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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Atypical Antipsychotic; Opioid Antagonism? (Aripiprazole, Methadone specifically)

Keif' Richards

Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Aug 4, 2010
As the title indicates, I'm concerned about the potential for a negative interaction between Aripiprazole (Abilify) and Methadone. I've been unable to find a concrete answer to this, the information I've been able to locate indicating a possible interaction between the two, but like I said, nothing specific or for sure.

I've been back on maintenance for about 2 months now. For perspective, I'm at 55mg. This dose was perfect, I found, for holding me, controlling cravings, while not producing any unwanted sedation. Now, enter Aripiprazole, 10mg po daily. Have been taking the medication in conjunction with MMT for about one month at this point. Everything was going fine until about 2 weeks ago, when I started experiencing nagging symptoms of Opioid withdrawal; RLS/Akathisia, Temperature Insensitivity/Hot and Cold Flashes etc. I feel that this equates with how long it would take for levels of the antipsychotic to become "constant" or "therapeutic".

Does anyone have either some experience or solid evidentiary information that can help me make an informed decision on whether or not to continue with the antipsychotic? I feel like I'm experiencing some positive benefit from the addition of the Aripiprazole, so would prefer not to discontinue its use without good reason, although it doesn't look good, as this is the only new medication in my retinue and as stated, the timing is just too convenient.

If this is more ADD material, please move it Mods, but it seemed like a relatively simple issue to me... Thanks everyone for taking the time to read!
Are you sure thise aren't side effects of the anti-psychotic? Those can all be anti-psychotic side effects.
I agree with Ligaturd, I think it's the Abilify that's doing it. I was on Abilify for awhile and noticed restlessness and insomnia and just feeling weird. I was taking hydrocodone recreationally at the time and never noticed any decrease in the effect compared to before the Abilify, so I don't think there would be much difference for methadone.