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Artificial happiness

The way I see it, its not completely artificial. For one thing, you are generally completely conscious when you're rollling. That alone makes it real, tell your friend its not like some stupid little dream where you wont remember what happened when its all over. We all know ITS REAL, and best of all, you can probably do it every weekend if you wanted to, which makes it even more real(you can be there if you want) You recall everything and whatever did happen, carries on to the next days that follow. Second, it's not an "artificial" happines, as we know, all MDMA does is release lots of serotonin while under the influence, in that sense, tell your friend -the serotonin thats already in our brain is responsible for the wondeful things we are able to FEEL- in this era and time of existence, one where chemical breakthroughs have allowed us to explore happier states.
Originally posted by Mman:
That is a really mean argument. By his logic all the millions of people that use anti-deppresents are experencing "phony happiness." that would be offending to most people who depend on these drugs to survive in the real world.
not phony happiness, but articifially imposed stability on their serotonergic system
it may sound offensive, but these are the facts. a person with a functioning serotonergic system will not need SSRIs or anti-depressants (by functioning, i mean producing and keeping in circulation enough serotonin to aleviate depression, lack of sleep, lack of appetite, and don't mean to imply connotations of normality)
by the same token, what happens on a neurochemical level when we take mdma is completely artificial.. our brain is not designed to dump the levels of serotonin which are dumped when we take mdma. but the emotions we feel are real, just as real as the depression we feel afterwards
Not only is the happiness on E fake, seretonin is responsible for non-E happiness, which is therfor also fake. Basically, all feelings and thoughts are fake, (because they are the result of naturally occuring brain chemicals). The friendships made on E are fake. The people you meet rolling do not really exist in "reality" (which is also fake). There is no such thing as "pleasure", "empathy", or "kindness". Music is merely the vibration of particles in the air and is therefor fake. PLUR is in fact a scientific theory which explains how the holographic biomechanoids (humans) are connected by the underlying fabric of spacetime.
(it may be artificial, but damn, who cares? Feel those *shivers* every chance you get before yr dead!)
Simon: I'd have said so, but now you've bumped it instead of just archiving it, it's getting new discussion.. hehe
Of course, you can always remind your friend that we see less than one percent of the light spectrum, we hear less than one percent of the audio spectrum, we can only feel what actually touches our bodies to begin with, and then our brains must convert those signals in an imperfect way.
Experience is, therefore, almost entirely extrapolation.
The sensory input aspect becomes meaningless in the absence of observational ego/id and the loss thereof.
Define artificial.
The interpretation of the experience IS the experience.
Artificial Happiness....I would have to say their is no such thing. To me, Artificial Happiness would be a smiling face with nothing behind it...no mind, no thoughts, no experience of anything....just a smiling face. And even that wouldn't be artificial happiness, it would just be a smiling face.
To say that an experience, no matter what state you may be in, is any less of an experience because you were on a substance is rather unthoughtful on the part of the commenter.
A drunk man who falls from a curb and is struck by a car no doubt feels a very real sense of fright, despite his intoxication. The memory may still be imbedded in his brain for him to recall at any later moment in his life (providing the trauma doesn't block it from memory) making it as real as the woman he bedded the night before.
Happiness on a drug is no less real because it is enhanced by a chemical substance. The memory is still there, and the people involved are most likely still around to talk with you about it. The mere fact that a drug in itself is a real substance with real effects on the brain signifies the reality of any emotions you may feel from it.
To put it in a different perspective. If you go home tonite and reach a level four platue smoking DMT, that experience, as far back in your mind as it may have come from, was every bit as real as the car you drove to work today. It is something that really happened with things you really felt and if you're lucky enough to not have wandered any further than you should have, a memory that is recallable at any time in your life that you wish in order to relive said experience. No experience is artificial, considering you have really experienced it. Stuff that in your friends pipe and smoke it!!! Maybe you'll be taken, together, to artificial worlds far away....
mash: <igor> yessss masssterrr... </igor>
(altho if you think so, why not have done it yourself? *shrugs*)
[ 26 July 2002: Message edited by: stardragon ]