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Anyone interested in trying 25x-NBOMe


Feb 27, 2012
Disclaimer: This post focuses more on the negative side of the series. You have been warned.

You might want to consider reading some of these if you're thinking about trying one of the NBOMe's. I have been reading about these chems since I took 25i around 5 months ago. It left me feeling pretty fried afterwards. I'm still not sure if my brain has fully recovered or not. Since a lot of people are posting about these, I thought I would post, since I think a lot of people think they're safer than they might be. I have an inkling the NBOMe's can do some very bad things to the brain, even in normal doses. If you do decide to experiment start with very low doses, and slowly work your way up. Tread carefully.


Thread: 2C-C-NBOMe & 25C-Nbome
Quote from user koriryan1234:

"If you do decide that trying 25c-nbome . Remember ; it is extremely potent . It really is . & as someone has previously said . The active dose is in the 100ug . I put this up my nose a couple months ago . And wond up not dead , but close enough to it to where my next month was scary and foggy . I remember nothing but death all around me . I would wake up occasionally to people asking me if I was alright . I'm a small girl . I weight roughly 125 lbs. & took about 1-1.5 mg of this chemical that has now caused severe anxiety and panic attacks . Worse when smoking . Vivid nightmares . Loss of an sort of meaning of reality . Random visuals & sometimes suspission of what really happened to me . As a matter of fact I do very much feel like I have died in a way . & I would never recomend this chemical to anyone who doesn't have a great understanding of it . Be careful ."

Some people posting here how they felt like it fucked them up and fried their brains. They don't say what their dosage was exactly, but they didn't imply that they had overdosed.

Thread: Drugs you straight out dislike
One example: Quotes from user CounterCulturest:

"Dude when I did it my heart was thumping hella hard for hours and hours. My brain felt like it got hit by lightening for a solid month. It fucked my brain up so bad that I forgot my debit card pin for christ's sake. NO drug has ever felt nearly as damaging as that stuff did to me. I though 2cb felt bad for me... compared to nbome it felt great."

"After a month there were still noticeable effects that BOTHERED me bad. Pissed me off. Let me tell you. Ive taken hundreds of hits of dose. tripped countless times. Tried all sorts of drugs. Been on the in's and out's with them ya know. I can deal with my shit. Ive been fried so many times it's a blur. But this Nbome stuff was different. It really felt like a short circuit went off in my brain. The first two weeks were hell. I had a breakdown cuz my brain was shit. total shit. It felt like I had really messed up this time. I would get headaches as well for the first week. Man I was fried that the next day after I did that garbage, I tried to start my car by putting the key in the wrong side of the ignition. It was terrible man.

I understand that people like it and they don't have these negative effects. That's good. I just advise people to tread lightly with this stuff. I don't want it to bite them in the ass.

But I would say that after 2 months everything was back to my norm. I'm so thankful for that. I'm tellin ya... that 25i stuff is toxic. But for the first month solid I was messed up. Not a day went by that I wouldn't say to myself "fuckin 25i, fuck that shit. fuckin fry my brain" and stuff like that. I was irate about it.

What exactly are you feeling like right now ?"


Thread: how is 25i nbome?
Conflicting reports. Some people liked it and some say it felt negative to them


Thread: 25I-NBOMe Experiences
Quote from user: Deemster_shaman

"I had a very profound experience off this substance recently. Not positive what the dose was but here is what happened.

Dose: 5-6 mg (insufflated)
weight: 160 lbs

I tried to weigh out about 2-3 mg of 25i-nbome but my milligram scale kept jumping and I wasnt able to get an accurate read on it. So after a while of fiddling around with my scale I eyed out a small portion and snorted it.

The first sign was when I just started feeling really good and then I started seeing color blotches everywhere. After about 30 minutes the color started getting so intense it started becoming very difficult for me to see my phone's screen as I was attempting to text a friend.

