world will die to allow a new world to be born.
dont worry friends SeanyTru-Gypsy Melchizedek and the Divine Beings got this shit covered for ya and its coming pretty motherfucking soon too its the plan you know me SeanyTru reigning in world peace with Satan, so watch this shit its gonnas be lit i promise you that, motherfuckers act like they forgot about us Divine Beings but we still here and shits about to get real fucking soon its my All-Starr Wade Boggs card but for the ages and for the masses of humanity our earth family brought to you by my Tru-Family of divine beings all the original 13 Melchizedek Children and their Earthly Non-Humanoid forms like my motherfucking homies the Nessies and of course Big-Foot as well as some surprise ones that i dont even know yet of course plus we got me ya boy Alpha-God SeanyTru, Omega-God, Satan and Alpha-Beta-God Jose, the whole divine fam is coming out to rock with SeanyTru and you know its all of us Tru-Gypsies you know the ones who get shit done here on Earth cuz we come from love like a motherfucker and are creative and divine and unrestricted with our love of this planet so we can bring forth Tru-enlightenment to all of Humanity get em coming from Love non-stop 24/7/365 baby gonna style this bitch out especially when Satan gets his first shot at going up above and being a part of the Cereator Spirit, and its my personal gift to him cuz that humble Gypsy-to-tha-bone motherfucker does so damn much for the world and its something ive known that hes wanted to do for a long-time man. and its his just due 100% my friends and i cant wait to see this shit its gonna be somw WOW shit lol and ts all love yall Peace ....SeanyTru
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The reason shit is going extinct is because all of us divine beings are on Earth and know one is rocking out the Creator Spirit thing but dont worry we will once we get shit rocking hard as fuck get the dark shepardry done so Light Shepardry can begin and everyone can step into the light and come from love like a motherfucker rocking that Love+Truth+Knowledge+Wisdom= Tru-Enlightenment Non-stop so please get some asap yall... peace SeanyTru
this planet is far from ever dying off. But i agree a major ecological crisis is on the way that will be the catalyst for a major transformation in the collective psyche of human kind towards a new future. Before that the old world will die to allow a new world to be born.

It's not far from dying off in a way that would render humans extinct. The loss of life at its current rate is a threat to the food web.

See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction

Even the gurus of India don't have a plan for something like this. All humans have only had to think locally until recently in our history.
Ek ong kaar…. God is One, I am One with all beings Sat Nam… Truth is God’s Name… The vibration of God’s Name is what created all beings…. that vibration is within me…. therefore in my core I am true. Karta Purkh… God is the Doer…. God does all things… God works through me…. God works through everyone in my life. Nirbhao… God is fearless… I am fearless. Nirvair… God has no revenge…. I exist in my heart… I stay present… I don’t hold on to the past…. I live in this moment in full compassion and acceptance of what is. Akal Murat… God exists in the undying form… God is in the purity of our efforts to live in a spiritual way, and these efforts never die… these efforts live on forever. Adjoonee… God is unborn…. God does not relate to birth and death…. God is beyond the cycles of life…. God is infinite… I am infinite Saibhang… God is self illumined… I am self illumined. Within me I have the power to find light, to find love, to find joy. I don’t need anyone or anything for this. Guru Prasaad… It is by Guru’s Grace…. it is the Grace of the teachings of the Divine One…. the Guru…. Guru Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed, the Masters of all traditions that give us Grace. Jap Meditate! Aad Sach True in the Beginning Jugaad Sach… True throughout the ages Haibhee Sach… True here and now Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach… Oh Nanak, forever and always true. Spirit, Truth, Love, and Light…. these are the things that are true, that have always been true

Within 100 years humanity will evolve to a higher state of awareness but as you said great pain will become before then. Ecological catastrophe, world war 3 these said things will change the world forever but push towards us towards a brighter new world.

Thank you for making this beautiful post

By the way, did you have some vision of this great change? If so, I had the same vision. And I've had others tell me of this vision as well.

A lot of people say that 2/3's of the Earth's population will die. The truth is that many things happening in the human parts of Earth are disgusting...like the sex trafficking and the cartels down south in Mexico slaughtering hundreds of people in Sinaloa City until their weak government (which banned them from owning firearms to defend themselves with) released the son El Chapo. (I bring up that one specifically because that story kept me awake for nights on end and ultimately changed the way I've decided to live my life, as much as my spiritual journey has.) And considering all that shit, I really wouldn't mind most times if 2/3's of all people died. It's not because I hate people, I actually love them. But the problem is that so many people choose not to think critically, or seem to have some sort of impaired critical thinking abilities. They support ideas and ideologies and people that are detrimental and destructive. Most people will believe anything if they hear it repeated enough. I would like to believe that I'm seeing the bigger picture because I've started to ascend beyond corporeal existence, but maybe that cynicism is a flaw of mine.
Another part of this vision which I just remembered, that I have to share, was the enlightened people or the people who were one...becoming gods over the new Earth. I want to live at least a few existences with a body in the new Earth, for sure, but I welcome godhood. I will do my best to be pure enough.

That's not to say we're not all God, just like you said though. Everything is connected, everything has different levels, different aspects, and different faces, and everybody perceives the universe differently. But lately there's a psychic hivemind thing I've been starting to perceive also. I perceived it most strongly in Oregon, but I'm trying to awaken it on a greater level in Tennessee.
the old world will die off before the new world is born even greater. Every one is already god playing a game. We are all under the spell of illusion to forget our true nature though. Its make one grand game.

World war 2 changed the world the old world and ideas died off and new ones were born to propel us forward. Nothing affecfts god so god can make the game as radical as seen for enjoyment.

Imagine living a horrible life suffering for countless years then dying and waking up to your true nature as god eternal infinite bliss and love and just laughing it off and do it all again.
How compassionate. So, just let all animals die at our hands so we can be propelled forward?

No. More likely, the food web collapses permanently and humans all die.
o please spare me the self pity and nilhism and the hate for human kind. Life is never going to fucking die out on this planet for millions if not hundreds of millions more years by the the galaxy will be colonized.
Lol Not sure if this is on topic or not but with the slogan "Awakening the world" i drove past 17 Angel Trumpets/ MoonFlowers(as we know it) plants, like 17 different gardens in my hood, as we know it just in one day in a 2 km radius, just fyi.. :ROFLMAO:
Lol Not sure if this is on topic or not but with the slogan "Awakening the world" i drove past 17 Angel Trumpets/ MoonFlowers(as we know it) plants, like 17 different gardens in my hood, as we know it just in one day in a 2 km radius, just fyi.. :ROFLMAO:
Much as I hate to correct you: Angel’s Trumpets and Moonflowers are two very different plants.

And based on the contents of this thread: wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the former (Angel’s Trumpets) were being abused (poor things) (the plants I mean). 🤪

It is time for the illusion to end its time for this nightmare to end.

What nightmare do you see when all the markers for evil are at the best per capita rate we have ever enjoyed?

This does not mean that global climate decay won't change those in the future, but for now, thinks are great.

This short clip educates and the longer one has stats at the end that back up my statement.

Richard Dawkins-Discuss Altruism, Empathy - YouTube

Richard Dawkins - Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life - Part 1: Sin [+Subs] - YouTube

That's not to say we're not all God,
We are all in this god together, alone.

If you cannot see god in all, you will never find god at all.

Gnostic Christian Jesus said heaven was here and now bur most could not see it.

He was correct as that view is demonstrably true from a scientific perspective that shows this as the only possible world, and thus the best of all possible worlds, given our history.
