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Are they're pill testing kits in Canada...Where to buy


Oct 28, 2010
Hello all, I hopee this is not considered "sourcing", but I figure since I'm looking for a harm reduction product and this is a harm reduction site it would be ok to ask.

Title says it all, can I get pilll test kits in Canada and where to buy?

Thank you
Have a look at www.dancesafe.org - probably one of the best suppliers at the moment.

If your only going to buy the one bottle then buy the Marquis as this tests for speed which is a much more common adulterant than say Ketamine that the Mecke kit detects. Don't forget that piperazines don't give a positive reaction to the kit and its normally the lack of reaction that gives them away.

You may also want to check out ednyrion as they ship worldwide - PLEASE note that they do not sell bottles of reagents and sell one use ampules (check the website for details).,

Good luck and if your unsure about anything just ask
We at DanceSafe have been having a very hard time reliably shipping to folks in Canada via our usual USPS methods. The shipments just never arrived, and were likely being stopped at the border, so we stopped trying. While we figure that out, we've been able to get a bunch of kits up to the Toronto Raver Information Project (TRIP!) out of Queen's West Health Centre. They are handling Canadian distribution of kits, and you would be buying from them (proceeds go to to TRIP!, so you're helping out your own). Contact them at lisa @ tripproject . ca or lori @ tripproject . ca.

Have contacted TRIP project and months later still awaiting reply.
They finally responded to me with this.

"Thanks for getting in touch! We've had a high volume of requests recently and are in the process of getting more kits - I'll be in touch shortly with an order form & prices but the Meche, Simons & Marquis reagent kit is $50 + shipping. We're hoping to also be getting the Mandelin reagent tests very soon as that is the one that can test for PMMA."

So take that for what you will.
^ weird. I thought the Mandelin just reacted negative to PMMA just like the others. PMMA would react Simon's though.
Dont go this way man its a dark path and once yoour in you come out with life long pycological problems. Your going into a pakt with the devil your selling him your sould but ofcorse you wont lsiten to me you will first have to test yourself and youl hate yourself for not listening to me. for every positive effekt a drug gives you get the doubled negativ effekt.
A bit late I know, but I thought I'd answer your question here anyway. I got my kit from testkitplus.ca because they're located in Canada. They're legit.

oh man! again someone who's putting acids into ldpe bottles. They won't last for longer than a few weeks, 2 months tops....
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Actually, our testing liquid comes in a durable glass dropper bottle with a tamper proof seal cap. It will last a LONG time. We'll update our FAQ to reflect this.

Nevertheless, you make a good point. We'll likely change up our website artwork to avoid that type of confusion.

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nevertheless, the pastic dropper insert will cause the reagents to go off after a relatively short period of time and render the tests unusable.
I have heard nothing but great reviews from this site! They ship worldwide also!

When you get a new kit - try it on some house hold product like sugar/asprin. Take a note of the time it takes to react and what reaction you get - in 6 months time do the same test again - 6 months after that etc. When you start to notice a change in time/reaction - get a new bottle.

EZtest no longer sell bottle reagents and only stock the one use vials which are great if your only going to test one pill a year but if your testing for friends, parties, festivals etc they are simply too expensive per test and a bottle reagent is much better (IMHO).
you cant ship bottles to canada. customs will seize it. it's not allowed to ship hazmat with royal mail.
that is why we changed our packaging: almost infinite shelf life, no shipping issues, easier to do a test, no plate needed, no exposure to toxic and corrosive chems.
Quote originally by easy e
you cant ship bottles to canada. customs will seize it. it's not allowed to ship hazmat with royal mail.
that is why we changed our packaging: almost infinite shelf life, no shipping issues, easier to do a test, no plate needed, no exposure to toxic and corrosive chems.

Okay I think what easy e is eluding to is that some of the bottle kits if made to proper reagent grade strength may technically be in violation of hazmat rules if just sent through the regular post to some countries based on them containing fairly strong acids. In the past easy e at eztest.com didn't care about this and just shipped his bottle kits worldwide. I even had my EZ Test Complete bottle kit opened by customs when I was in Australia and there was no problem. In 2010 I shipped the EZ Test Extreme bottle kit to my house in Canada. No problem. The user bogman recently reported receiving his bottle kit into Europe from Ecstasy Pill Test with no problem. My guess is that customs aren't going to know the concentration of the acids to know if it's technically over or under the hazmat rules. Easy e did say however that shipping to the USA there were some custom seizures and it cost him money so he changed to the vial kits. I don't know whether to believe him or not in this matter as the vial kits clearly are more profitable than the bottle kits and easy e has already proved himself to not be truthful about who actually created Robadope but I digress... Anyway what I have read in another thread recently that even the vial kits easy e sells have been seized by USA customs (even though they are not in violation of shipping rules) and do you know what easy e did about it? Rather than bother wrestling with customs over the issue he just re-sent another vial kit and the customer received it.

So correct me if I'm wrong but as I believe it ordering a bottle kit or a vial kit from overseas has the possibility of being confiscated only really due to it containing some chemicals, acids and whatnot depending on the laws where you live. As far as I'm aware of the penalty is only a love letter from customs and loosing the shipment in which case the company is really obligated to re-ship. If the case was otherwise I don't think companies would be shipping these worldwide as it would not be profitable and legal trouble for the individual would be totally against the harm reduction purposes that the companies sell the kits for in the first place. That being said if you live in a country with an extremely strict drug policy (such as one of the Asian countries for example) you might wanna check if test kits are legal where you live. It would also be wise to contact the company and ask them if they've had any experience shipping to your country.

On a side note a comment by RealTimeReagents was that the Bunk Police reagents where diluted. I don't know if this is true or not but if so maybe they did it for shipping regulations or maybe just to make it safer for spillages as they have been handing them out for free to users at parties.

As for easy e's comments about no plate needed and no exposure toxic substances you can simply buy some plastic test tubes for this function and put a few drops in it from your bottle kit when you need to.
Follow this link for more info on that: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/690375-How-to-Make-Cheap-Vial-Reagents-For-Clubs-amp-Festivals-Using-Your-Bottle-Kits
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