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Australian Analogue Laws


May 3, 2011
OK, i know this is probably spoken about in many other threads about many drugs, but i want this thread to be about what we KNOW are legal research chemicals that we can buy without being prosecuted under the analogue laws.

It really pisses me off that we cannot buy pure products, so if we want to experiment we do so under a drug dealers blessing who most likely is selling us meth anyway!

So, after doing a fair amount of reading up on the internet i still dont know if i bought some methoxetamine and had it shipped to my home address in QLD, if id get stung for importing a classed drug under the analogue law.

How do we know if they are an anologues or not?

Are there any that we know for sure are not under the analogue law?
well thats some sad reading. Found out I canno teven import any yohimbe into australia. Australias pretty on the ball.
If they cant get ya for state law, they'll get u for federal law

I think the vagueness of the law allows a judge to decide if its an analogue or not, as the coppers can provide evidence of similar chemical structure/pharmalogical profile/toxicity/addictiveness etc. if you can argue otherwise good luck

methoxetamine is a known ketamine analogue (similar molecular structure & effects), i doubt u could import it
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Australa's analogue laws are very vague. If it's not chemically related, then they will get you with 'pharmacologically similar'. I'm not sure if this section of the act has been tested before though.

they seem pretty close to me, just 2 substitutions


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lets keep in mind, customs only act on analogues when instructed (specificaly) by AFP (thats what makes it an analogue, not some dudes opinion on blulight). No-one on this forum seems to ever understand this. i find this odd.

All other seizures are basically false readings at customs end (unless it is specificaly listed)

(even having said that, attempted convictions on mephedrone in Victoria at the time failed, becuase it wasnt specifically listed at the time.. and that was 2.7kg!!)

99% of RC's are not specifically listed right now in oz.

the only one AFP is acting on at the moment is AMT.

stay in the loop, 'be sensible' and u r fine.
lets keep in mind, customs only act on analogues when instructed (specificaly) by AFP (thats what makes it an analogue, not some dudes opinion on blulight). No-one on this forum seems to ever understand this. i find this odd.

All other seizures are basically false readings at customs end (unless it is specificaly listed)

(even having said that, attempted convictions on mephedrone in Victoria at the time failed, becuase it wasnt specifically listed at the time.. and that was 2.7kg!!)

99% of RC's are not specifically listed right now in oz.

the only one AFP is acting on at the moment is AMT.

stay in the loop, 'be sensible' and u r fine.

Yes u maybe correct, but how do u know that under state law it isnt legal? How do you know its not monitored by afp? If enough comes in they will schedule it but if its not, they wont, shit costs money. They might just confiscate it but not charge u. Also the more u push your luck, the more the law will adapt to get u. I bet u now mephedrone is listed now cuz of their fk up and analogue laws adjusted too.
Also just cuz they are focusimg on amt does that mean they arent gona sieze anything else comming in? Maybe I should order a tonne of h thru the mail. Better safe than sorry?

I was under the impression that customs acts acording to the revelant laws not direction from afp, and directs revelant findings to the afp who then decide which ones to persue.
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Great Refusal: Under our law, everything is an analogue no doubt about that. Customs and the AFP are most likely aware of methoxetamine and biding their time until they crack down.

And I am sure they are acting on RCs other then AMT.
you'd be surprised how much difference position makes=D

Oh yeh i've studied affinity binding for receptors and designer proteins, although proteins are larger than chemicals, same principles apply, methoxetamine was/is a designer drug, specificly design to enhance receptor binding I think, well that would be the whole point of designing a drug. changes in receptor binding = different outcome drug profile/half life/toxicitiy/effects/side effects etc

Sorry bout last post if it was a tad critical, was prety fried. Big difference 3hrs sleep makes lol
hi guys,
iv been really interested in RC's lately, but im a bit nervous buying them online, just because of the vaugeness of our laws.

a friend is highly interested in makng an order too, but less carefull than i, are there any rules to stick to to aviod the wrong attention?
are there any RC's that you know will get through even if the get opened by customs?

my common sense tells me keep orders small, like 1 or 2 grams, and scarce, like one package once every few months?
Hmm if you order it and it doesnt arrive, I would stop ordering, they would have seized and maybe considering to do something about it. If u keep ordering it might be the thing to help decide. Remember it is your risk.
No matter how small, dogs can sniff it out. does anyone know if analogues can be sinffed out by dogs? I would think they trigger same nasal receptors if they are analogues.
dogs are not going to be trained to sniff out RC's... small amounts, sent as a letter, has a very low chance of getting picked up. just imo, definitely not ime 8o !
Im just thinking, the dogs can sniff out the fine particles of the drug, we cant even notice. Obviously these fineparticulates are the drug. drugs must hit some nose smell receptor. Im assuming a analogue will do the same as the actual drug.

Edit: I think it may be picked up by dogs, watching AFP tvshow the dog was trained to sniff out aus money and it was able to sniff out american money without any training on us cash. Similar effect? I guess if the dog had a remote extra interest in a letter, it might get pulled aside for extra examine...
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Oh yeh i've studied affinity binding for receptors and designer proteins, although proteins are larger than chemicals, same principles apply, methoxetamine was/is a designer drug, specificly design to enhance receptor binding I think, well that would be the whole point of designing a drug. changes in receptor binding = different outcome drug profile/half life/toxicitiy/effects/side effects etc

Sorry bout last post if it was a tad critical, was prety fried. Big difference 3hrs sleep makes lol

sex joke flies a mile high above his head...

No dog trained to smell ketamine will pick up MXE, its just too different aromatically, despite the similarity in structure.
Found it but arghhh now late for work....fkkkk post up tonite