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Are there certain people who don’t feel withdrawal from Benzo use?


Sep 13, 2018
Hello BL Fam,

A year ago, I knew a friend who had a large regular script for Clonazapam. As he wasn’t feeling much panic anymore, he was using them every night to help him sleep taking about 8-12mg per night in place of Quentiapine as he believed that Quentiapine was causing weight-gain. Since having a large such script for over 15+ years, he never complained about Benzo addiction and Benzo-withdrawal. My question is: Are there certain people out there who are built where they do not experience Benzo-dependancy/Benzo-withdrawal despite regular use?
Yeah, I would highly doubt as well. But tolerance/withdrawal is not linear, once with 17 I had 2-3mg lorazepam per day for some 3 months until a quack stopped me cold turkey. I didn't get immediate withdrawal but increased inner tension and fine panic attacks out of nothing. Now 10+ years later I had both alprazolam XR and lorazepam and used them for months on and off, the lorazepam more time on than off, also sometimes hard alcohol, and got zero withdrawal upon cessation (when meds were finished and thought it to be time). Might have had to do with concomitant dissociative use, these are good aids/tools against opioid tolerance & withdrawal and possibly also for benzodiazepines even when I don't understand yet how.

Also had 3+ months of zopiclone for sleep and cessation was painless.

But after 15 years there is no chance that somebody gets no withdrawal I'd say.
I have talked to someone on here who states that after 20 years on a clonazepam prescription, they don't get withdrawals. Which seems hard to believe to me but I have read of other people saying the same thing. Certainly some people seem resistant to it when they only ever take prescribed doses. However the VAST majority of people experience extreme withdrawal from benzos, even at prescribed doses, after a while. So I would assume that is what will happen to anyone thinking of taking benzos daily for any length of time.
Are you descended from a greek god or an alien hybrid? Oh just win the lotto on odd differences we all have. Damn id trade my left pinky for that ability, literally. (and thats how bad it can get on the other side of the spectrum)

months isnt HORRIBLE however, especially if your daily use was small I can picture leaving a small addiction footprint. And than if you were only taking them basically as prescribed, I could see you gettin away with it. (I assume you mean a month or two of daily use here and there)
Yes,I think certain people feel less symptoms,when they used to quit-depend on many factors.many find them also psychologicaly addictive...,others feel light withdrawls,if they used small ammounts for short time
Yes,I think certain people feel less symptoms,when they used to quit-depend on many factors.many find them also psychologicaly addictive...,others feel light withdrawls,if they used small ammounts for short time
That seems to be the case with kratom withdrawal. I find it to be the most insufferable experience I have ever had, others call it a walk in the park compared to "real" opiates. I'm guessing there is a huge variability in ones ability to tolerate misery and still function; let alone what one considers miserable based on previous experiences.
I been taking low doses of Ativan for almost 3 months,not every day, but more days than not. I didnot have any major issues and I’ve been off them now for a week. I didn’t abuse them, so,I dont think I was on them long enough, or at a high dose, to develop a problem.
i Have a friend who gets Suboxone, klonopin, and I think Xanax or another benzodiazepines prescribed and I know he’s fucked. He talks about how he doesn’t need the benzos, but he always takes them in the end. He’s been prescribed them for a decade? No way he’s jumping off anytime soon without serious issues.
I've been prescribed various benzodiazepines since age 7 (I'll be 40 this year) and have 0 interest in getting off of them. The withdrawal itself could easily kill me (I'm epileptic) and if I survived getting clean of them, I'd honestly probably kill myself anyway. Luckily, I have what essentially amounts to a lifetime supply of rc benzos if something were to happen which interfered with my Rx.
That seems to be the case with kratom withdrawal. I find it to be the most insufferable experience I have ever had, others call it a walk in the park compared to "real" opiates. I'm guessing there is a huge variability in ones ability to tolerate misery and still function; let alone what one considers miserable based on previous experiences.
I had trouble with Kratom for sure. That’s just as horrible of a withdrawal as other opiates. I also found loperamide hard to kick but the worst for me was poppy seeds. That’s three items I can go purchase right now legally and let’s not forget alcohol.

