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Harm Reduction Ashwagandha,phenibut ,kratom on urine test

Dec 8, 2019
I have either a urine test or blood test Friday at a pain clinic and wanna know if any of these will show up on them , the urine test cup has at least a dozen things they check for ?

Thank you
They do not typically test for them, but can.

A pain clinic MIGHT test for kratom. But they would have to specifically test for that and it's not a cheap test.

Probably not, though. It's not tested for on a standard urine drug panel.
They do not typically test for them, but can.

A pain clinic MIGHT test for kratom. But they would have to specifically test for that and it's not a cheap test.

Probably not, though. It's not tested for on a standard urine drug panel.
Just so I know for future reference would 3-4 days be enough time for it to clear a persons system
Just so I know for future reference would 3-4 days be enough time for it to clear a persons system
Kratom? Probably something like that. It has an even shorter half life than many opioids which take about 5 days.

I'm just guessing but I think 4 days would be long enough. Probably cutting it close, though.
Kratom? Probably something like that. It has an even shorter half life than many opioids which take about 5 days.

I'm just guessing but I think 4 days would be long enough. Probably cutting it close, though.
Thanks, I’ll just consider it a week and no sooner,

Another question regarding a urine test , I have a script for tizandine & baclofen but I got Soma off the net ( no script) , will the Soma show up on a urine test ,are they the same ( muscle relaxer) or do I have to be careful with the Soma too ?
I don't think they test for nonbenzo or barbiturate muscle relaxers on a standard test. I could be wrong tho, just guessing.
Thanks, I’ll just consider it a week and no sooner,

Another question regarding a urine test , I have a script for tizandine & baclofen but I got Soma off the net ( no script) , will the Soma show up on a urine test ,are they the same ( muscle relaxer) or do I have to be careful with the Soma too ?
They aren't the same drug, while carisoprodol/meprobromate (an active metabolite) could be tested for, it is unlikely.
Even though we aren't supposed to answer these types of questions I know you might be worried. I am pretty sure you will be okay with the kratom and the ashwagandha but you might want to google the phenibut. The first 2 are plant based but phenibut is actually a gaba drug on prescription in some Countries. They say it resembles baclofen in that they are chemically related and function in our CNS the same way. It actually really is a gabaA ( or is it B ) drug.

But...as it is still a gaba ( as opposed to an opioid, methamp, cocaine, benzo....etc ) the standard tests aren't designed to pick up gaba drugs ( like gabapentin and Lyrica ). On the other hand....patients that are prescribed g-pentin and Lyrica do indeed get tested at their pain clinic if they are prescribed these substances. It's a separate test but the Dr.s do this to prevent diversion. I know peeps that have had zero lyrica in their test because they sold them all to me ( in the past ) and they got kicked out for not having any in their urine. Same with g-pentin. Those aren't on the standard tests but if a Dr. asks the lab to test for the metabolites of gaba drugs then they will. After we pee the Dr. can put check marks by any substance he wants tested and we have no idea what is on that checklist until it's too late.

Best case scenario....I know it's hard but people in pain clinics have to be so vigilant. Taking anything not prescribed to us ( or not taking what is ) gets many people kicked to the curb. And then we go to the streets . Vicious cycle for sure.

Good luck.
Even though we aren't supposed to answer these types of questions I know you might be worried. I am pretty sure you will be okay with the kratom and the ashwagandha but you might want to google the phenibut. The first 2 are plant based but phenibut is actually a gaba drug on prescription in some Countries. They say it resembles baclofen in that they are chemically related and function in our CNS the same way. It actually really is a gabaA ( or is it B ) drug.

But...as it is still a gaba ( as opposed to an opioid, methamp, cocaine, benzo....etc ) the standard tests aren't designed to pick up gaba drugs ( like gabapentin and Lyrica ). On the other hand....patients that are prescribed g-pentin and Lyrica do indeed get tested at their pain clinic if they are prescribed these substances. It's a separate test but the Dr.s do this to prevent diversion. I know peeps that have had zero lyrica in their test because they sold them all to me ( in the past ) and they got kicked out for not having any in their urine. Same with g-pentin. Those aren't on the standard tests but if a Dr. asks the lab to test for the metabolites of gaba drugs then they will. After we pee the Dr. can put check marks by any substance he wants tested and we have no idea what is on that checklist until it's too late.

Best case scenario....I know it's hard but people in pain clinics have to be so vigilant. Taking anything not prescribed to us ( or not taking what is ) gets many people kicked to the curb. And then we go to the streets . Vicious cycle for sure.

Good luck.
Lol I tried Google but too many different answers,one search said phenibut is detectable 4 days to 4 weeks so I figured let me ask here,I’ll hold off all three of them just to play it safe but I normally take them once a week at least so it’s not like I’m saturated with them , I was skipping the baclofen but by the sound of it I’ll take one the morning I have my appointment just to be safe,I’m going to ask them to switch me off it to something else, the withdrawals I found on Google ain’t no joke ( delusions,hallucinations…)