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Ask someone who's taken just under a gram of adderall in 9 hours anything

k, onions are frying right now so, i had time to come back and ask if you and my dealer were in league together to somehow amass a huge fortune because he sent me a text like 10 minutes before you posted, asking If/when i'd need anything today, conspiracy i think so.
y u mention crack, i'm trying to abstain for a few days -,-
I wouldn’t buy no more crack off him mate. If you can smoke an eighth of it in an hour he selling you shit.

What does the color purple taste like?

When are you making me chicken? I eat so much chicken, I am a chicken. Bring me your chicken and I'll make you my fried chicken!

How can you even be around food right now? I'd barf.

Have you eaten a banana? You need salt and potassium.
ive made a thread once upon a time asking if anyone else could devour food on stims, i'm fucking weird, but i'm also an aspiring cook, got 'cooking school' lined up not that i need to learn how to dry lettuce, i don't know about potassium, but my sodium levels are probably alittle too high right now to be honest because of the fact that i eat salt just like that occasionally on stims ever since a killer neck cramp

Let the chicken wars begin, fried chicken is the one kind of chicken i haven't mastered what an interesting battle it would be, chickens been cooking in that broth/gravy for almost 2 n a half hours, ima let it sit for another hour or so, by the time i take the chicken out to finish the gravy n make the corn that chicken will want to eat itself
well then, i suppose my absence has been noted i shouldve checked in sooner and would definately have if i hadn't broken my phone, i always have BL on my phone ^^ waiting for my new one to arrive in the mail hopefully it won't fall outta my sweater pocket while i do groceries next time
Hahaha. How dafuq can you fuck up rice?
(Edit- you did say to ask you anything.)
Did mom enjoy breakfast?
pretty sure ima be asked when its ready soon again shes getting nasty LOL dat smell so gud im about to ask myself when its ready, the onion hasnt been fully killed when thats done, come to papa and dat rice arf you all gotta know I HATE MAKING RICE
pretty sure ima be asked when its ready soon again shes getting nasty LOL dat smell so gud im about to ask myself when its ready, the onion hasnt been fully killed when thats done, come to papa and dat rice arf you all gotta know I HATE MAKING RICE
Rice is easy babe. 1 rice to 2 water. Bring to boil, stir, drop heat to low and cover, set timer for 15 minutes
pretty sure ima be asked when its ready soon again shes getting nasty LOL dat smell so gud im about to ask myself when its ready, the onion hasnt been fully killed when thats done, come to papa and dat rice arf you all gotta know I HATE MAKING RICE
I am surprised that the onion isn't cremated ashes by now!
So surprisingly ( well with 60mg oxy and 24hysrmorphone have mostly come down, now i'm over tired stimulated, most likely still got a good 200mg of active amp in my blood but i take 120-360mg doses and 30-120 every hr-2 to maintain, really sucks i have to crush a minimum 4 30mgs most people are capped at 30/day 60 if theyv been on em forever i had 90/day but never took em so ive got around 1100 30s and a script i dont pick up which i could go get 270 more rn but i have 27 lft in my recreation jar
I remember when i didnt ever take a whole amp but started using them to balance out my off-coke days
And i cant fln get the meth i used to...my god were those sweet sexy white brick hard squares good... I think of them often since they were so cheap ah ill find em soon
And i cant fln get the meth i used to...my god were those sweet sexy white brick hard squares good... I think of them often since they were so cheap ah ill find em soon
If you find some good meth, you won't need to fuck with all this other stuff. Just sweet, sweet meff.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to move this thread over to Drug Culture. Amusing as it is, it's not really consistent with the harm reduction ethos that BDD attempts to promote.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to move this thread over to Drug Culture. Amusing as it is, it's not really consistent with the harm reduction ethos that BDD attempts to promote.
i'll accept that concensus as long as you send one chicken wing to canada, and it certainly better be a spicy honey garlic one???
How do you afford to live if you just get high all day and night almost everyday ? How to you buy drugs and get to relax and party all the time ?
No judgement just jealous I guess . I have to work full time and can barely afford all my bills and the couple oxy I do a day.