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Aspirin/codeine/caffeine (222) serious question


Bluelight Crew
Apr 17, 2005
So I hear the dangerous levels of aspirin are 150mg/kg, I'm about 100kg and I had 18 325/8/15 pills yesterday felt fine except for the caffeine making me feel way sweaty (I know this is a large amount of aspirin, exceeding a little bit that 4g a day limit, but considering my weight then this limit seems arbitrary). When I woke up I had 5 others.

Yes I know about cold water extraction, but it seems more worthy to do that with Tylenol #1's cos tylenol is a lot more poisonous and the aspirin helps with some kinds of pains I already have anyway.

The question is mostly because I didn't wait 24 hours before taking the 5 other 222's, more like 13. I can't continue doing this right ?

inb4 get real opiates, I could if I had more money.