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Anyone tried to intentionally tried to OD on edibles?

In my experience you cant OD on edibles i at over 1000mg at a time i am still here but i was severely fucked up and fell asleep pretty quick when i finally slept...
I ate 200mg THC via these things called Cavi-Taffys and that was pretty bomb, if a little intense, idk if I'd dare venture past that dose though.
i've been so high on edibles that i thought i would die. it was my first experience with edibles and i didnt realize how long it takes for them to kick in so i kept eating more and more and eventually when it hit me like a truck i thought it would never peak, i was tripping balls, couldnt do shit but lay in bed. tried to text a friend and kept dropping the phone on my face. it was the heaviest, most unpleasant high i have ever had. i thought it would never end and that i would be stuck like that forever
I forgot how to read and write the first time I ate cannabis.
Personally I would call any ingestion of cannabis that goes into "unpleasant" territory to be an "overdose", especially if it incapacitates you for 12+ hours.
Having said that, I don't know what the medical definition of overdose is. I don't think it has to involve a brush with death.
I think a lot of the anxiety/panic that stems from cannabis is the lack of respect it is shown at times.(myself included) If I take lsd and go to some heavy trippy places I expected it and it's usually just fine. When it happens with mj most people are caught off guard and the paranoia grows.
I'm not quite sure what the largest amount of weed I've ever eaten is but certainly over half a gram not including smoking on it.

When I was in Amsterdam ten years ago there was this great coffee shop called Abraxas me and my friend would buy edibles from.

Their strongest edible was a shake which had half a gram in it and I drank one of those and then smoked about 3 bowls of quality weed and hash on top of it (I think maybe Hydro White Widow and Lebanese Black but we tried so many I can't remember).

Then they had weed tea and weed bon bons.

I don't know how much were in the tea and the bon bons, both were weaker by themselves than the shake but I'm going to have to guess that combined they were AT LEAST 0.6 grams and that's being conservative, and then after eating and drinking those I smoked about 2 bowls of White Rhino and Nepalese black hash...so I'm guessing that I probably had about 0.8 grams in me by the time I was done and that's of course WAY more than smoking a gram puts in your bloodstream consider all the smoke that is lost through that process.

I remember walking back through the streets of Amsterdam after that and it was possibly the highest I've ever been because I barely EVER got visuals from weed but everything was sort of a hazy purple color and things seemed to be kind of colorful and cartoonish with wavy lines undulating off of everything and I was staggering around like I was drunk but I hadn't had any alcohol.

My tolerance was REALLY high back then otherwise it might have been too much but it was INCREDIBLE.
i remember this one time, when i had just started smoking weed, my cousin came to town and we were in this alley, trying to roll a joint. we were both clueless so this homeless man came and rolled it for us. a crackhead came along and we all shared this big fat joint. when the joint was over we were walking back to the main street - something like 100 meters away - and i was wondering if i was going to feel something this time - i was a total noob -.

i was walking looking at my cousin saying 'hey dude are you feeling something yet?' and the homeless man was walking with us and sharing his story. he was at the point were he had been kicked out of his house by his wife when i realized i wasn't understanding another single word he was saying because he was fucking spinning and shining and the lights were so colorful and everything was so funny i didn't even know where i was. the 100 meter walk back to the main street felt like it took half an hour. we got lost somewhere and ended up in a restaurant and i just couldn't understand a single thing my cousin was saying all along, i kept getting distracted by the constant OEVs and deep thoughts about the universe =D

weed is interesting
I have an over-active imagination so could easily imagine things worse than this - but ODing on edibles would be up there as one of the worst
Obviously it's (next to) impossible to OD from THC, so I guess it could be fun just to TRY overdosing, but at the same time I feel like that much will just make you sick. You can only get so high from marijuana before it's just uncomfortable. Doesn't really sound all that fun to me.
Obviously it's (next to) impossible to OD from THC

It's actually not.

The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended[1] or generally practiced.[2]
die from an overdose of THC?

You do realise that you don't have to die - or even be at risk of death - to OD, right?

describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended[1] or generally practiced.[2]
You do realise that you don't have to die - or even be at risk of death - to OD, right?

describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended[1] or generally practiced.[2]

Yes i do realize this little fact. I guess it doesnt show this unless you quote it but i hit the reply button on Lord Armagoth's comment that said:

Because idiots that worry about an overdose don't do it, its common sense unless you wanna die, idiot.

I was asking him what he meant by that.
i went halves in a cake with a friend. about a half oz of bud in the 50% fat supermarket cake mix , and kief added to the icing. The cake was dense and impossibly hard to finish but we wanted to push the limits as its a bit of an event when cooking instead of smoking. Ended up choppin up a fat session, packed a cone each,then the cake hit and we slept in the car for 6 hours till we got told to leave
Personally I have had bad times smoking weed before. I would reach a similar high to not knowing who I was and once in an uncomfortable environment I panicked. I also have a history of panic attacks so it might just be me. That's only happened once though.
I've never heard of an overdose story before.