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Anyone tried Soma?


Oct 8, 2010
I get a 90 ct. bottle of 350mg Soma tomorrow and I'm wondering what to expect. I'm going to a local show and I'm not sure whether to take one before I go or not, I wouldn't want to pass out at the bar. Is it fun or does it just make you tired.. etc?
utfse brah.

it will sedate you, id take it at the end of the night
utfse brah.

it will sedate you, id take it at the end of the night

Ditto! Muscle relaxers,in general are not all that enjoyable unless I really need to sleep. When I was popping Soma, I couldn't stay awake to save my life. May be different for you, but I doubt it.

definitely take it after words and dont drink too much on them. Its not a very social drug, if i took some at a show id probably end up leaving early to go home and get all comfy. I like soma alot, IMO its like flexiril and codiene had a baby as in it mostly sedates you but there is a bit of a warm buzz underneath the sedation. Again, i would advise against taking them if youve been drinking,not only because of the "mixing downers risk" but because the drug itself can be pretty hard on your stomach. Once I drank like 4 beers and ate 3500mgs of soma(an admittedly high dose). All the vomiting and dry heaving the first night was nothing compared to the intense burning in my stomach that lasted a couple days afterwards. Not trying to scare you away or anything, the dose i took in that situation was stupidly high. Like I said above I love soma but i would expect some GI distress if taken after a night of drinking
definitely take it after words and dont drink too much on them. Its not a very social drug, if i took some at a show id probably end up leaving early to go home and get all comfy. I like soma alot, IMO its like flexiril and codiene had a baby as in it mostly sedates you but there is a bit of a warm buzz underneath the sedation. Again, i would advise against taking them if youve been drinking,not only because of the "mixing downers risk" but because the drug itself can be pretty hard on your stomach. Once I drank like 4 beers and ate 3500mgs of soma(an admittedly high dose). All the vomiting and dry heaving the first night was nothing compared to the intense burning in my stomach that lasted a couple days afterwards. Not trying to scare you away or anything, the dose i took in that situation was stupidly high. Like I said above I love soma but i would expect some GI distress if taken after a night of drinking

Good call, I guess I'll just sip on a beer and wait. -.- I'm pretty excited to try something new, it's gonna be killing me lol. I like flexeril and codiene. Together that sounds perfect.
To the OPs credit, there really aren't an abundance of good soma (carisoprodol) information threads.

As others have said, start out with one or two of them. Soma can affect people very strangely. One day the same dosage might do almost nothing, the next day you might be so affected you cannot walk well.

One important note is that carisoprodol oddly lowers your seizure threshold. I've seen it said that this becomes a real risk when taking 5 or more per day. Also be careful taking it for something like an amphetamine comedown, as amphetamines already lower the seizure threshold and soma can make this worse.

Carisoprodol is addicting, and withdrawals have been compared to that from benzodiazepines. Carisoprodol is metabolized into meprobamate (brand name Milltown), a known drug of abuse and dependence. Contrary to common thought though, carisoprodol is active on it's own and is responsible for most all of the effects felt after taking it.

Because of the quirky nature of this medication, I'd reccomend taking a lot of caution combining it with alcohol or any other drug. I took one of them with my normal opioid dose and was rendered absolutely useless for some time, so it greatly increased the effects for me.
To the OPs credit, there really aren't an abundance of good soma (carisoprodol) information threads.

As others have said, start out with one or two of them. Soma can affect people very strangely. One day the same dosage might do almost nothing, the next day you might be so affected you cannot walk well.

One important note is that carisoprodol oddly lowers your seizure threshold. I've seen it said that this becomes a real risk when taking 5 or more per day. Also be careful taking it for something like an amphetamine comedown, as amphetamines already lower the seizure threshold and soma can make this worse.

Carisoprodol is addicting, and withdrawals have been compared to that from benzodiazepines. Carisoprodol is metabolized into meprobamate (brand name Milltown), a known drug of abuse and dependence. Contrary to common thought though, carisoprodol is active on it's own and is responsible for most all of the effects felt after taking it.

Because of the quirky nature of this medication, I'd reccomend taking a lot of caution combining it with alcohol or any other drug. I took one of them with my normal opioid dose and was rendered absolutely useless for some time, so it greatly increased the effects for me.

Ugh! I have an elevated risk for seizures. Thanks for the info, I did search for soma but 95% of the results were unrelated.
I'm so pissed, my order has taken so long to process. It was supposed to come Wed. but they were out of stock, so they forwarded to another pharm. and it was supposed to come today. Well they waited until today to actually ship it, so it won't be here until monday. I'd like my money back for overnight shipping plz.
Meprobamate ...It is reported to have some anticonvulsant properties against absence seizures, but can exacerbate generalized tonic-clonic seizures...
for me soma sucks, only good for treating a stiff neck imo. a downer like a strong benzo, barb, or opiate is better for having fun. although some people like them, don't let my dislike of somas keep you from trying them.
Meprobamate ...It is reported to have some anticonvulsant properties against absence seizures, but can exacerbate generalized tonic-clonic seizures...

meprobramate is only a minor metabolite of carisoprodol, like morphine is of codeine.
Meprobamate ...It is reported to have some anticonvulsant properties against absence seizures, but can exacerbate generalized tonic-clonic seizures...

Tonic-clonic seizures are the kind I'm at risk for so that isn't a good thing lol. 8o
Tonic-clonic seizures are the kind I'm at risk for so that isn't a good thing lol. 8o

That sucks man, many people don't even get euphoria/enjoyment from carisoprodol (I happen to be one of the ones that does) but even so I personally wouldn't risk it. It's just not nearly worth it, it's nothing like opioid/amphetamine euphoria in terms of strength.
IMO soma is the best of all muscle relaxers (which isnt saying much but its good, it actually has recreational value)
I used to have a script to 60 xanax a month that i'll probably try to get back on. I could just take one xanax and one soma to chill me out and not have to worry about seizures. I think that will do good
I only find soma useful as an opiate potentiator.........and it works rather well.
Soma is a great muscle relaxant in my opinion. Far superior to any other muscle relaxant. I even find it more useful for muscle pain than most of the benzodiazepines (I have a tolerance to benzos so that could be why). It works great for me.