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Are my withdrawals done?


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2010
For a while I was pretty addicted to benzos (Lorazepam/Temazepam).
A while ago I was taking about 60-100mg of Temazepam daily, sometimes less. When I ran out of Temazepam I turned to Lorazepam to feel the benzo effects. I had a TON of Ativan, so I went a bit overboard. I was taking about 6-9mg at once, for around 2-4 weeks. Stupidly I decided to quit since I was drowsy 24/7. I stopped cold turkey and on the third day I was so sick I couldn't move. My whole body was numb and tingling, I was puking, shaking, couldn't sleep, and was in immense pain. Naturally I turned to my bottle of Ativan to relieve this feeling. From then on I avoided taking Ativan until I absolutely needed to (stopping the withdrawals).

At the moment it's been ten days since I've taken any benzodiazepines, but I've gone out drinking about 4 out of those ten days. I know that alcohol acts upon the GABA receptor so I'm a bit worried that I'm just masking the withdrawals, but I seem perfectly fine. My insomnia is gone, I have no more rebound anxiety, no nausea, no pain, nothing.

What's your opinion?
sounds like youre nearing the clear man...the problems with the drugs that you were doing is that they have a long half-life..which is basically the amount of time they stay after your system after taking them

so like i said, 10 days is a while and you should be at the end of your road, your feelings might fluctuate but dont let it take you over, 3 more days MAX
I have no intentions of taking any more benzos, even if I start to withdrawal again. I'm not reseting the timer. I have a bottle of Vodka just incase.
Benzos took over my life for half a year, and I know that's not much, but it's half of a year I'll never get back.
haha there ya go...i admire your effort to get clean, i definitely dont think i could do it right now, which is why its good to see someone trying and actually succeeding...cause its not like i havent tried

your mind is in the right place dude, i got your back dude im confident your over that shit, well done!
Wow, I am shocked that your withdrawals from benzodiazepines are gone in 10 days! How long were you using? I had a 5 1/2 year benzodiazepine habit, and towards the last year very heavy usage. I was still getting some physical withdrawal symptoms about 5 months after my last dose. Mainly Skin Sensitivity, and tachycardia - but I am not totally sure now if this is from benzo withdrawal or what.

Its hard to pin point issues.

Sort of off topic here WorldWarMe: But what type of Hydrocodone do you come across in Canada? I am in Calgary, and I have never seen Hydrocodone anywhere. I know there is Hycodan, and Novahistine-DH which has Hydrocodone in it as well.
There are also Lortabs, but I got ahold of the 10/325 Watsons.

Here's what they look like:

^^Those "ran" my life for several years....:( I'm off now thank god. I still feel some w/d sometimes(like right now) in my stomach(cramps) and a bad headache. Oh god I miss hydrocodones.
it really depends.. the WD of benzos if you've been taking them for a long time can last ages... they might be more and more subtle with time, but i don't think you'e completely in the clear... i don't know that for sure, but from a lot of reports, the aftermath of benzo W/D can last a while... not trying to put ou down, just to be cautious...
Just a quick update, I've been clean of all benzos for 16 days now. I haven't felt a single benzo withdrawal symptom since I posted this thread.

I'm proud of myself because there's a whole bottle of Lorazepam in my bathroom and I've had no urges to touch it at all.
you should probably get rid of the ativan........cause you know how addiction works, and the second you take even one its on again.