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Ativan compared w/ others plus a few ?'s


Oct 6, 2010
I get 2mg 2x daily of lorazepam. I am always about a week short and end up finding something to get me through...usually xanax bars and klonopin. I don't think I'm ready to come off of them because it really gets me through my day but I'm always desperate at the end of the month.

If you were able to get any benzo what would your choice be?
Are there any herbal alternatives that are legit?

Drinking hurts my esophagus and I can't puff w/out benzos. I also don't have access to any opiateexcept subutex which makes me gag even thinking about the taste. Man I feel like benzos are a bad habit..another question:...do you think going cold turkey for a week will lower your tolerance enough to feel a benzo buzz later...after ONE week?

love the knowledge of people on the site...thanks!
if you need them to get through the day, then don't worry about trying to catch a buzz. and do everything you can to not increase your dose or have to supplement your script. if you use daily, you have a limited amount of time before you cannot anymore.

ativan is a great benzo. it is a good balance. for the short term, i prefer valium, but ativan tolerance develops much slower, making me prefer it for long-term therapeutic use.
i prefer Kpins or Xanax..... Valium or ativan dont do that much for me... however i agree with hydro, if you need them dont take to many because u will want to ration your supply.....