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anyone who has experienced living in an under 25s uk hostel got any advice for me?


Apr 13, 2013
Yes I am currently in a hostel, I smoke heroin and have missed 2 rent payments (ive lived there since Christmas) any general advice would be much appreciated ibwill add more details but right now I'm to tired but wanted to post this question before I forgot about asking, plus my internet access is no longer 24\7 so I have to make the most of it. Hopefully when I log back in I will have some replies

And if a guy called Zoplicodone bandit posts he is my enemy seriously he stalks my threads and derails them you wouldn't believe how much effort he puts in but if he posts anything and I mean anything just ignore him like any troll because I really need some advice

I am having a lot of trouble at the hostel which I will go more into detail when I log back in and hopefully have some drug fueled motivation.
You can stay in hostels for extended periods of time? Never been to one. You pay by the week? Month? How much does that cost?

What kind of advice are you looking for precisely? One good piece of advice is that you should probably stop smoking heroin if you have an unstable housing situation as this puts you on the fast-track to homelessness.
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Idk what advice really just general I will put more details up when I'm less tired thanks for replying are you from uk Neg?
Nope not from the UK, im from Negronesia (though we are part of the commonwealth I believe).

The best advice anyone can give you here is to stop smoking heroin, particularly if you can't pay rent. You will wind up homeless.
I loved in one for almost 2 years in and out of different ones. The best thing to do is use minimal of their facilities as possible due to hygiene and use friends relatives. Use it for a bed for the night only until you can get a place most people aren’t there for long before their local authorities find them a more suitable place and so forth into your own accommodation. I’m kind of still in the same situation but I pull through. If you need anyone to talk to feel free to PM me.

Can be assholes at these places. Just walk out and get in with your own thing buddy
Use it for a bed for the night only until you can get a place most people aren’t there for long before their local authorities find them a more suitable place and so forth into your own accommodation

Dang, that sounds quite european..."their local authorities" actively try to find them a place to live, what foreign concept here in the US...
There claims to be no budget yet our governments swim in money cuts backs etc yet nothing put back into the community’s
Dang, that sounds quite european..."their local authorities" actively try to find them a place to live, what foreign concept here in the US...
It’s just how it is done here by local authorities I mean the council etc but it mostly doesn’t work
I was homeless for the better part of a year, couldn't imagine doing it if I was addicted to opioids.

As for general shelter/hostel advice: Be friendly and polite, but not the center of attention. Keep your heroin use to yourself, keep your shit secured, don't run up a debt to anyone, and don't start shit.
Does UK have state funded rehabs? The only solid advice anyone on this forum anyone can give you is to get off the dope.

that or get on a maintenance program.

The good thing about being in the gutter is you can’t go any lower, you can only go up from here mate.

Take control of your life, stop fucking around and handle this shit.
Ur in the u.k. get on done or bupe.i dunno how much that costs but I bet it's less than heroin.bupe can be smoked.and a couple of codeine pills hours after the bupe can be really good.here in Oz bupe costs$5 a day
which is$4.80 more than my scripts cost me so I'm not eager to make that switch.that and I gag at the thought of
that lemony windex taste.also get Ur shit together,get a job,get a place,get a life etc.get out of the im assuming men's only accomodation full of deros u wouldn't want to be around find a share house with ppl your own age who aren't hardcore addicts and who Ur actually glad to live with.
Sorry you're experiencing such hardship man. This is why people kept telling you not to move from codeine to heroin. :\
I want to make one thing clear I was not kicked out of my previous home I left for several reasons which are to personal and complicated to write about
Ur in the u.k. get on done or bupe.i dunno how much that costs but I bet it's less than heroin.bupe can be smoked.and a couple of codeine pills hours after the bupe can be really good.here in Oz bupe costs$5 a day
which is$4.80 more than my scripts cost me so I'm not eager to make that switch.that and I gag at the thought of
that lemony windex taste.also get Ur shit together,get a job,get a place,get a life etc.get out of the im assuming men's only accomodation full of deros u wouldn't want to be around find a share house with ppl your own age who aren't hardcore addicts and who Ur actually glad to live with.
bupe can be smoked? How sp you smoke it do you vaporise it like the heroin? My mate thinks I'm more addicted to the instant rush you get from smoking a line and I agree
I have tried quitting and have not gave up but I'm just to busy and to many people dependent on me beleive it or not to get sick even for a day
I've smoked plenty of pure heroin and
It doesn't really have an instant rush.
It kicks in a bit and then gets more and more intense over the next hour.