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Anything similar to Md that you can use more often safely?


Mar 14, 2016
I use cannabis,amphetamines and md. But I'm aware you can't do MD often due to how long it takes to recover serotonin and from neurotoxic aspect, is there anything else similar that you could use inbetween? I'm hearing mixed about Mephedrone, some say it isn't neurotoxic. But a lot of people or saying it most likely is and may actually be worse.
I don't know if the adverse effects of substituted amphetamines like MDMA and so forth are actually due to neurotoxicity or desensitization of serotonin receptors, but I think if you seem to have issues with hangovers after such drugs I might just stick to other classes of drugs that don't have as much of a serotonin releasing property. I don't think there is very good data on the substituted cathinones like methylone and some people seem to have issues with them. I would certainly treasure your sleep.

I personally would save my brain for psychedelics like mushrooms/acid and dissociatives like ketamine/DXM, although its good to limit the use of those as well.
Smoke some weed, drink some beers.... You can get plenty fucked up on those. Everything else is unnecessary and dangerous.
^ he said similar to mdma.

i would say amphetamine is the closest you can get, but since you have a tolerance probably not for you.

25D or B nbome, in the 500-800ug range, very close to mdma, but lacking the dopamine body high, but visuals are included. the mental psychedelic effects are no deeper than mdma.
just because scientists haven't looked as closely at some new mdma-like substances yet doesn't mean that they have less dangers than mdma. so in short: there's no similar substance of which we know that it's less dangerous than mdma. (maybe mdea, but that one is also weaker, acts shorter and is generally regarded to be as not as nice).

if the other substance doesn't have to be that similar, then i'd also say amphetamine is the closest (and scientifically thoroughly investivated) thing that seems to be safer for semi-regular use.
What about Mephedrone, or Methylone, or anything like that. I've heard LSD in a mild dose can feel a bit like Md but personally didn't find this
Well well.....

There are quite a few other chemicals that decently compare to a night of rollling on true mdma or even mda but none truely have the deeper magical effects of md but some can be used more often but none are proven on saftey on safe based on theory not FACTS. MDMA has factual based use effects due to several years of human use with study.

Only fact based kinda mdma like drug proven to be safe with often use is mdai but its effects are only a very light tease in effect to mdma but its studies have truly proven very safe. Mdai does have amazing therapeutic and positive effects but for sure not strong enough in effect for getting "fucked up" in simple words. I have read about mdai combined with other chems does create strong and very simular effects to mdma but not proven safe.

Mdai actually is proven to work just like mdma but it works limited in effect which makes it safe but oviously weak.

Anyway there is other new chems ive had which have compared well to real rolling but are not proven safe so i will not mention them.

Just my opinion but excuse based on my etarted overly experienced mdma and other similar chems mind.
Oh and mephedrone is the filthiest shit drug ever sold as mdma. It gives a garbage high with greater side effects that equal sewage. The side effects over power the main effects and both equal trash being none to enjoy ever. Not even close to the same universe in comparison to mdma. Its like comparing piss to heaven(mdma).

Now methylone is the best tease of mdma. It feels very close to md but only for 30 min to 1 hour tops but side effects are to much nasty and because high is so short it becomes easy to abuse because one is chasing greater effect that dont happen only adding more nasty side effects. Enough overdoing of Methylone chasing a roll that wont happen turns into a nightmare of trash effects with very vivid dark hallucinations of doom living in a drugged time of no reality and psychotic doom if not stopped in time.

Ive been there equally with other close to me. The doom is the same for all not just some people everyone ive known who entered this realm of chasing something that doesn't give a better high by taking more gets same dark effect.
If done without abuse can be good but its effects are truly too much of a trease for any roller to not resist trying more equaling in waste of health mind and soul.

Stick with the original perfected versions of great drugs.........copycats never compare and are always more dangerous to health with no effect worth chasing.

If you have self control a few copycats are not bad but common honest sense always points to the original quality product.

Ive been rolling for a long time.
At first mostly real mdma and only sometimes bull.
Now it mostly trash and only sometimes real shit worth doing.

At first i would just go ahead and take the bull just chasing a real roll that fake rolls cant create.
Now after enough dark times on mystery chems id rather wait for legit md.

Taking bullshit because you cant wait for the real magic will always become a problem.
Dont pay for a propblem just wait for the great magic drugs worth doing.
There are loads of alternatives from 5-MAPB, 4-FA, MDAI etc. Some maybe safer or cause less serotonin dip (it seems) but this is up for debate (some may have more reuptake over release) MDMA is still for special occasions. Did a ton of regular MDAI with stims without too much problem but generally not over using any of these is the best option.
That doesn't even make any sense, these are completely different drugs. Drinking some beers is nothing like Mdma
That's really interesting, I hear there are people that love Mephedrone. I wonder why if this is the case
I would say... 2C-B


it's VERY dose sensitive, so make sure to do your research ahead of time, and START LOW <- can't stress that enough.

At lower doses many people describe it to be very similar to MDMA, but every person's dose sensitivity is different, and with every additional 5-10 mg you could get very different experiences, ranging from the mild empathogenic euphoria all the way to a full-blown psychedelic experience.

That being said, 2C-B has been anecdotally described as much easier on your body than MDMA, with shorter recovery time and lower probability of neurotoxicity.

Anyone else feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, or to add some sources to support/debunk my claims. I wish I could find the sources where I'd read those claims right now, but I'm on my phone in the office bathroom at the moment... ???
I've heard 5 APB is close.. but I haven't even seen mephedrone lately isn't it banned?
6-apb 70-80 mgs is nice. Really felt that feeling within and in touch with my own and others emotions
Kratom (Bali strain) it's very stimulating but not in a jittery way. The euphoria is similar to cocaine. I tried other strains of Kratum and got very little from it, but Bali kicked my ass.
I once asked myself the same question since I loved mdma but use was limited to once a month

Did shrooms once a month for introspectiveness and audio enhancement

But eventually I thought to myself, "gee what else can I do, life is boring, yolo "

....... and ended up using opiates for 2 years