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Australians : Help me out here - DEFINE JUNKIE?

Is William Burrough's Junky a good book? I want something new to read?

BTW, the wire would have to be one of the best TV shows I have ever seen.

Junky isnt a good book . . . its a fucking masterpiece <3

The irony being that one of the most famous junkies of all time lived to be 83.
I associate the term junkie with the lifestyle. A combination of the look of low to no personal hygiene and just the want of a hit to the next. Of course most junkies would be the classic IV user.
that pic is gold, shes fangin for a hit.
would be piss easy to find a vain at least lol
Well the actual name comes from the 1940's in England i believe, and the heroin addicts used to go around collecting scrap metal, or stealing metal ect Then would walk to the steelworkers and shit, and the workers would see them coming everyday from up the streets and be like here come the junkies again, with their junk steel. Back then junky wasnt actually a negative adjective(or noun).

But now days, for where i live. The word junky to me is someone who is addicted to drugs via daily needle use. A heroin addict who snorts to most isnt a junky. Someone who shoots is. Stupid, this is reflecting societies beliefs not my personal haha. Also these people will go to further extremes to get their drug of choice compared to your usual addict. And yeah their drug could be opiates or amphetamines.

And yes guys William S Burroughs was most definitely the most famous junky who lived until 83 and was on MMT until the last breath.
Don't get too excited scumbags.

John Belushi, Paula Yates, Hillel Slovak, Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Layne Staley all died before they were 40.
I'm onto my 25th year of chems, atm on daily oxycontin due to my nerve damage. Still going strong!

*cough cough * s
Oh shit! I *thud onto ground *

“Alas poor Wazza for I knew him, Horatio“
just for laughs i love term "cock junkie"

lay off the cock you stinking cock junkie...that shit'll kill ya!!
to me you a junkie is another level above a casual user, a junkie is someone who will always be getting high on the weekend, but this ends up blending into there weekdays, so basically if you weekends are having an effect on your NORMAL life, then you junkie
someone who has a very bad heroin habit and is injecting it. Then when u think of it Ice users could easily be called that and a number of other drug users too. My definition is someone who is addicted to something meaning they need the next hit (to avoid sickness or to avoid crashing etc) over and over again injecting shit and in this vicious cycle.
hey all i know this is stupid but how would u define a person who is addicted? just by someone whose always fiending or how many days of the week theyd get on it?