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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

Sexuality is complicated and can be a result of so many different things. Some people can naturally be gay and others can have it imposed onto them by cultural/environmental stimuli and oversexualized thought patterns during childhood or even sexual trauma.

There are circumstances in which some people will act on their homosexual desires and they will feel deep spiritual pain beyond social implications because they did something that wasn’t authentic to their being and were just giving into socialized behaviors and at times only trying to explore their sexuality and not have any real meaningful connection with a person of the same sex.

But on the other hand there are people who are naturally gay and they feel spiritual pain when they try to live a heterosexual life. And the misunderstanding of this can cause many people to believe that homosexuality is an all around bad thing not to mention the brainwash and control mechanisms of religion. Even though I do believe there are certain problems and misunderstandings involving the homosexual lifestyle, religion tends to muddy the waters by stating it as an absolute and that all aspects are subjected to scrutiny and eternal damnation.
Sexuality is complicated and can be a result of so many different things. Some people can naturally be gay and others can have it imposed onto them by cultural/environmental stimuli and oversexualized thought patterns during childhood or even sexual trauma.

There are circumstances in which some people will act on their homosexual desires and they will feel deep spiritual pain beyond social implications because they did something that wasn’t authentic to their being and were just giving into socialized behaviors and at times only trying to explore their sexuality and not have any real meaningful connection with a person of the same sex.

But on the other hand there are people who are naturally gay and they feel spiritual pain when they try to live a heterosexual life. And the misunderstanding of this can cause many people to believe that homosexuality is an all around bad thing not to mention the brainwash and control mechanisms of religion. Even though I do believe there are certain problems and misunderstandings involving the homosexual lifestyle, religion tends to muddy the waters by stating it as an absolute and that all aspects are subjected to scrutiny and eternal damnation.
I liked your post, but how can a sexual preference be imposed from outside?

You are aware of the Christians abusing their own gays by trying to change their preferences. Right?

Do you think you could be changed to enjoy whichever sex you presently reject?

God does not create Junk :)
Scriptures say he does create all evil, for his pleasure.

I am sure you know that if you read your bible.

The intelligent Christians know why evil is necessary.

That is why Christians sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to God's plan.

My criteria for best religion, is Gnostic Christianity.

That is why I chose it while most Abrahamic right wing religionists follow their traditional and vile Gods.

I agree that there are more sins than those of bed and bottle, as they say,

That is why I always encourage the homophobes and misogynous in religions to stop discriminating against gays and women without a just cause.

That is one of the reasons Gnostic Christianity is better than the garbage Christianity we now see dying, due to their garbage morals and modernization.

I hope you share the criteria if not my claim.

I am totally agree with you.Cannot say that i am Christian,but trying to be and its soo difficult.To live a life like a Christian.If this what you pictured in your post is Gnostic Christianity....well i like it and fully apreciate it.
I am totally agree with you.Cannot say that i am Christian,but trying to be and its soo difficult.To live a life like a Christian.If this what you pictured in your post is Gnostic Christianity....well i like it and fully apreciate it.
It is quite easy to live a Gnostic Christian type of Christianity.

It is easy to be moral and recognize that Christianity was a naturalistic religion before the stupid belief in the supernatural began and screwed up the original great Christianity.

The supernatural killed the good of Christianity.

I hope you can see how intelligent the ancients were as compared to the mental efforts that modern preachers and theists are using with the literal reading of myths.



Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about the literal reading of myths.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

This is how early Gnostic Christians view the transition from reading myths properly to destructive literal reading and idol worship.

Sorry man - I don’t think you quite get the difference between a ‘criteria’ (for making a judgement) and a conclusion (from making a judgement from criteria).

You said ancient Christianity was the best religious/cultural/social system man ever came up with. I wanted to know what is your criteria for judging it the best - apart from the fact that you believe in it yourself.
I judge it to be the best as it perpetually seeks the best rules and laws to live by.

It also empowers man, --- who needs it, --- instead of empowering a genocidal God who is homophobe and misogynous like Yahweh/Jesus.

You might remember that in the myth, Moses came down the mountain with rules and laws.

The Jews were bright enough to replace those with a more intelligent set or rules and laws.

Christians, not so bright.

I think all religions should be judged by their moral worth.

Christian Idol worship prohibits judging God as justly as the bible says we should.

Hence their adoration of a satanic god.

Many times i ask my self:Is the devil a servant of God(book of Jobe).You know there the Satan ask God give me this man(Job),but God answered you do with him what you wanna do,but must not take his soul.Is God Demiurg?Simultaneusly creator and destructor?Its like a coin with two sides.I hate when this priest judge,cause they made a sin wright in this moment.Why not a gay with a pure soul and heart could not be lead services like a priest.In past two-three years before the covid i attend almost everyday to a service.In fact i work in the church(orthodox) right there in the altar,helping priests,prepare the insents.Sing along with them.There is a word for this job,but i dont know the name.Live in monastery for a while also and learn the old church-slavish text.Well i do not attend anymore to service.See and understand the whole hypocricy and the big money that turns around them.Even dont talk about this cause it really hurts me.My church now is in my home and my family.Very,very rare you can see truly devoted monk or priest with pure faith...Its bad ,cause like the Devil himself sit there on the throne.Its all just a spectacle,a theatre.....and its all about the money...So i continiue my struggle alone and i hope that God is by myside,cause without Divine help you are lost.God bless!
Many times i ask my self:Is the devil a servant of God(book of Jobe).You know there the Satan ask God give me this man(Job),but God answered you do with him what you wanna do,but must not take his soul.Is God Demiurg?Simultaneusly creator and destructor?Its like a coin with two sides.I hate when this priest judge,cause they made a sin wright in this moment.Why not a gay with a pure soul and heart could not be lead services like a priest.In past two-three years before the covid i attend almost everyday to a service.In fact i work in the church(orthodox) right there in the altar,helping priests,prepare the insents.Sing along with them.There is a word for this job,but i dont know the name.Live in monastery for a while also and learn the old church-slavish text.Well i do not attend anymore to service.See and understand the whole hypocricy and the big money that turns around them.Even dont talk about this cause it really hurts me.My church now is in my home and my family.Very,very rare you can see truly devoted monk or priest with pure faith...Its bad ,cause like the Devil himself sit there on the throne.Its all just a spectacle,a theatre.....and its all about the money...So i continiue my struggle alone and i hope that God is by myside,cause without Divine help you are lost.God bless!
Thanks for this.

