Are there any male steroid hormones you can take to make your dick bigger?


Feb 2, 2010
The title pretty much sums it up. To my knowledge, using anabolic steroids makes male gonads shrink, not grow, but there must be some genital growth factor chemical to stimulate penile growth in adolescents. DHT? HGH? The only steroid I have experience with is androstenedione, which made me have 'roid rage virtually every day I was on it.
If there were don't you think every guy would take em?

There are surgical means to making your dick bigger by removing the flesh around the base of the penis and exposing more of the 'bone'.
The male hormones make the penis go back to "as natural and vivid as possible" since all issues below are being taking care of.
Since we don´t normally notice when we slow down on male production due to drugs and others things, the impression ppl get is that it does get larger indeed..when in fact it´s just becoming normal again.
The title pretty much sums it up. To my knowledge, using anabolic steroids makes male gonads shrink, not grow, but there must be some genital growth factor chemical to stimulate penile growth in adolescents. DHT? HGH? The only steroid I have experience with is androstenedione, which made me have 'roid rage virtually every day I was on it.

A higher DHT to estrogen ratio might be optimal during puberty... keep body fat low.. less adipose tissue less estrogen..
Longer no wider would be a adore bro. Another thing to watch for is keeping your test doses low so you don't fuck up your estrogen omg more guys have ED from taking a gram of test a week than I can count it's commical really. I'm not saying low doses but low test doses.
I've found that my erections get harder feel like I could smasa2a window with it an I've noticed that it seems bigger weather this is cos my balls have shrunk or because yoU are increasing the amount of red blood cells in your body I don't know