Mental Health Augmentation with Welbutrin XL for the functionally depressed


Sep 25, 2016
I am a person working on finding something to support what I am doing to combat PTSD with Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety. I am in search of an augmentation "drug" to use with Buproprion XL. I'm on 350 mg of B.XL and have tried Lamotragine, Guanfacine and Celexa with no luck or bad side effects, I use Klonapin PRN for panic attacks and insomnia. I a interested in finding something that DOES NOT cause weight gain, loopiness or fogginess or fatigue. I currently do most to all of the NON DRUG suggestions for depression and anxiety including: using a happy light or getting 15-20 minutes of daylight, exercising 5-6 days a week for an hour, cutting out sugar, taking supplements such as folate, omega-3's, vitaming D, seeing a therapist for CBT and a psychiatric nurse practitioner for med management. I'm grasping at straws, trying to function in a full time job and as a parent of 2. I feel like I'm swimming up stream. The moodiness, tearfulness and agitation are exhausting on a daily basis and I feel spent, struggling to hold it together. What's missing! Recently a doc prescribed T3 a thyroid med, but I'm hesitant to start as I don't want to cause more issues in the future. Am doing my research on psychostimulants and SNRI's with the Welbutrin. Thoughts?:?