FYI I am all for legalizing all drugs
Hello BL Fam,

A year ago, I knew a friend who had a large regular script for Clonazapam. As he wasn’t feeling much panic anymore, he was using them every night to help him sleep taking about 8-12mg per night in place of Quentiapine as he believed that Quentiapine was causing weight-gain. Since having a large such script for over 15+ years, he never complained about Benzo addiction and Benzo-withdrawal. My question is: Are there certain people out there who are built where they do not experience Benzo-dependancy/Benzo-withdrawal despite regular use?
I never noticed WD's from diazepam (had an ongoing script for about 5 years). I didn't take it daily, but pretty regularly and was def one of my 'go to' helpers.

My doctor never filled my head with warnings about it. He believed it was a very safe drug. I wonder if that influenced my r'ship with it. I realise its on the more benign/less potent end of the benzo scale.

Couple of years later a friend went through a tough benzo withdrawal and i became aware of benzo WD as a 'thing' - a potentially horrible & difficult thing - for the first time. But i didn't notice WD difficulties, unless they were there & masquerading as something else. This is 7 years ago so i cant remember much.
Hello BL Fam,

A year ago, I knew a friend who had a large regular script for Clonazapam. As he wasn’t feeling much panic anymore, he was using them every night to help him sleep taking about 8-12mg per night in place of Quentiapine as he believed that Quentiapine was causing weight-gain. Since having a large such script for over 15+ years, he never complained about Benzo addiction and Benzo-withdrawal. My question is: Are there certain people out there who are built where they do not experience Benzo-dependancy/Benzo-withdrawal despite regular use?
Well,if there is large quantities and enough time like more than a year,then for sure man would go through some withdrawl-severe or less severe.Clonazepam is one of the strongest benzo for me,also long acting.8-12mg dose is big...so withdrawl is almost certain.But yes benzo is not like opies,which give withdrawl for anyone.Indeed there are certain people,that experienced only slight withdrawls-depends on quantities,substance itself and period of use.In fact as i remember many pharm.books said,that only about 30percent of the people going through withdrawl.There is enough reports,which shows,that benzo withdrawl is not certain like from opies,but anyway-big cautions are very important as to benzos.Same for pregabalin,gabepentin and even phenibut.
The withdrawal from benzos is also hugely different based on dose... if you're taking 0.5mg of clonazepam twice a day or something, even if you cold turkey, you're not going to have a seizure, you'll probably just feel really anxious and sleepless. But if you actually abuse benzos and take large doses (like 8mg of clonazepam a day is a BIG dose), you will have major withdrawals. I feel so bad for people who get caught up in the RC benzos... I have talked to people on here who are taking 100mg of clonazolam (much more potent than clonazepam, the dosage is in micrograms) per day. There is a huge difference between prescribed usage and abuse. But either way, I think the vast majority of people will experience withdrawals from any dose of benzos if taken long-term on a daily basis.
Jesus, 100mg clonazolam a day, that's borderline suicidal... I'm very glad I'm not THAT addicted. I hope they have enough left to do a safe taper or seek out serious medical treatment when they do decide to get off of it.
Hello BL Fam,

A year ago, I knew a friend who had a large regular script for Clonazapam. As he wasn’t feeling much panic anymore, he was using them every night to help him sleep taking about 8-12mg per night in place of Quentiapine as he believed that Quentiapine was causing weight-gain. Since having a large such script for over 15+ years, he never complained about Benzo addiction and Benzo-withdrawal. My question is: Are there certain people out there who are built where they do not experience Benzo-dependancy/Benzo-withdrawal despite regular use?
I've never experienced it. I take 4-6mg a day for years.
I've had 2 seizures from benzo withdrawals. After second one i couldnt remember who I was for 5 minutes, or the year, president, etc. i was taking about 6-10mg of xanax a day then ran out. Takes about 2 days to have a grand mau seizure. Broke shoulder when I blacked out and dead weighted onto concrete floor. Benzos are no joke. Treat with respect they deserve.