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Anyone know why overgrow is down? [UPDATE: OG servers have been turned off]

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anyone knowthis site? safe?

(UPDATE) i just went to planetganja.com as directed by NameTaken, and lo and behold, the first 30 sec of reading i come across Plural of Mongoose's name. im thinking, No....
That site is all about free speech, anyone can say what he likes there. POM has been using it as his platform to win souls, he has been banned however, after posting private information.
Damn man, when I couldn't log on to OG I was chokin on my bonghits! And after all this bullshit its been shutdown?!?!!! Fuckin A, now wtf am I gonna do? That place was the shit! I hope it comes back sometime soon, and I hope the feds didnt have anyting to do with it....
I'm not imagining this am I? This really is a load of people trying to sound important under their internet names.

Plural of Mongoose? Old Pink?

Who are these people?
4nik8r said:
If you think a format will remove traces/data your blowing yourself.


Do whatever reinstall/format you want than run "ENCASE" software to check and see how much data is still there. This subject has been covered and proven for yrs that its very hard to really DELETE DATA from the harddrive.Ever hear about Peter Gutmann's paper "Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory"??? Now for 99% of everyday users that level is overkill but that said a drug charge involving `feds will get your pc a very detailed check of its contents to be used against you. Why do you think they take your pc? your pornpics? maybe , but your pc will have so much data traces that can/will used against you in court- emails........

I really gotta stop looking at porn. I feel like too much of a wanker knowing other people can see what porn I've been looking at.

And whats this IP covering TOR you speak of?

Huge fucking bump.

This comes from a dutch grow forum I frequent, the people who have been given the disks are reliable, although I have my doubts about the source of the disks (POM, Gypsy, Oldpink, RC, Shabang even, you be the judge).

Door een niet geheel toevallige samenloop van omstandigheden hebben wij onze handen weten te leggen op de Overgrow harddisks. Na een aantal checks blijk het grootste deel van de data compleet intact te zijn. Deze data gaan we onverkort on-line zetten in een apart nieuw forum: www.opengrow.com (overgrow.com kunnen we helaas niet gebruiken). Er komen twee nieuwe servers bij voor de data en het grote aantal verwachte bezoekers. Wij hopen dat wij het hiermee zullen redden en anders zal er zelfs nagedacht worden over een extra database server.

De bedoeling is, indien het ons lukt, a.s. zondag de nieuwe server met de complete Overgrow data online te zetten.

Om het geheel zo snel & goed mogelijk van de grond te krijgen zijn we daarom snel op zoek naar een aantal Engelstalige leden voor het modereren van de nieuwe internationale forums, we dachten zo aan 16 nieuwe moderators, liefst ook een drietal Spaanse. Ook zijn we op zoek naar programmeurs (php/mySQL) welke ons kunnen helpen met ontwikkelingen aan het forum.

Aanstaande moderators gelieve IN DIT TOPIC te reageren, liefst in het Engels zodat we direct kunnen zien of je de taal goed genoeg beheerst. Gelieve SNEL te reageren want we willen snel on-line en dan zal de hele wereld bij ons op bezoek komen. We hopen dat jullie begrip hebben voor het last minute karakter van deze oproep. We willen het al 4 weken van de daken roepen maar dat was niet zo verstandig geweest ;).

Voor meer info zie : www.opengrow.com

For our english visitors
Not fully by coincidence we have been able to lay our hands on the old overgrow harddisks. After a series of tests the data show to be almost fully intact. We will publish all of this data in a new, seperate forum: www.opengrow.com (unfortunately we could not use overgrow.com). Two new servers will be installed to cope with the volume of expected international visitors. We are considering adding another database server.
It is our intention to to launch the new server with the complete overgrow archives on Sunday.

To enable us to have the forum up and running quickly we are looking for English or preferably native English speaking members for moderation. We think we require about 16 to start with, if possible also 3 Spanish speakers. Furthermore we would like to get in contact with php / MySQL programmers for helping maintain and develop the forum.

Applying moderaters are requested to respond in THIS TOPIC, preferably in English to assess your fluency. Please promptly respond as we want to go on-line very soon and we will have the whole world visiting us. We do apologise for the short notice. We have wanted to shout this from the rooftops for four weeks now, but that would not have been wise ;).

For more info see : www.opengrow.com
FUCKING A! I hope this is the case because I learned soooo fucking much from that site.
wow. bravo on getting the data back! I havent been to IC in a while so i obviously missed this completely. Thanks for the update BM!
It wasn't known to anyone else but the staff of wietforum, I was pretty much the first person to read it, ICmag should know by now cause I posted this there as well.
April fool's apparently. :D

I fell for it. The fuckers.

Gotta stop smoking so much. :eek:
Any updates Blowmonkey? I was reading the discussion in their forums, but I understand English.
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