Your last ruined an otherwise decent post.

I question your morals given that the God you want is a homophobic and misogynous prick.

And you want help from that vile piece of garbage!!!

Or do you have some other God in mind?

this thread sucks
This thread is the high water mark for the all too frequent style of posting on BL that is:

(A) Full of generalised hate against people with different beliefs or culture

(B) Lacking any nuance in it’s ‘argument’ and offering no opportunity for dialogue or the development of common understanding between people with different backgrounds and beliefs

(C) Morally judgemental in the extreme

(D) Presented in bad faith by an apparently bad actor who does not give two fucks about drugs, harm reduction, or helping people struggling with drug issues who come here in need
This thread is the high water mark for the all too frequent style of posting on BL that is:

(A) Full of generalised hate against people with different beliefs or culture

(B) Lacking any nuance in it’s ‘argument’ and offering no opportunity for dialogue or the development of common understanding between people with different backgrounds and beliefs

(C) Morally judgemental in the extreme

(D) Presented in bad faith by an apparently bad actor who does not give two fucks about drugs, harm reduction, or helping people struggling with drug issues who come here in need
If the needy turn to the net for help, they are likely too stupid and cannot be helped.

The wise will turn to reality and not the net of lies.

What hate do you see and who is it directed against?

Are morals and ethics important to you?

They are certainly not, to the homophobes and misogynous.

If the needy turn to the net for help, they are likely too stupid and cannot be helped.

The wise will turn to reality and not the net of lies.

What hate do you see and who is it directed against?

Are morals and ethics important to you?

They are certainly not, to the homophobes and misogynous.

You clearly hate Christians and have no compassion for any people who find solace in their religion.
I find religious hate very odd. As an openly gay male who has at best a mild drug addiction I often attend church services (if they are not forbidden under threat of punishment).

I have had a few moments where my presence was less appreciated then others but overall in the last 10ish years the religions have massively reduced their hatred.

I don't wear leather and spark up in the back row, but I am sure to always smell of good weed and despite years of straight pretend a lot of people can see quickly that I am gay.

In a few cases I have witnessed preachers actually talking about rules that need to change and the one that doesn't. I live in a church thick town, very old school religious past is represented here.

So church has changed a lot, If you haven't been for more than 12 years. I was shocked a little and I felt more welcome than I expected.
This isn't my forum but I am a mod so let me interject that the insults need to stop. If people want to comment on a thread that is pretty controversial than we can all do so without judging their moral and mental defects. And people that come to BL for help aren't stupid. So if you want to make threads like this that you know are going to get answers that are as controversial as the subject, I suggest you take a step back and watch the insults, And not just you Gnostic. All members.

We are going to start playing nice in all the sandboxes at BL.
Thanks for this.

Your last ruined an otherwise decent post.

I question your morals given that the God you want is a homophobic and misogynous prick.

And you want help from that vile piece of garbage!!!

Or do you have some other God in mind?

God is one.Have many names .The great spirit.Jahve,Adonai,Allah,Christ,Sabaoth,Almighty,Mercyful.Muslims told about 99 names
God is one.Have many names .The great spirit.Jahve,Adonai,Allah,Christ,Sabaoth,Almighty,Mercyful.Muslims told about 99 names
God is not homophobic and mysoginic prick.The religion have need of change,like everything else.Those words against the Bible is just written for another old Time.When the jews need as many man as they can.To survive in this hostile environment.Cannot see what ruined your so precious post.Theres no point to agitate me in your believs.I am close to 50 and i saw a lot of things.For sure you cannot ask my question,cause your ordinary human.I am still orthodox.Just my church is my home.And to be a christian is not at all easy.Its a constant struggle inside you...And no need to send me any links,cause i dont want read anything.Too busy to survive.
If the needy turn to the net for help, they are likely too stupid and cannot be helped.

The wise will turn to reality and not the net of lies.

What hate do you see and who is it directed against?

Are morals and ethics important to you?

They are certainly not, to the homophobes and misogynous.

After i read your first sentence i stop immediately.I am really sorry for you.Never ever would read anything written from you.Even dont know what you looking here in this forum.Go outside the streets-shout and preach as you want.You are close page to me.Farewell.
thats gay
Talkin about me?I am straight,but have close friend,who is gay.One of most inteligent human being i ever met.I really dont fuck about sexual orientation of people.Its a private thing.Dont bother me at all
Talkin about me?I am straight,but have close friend,who is gay.One of most inteligent human being i ever met.I really dont fuck about sexual orientation of people.Its a private thing.Dont bother me at all
na I’m just trolling cause it’s gay as well