At this point it's been an hour. I tried geting on my laptop but the visuals I was getting became so intense I found it almost impossible to even type my laptop's keys. The keys were spinning out of control I kept pushing the wrong buttons and I even locked out the screen accidently from pushing the wrong buttons. Im seeing spinning globe objects on the walls and its starting to get wild.

Around 45 minutes later the visuals get INSANE. I see Dora the explora move across the wall and I'm hearing noises that sound like laughter. I turned off the tv because I became uneasy with the program that was on but a little later it turns on by itself with mickey mouse on the screen. Of course the tv didnt really turn on by itself but to me the screen came alive with mickey mouse. I saw a toilet go across the wall as well.

I start losing my cool and get slightly paranoid fearing the possibility that I have over done it and am reaching over dose. I am in a top floor in an apartment complex and I look out the window and right outside the window I see a sheriffs Car parked right in front of it, but as I said Im in a top floor so this is impossible. A while later I basically blacked out because I have very limited memory of it. I was told I lost it and claimed myself to be the anti-satan being born to fight off the anti-christ. I took off my clothes and became completely naked so I would be accepted as the "anti-satan". I started thinking completely insane thoughts I have never experienced anything like this. I've never reacted to a substance so intensley where I became temporarily insane. I took this substance at around 8:00 pm and the last I remember was settling down in bed at around 5:00 am. This is where I started snapping out of my insanity.
The next day I still felt slightly high and felt shook from the experience. At first it was a very enjoyable experience, but then it became too much when I felt myself losing my mind. 25i-nbome is still a very remarkable substance in my opinion I am not turned off by it, although when I do experience this substance again it will be accurately measured and on blotter taken sublingually. I do not wish to insufflate the powder again."

Quote from user: ace665

"I have had multiple experiences with 25i, the first couple were interesting but the last one left me with very bad side effects.
Male, 160lb, does varied (also unknown)

I have taken 25i in blotter form, i took 5 and the effects were very mild, it was a slow moving somewhat relaxed feeling not many visuals from the blotter.

The other method of consumption was by snorting, i am aware the danger of eyeing this substance because it is dosed in mg's so i'm not positive how much i have taken but i do know it was a different amount every-time, The first couple time i have done this it was very intense, every time i took it my whole body had pulses and it made me involuntarily shaky which resulted in throwing up foamy like saliva, as soon as i would throw up my trip would begin, very intense visuals, plenty of colors. But the most intense feeling of this drug is the in the body, feeling like puzzle pieces being pulled in and out of my brain . The trip also seemed to put me in loops, where i would do 3 things over and over, such as a motion or 3 words the first couple time i took this drug i liked it but i do not recommend it because of what happen the last two times.

About a month ago i took 25i by snorting it, i did about half the amount i have done previously, and snorted a little in each nostril, the back of my throat and my nasal passages burned pretty bad for about 30 min, but 15 min after consumption my walls had swirling vortexes on all four sides, i was with 3 other people, two others did it with me and one stayed sober, we decided to get in the car and go to a park (the sober kid was driving) i then started to realize i was completely loosing my mind and i could only pronounce things half way so i could not communicate with anyone, motor skills felt impaired. (after this point i only know what i am saying because of what my friends told me i did.) Eventually we got to a park where i was slightly able to walk, but i could not speak or hear anything, i then started to repeat 3 words over and over because those were the only 3 words i was able to make out. I then looked over and saw two couple sitting on a bench, I then uncontrollably turned to one of my friends and screamed (apparently the loudest and most aggressive scream came out of me saying "your a fucking ass hole", my friend had to grab me and lead me out of sight because we were in a public place ( at this point i had absolutely no control over myself or my actions the trip completely took over) the friend i screamed at pulled me aside for a talk which i don't remember at all and he refuses to tell me what he said to me or what i replied, he then went away from me and left me there and that is when i jumped into the river at the park, all i remember is seeing myself in 40 years and in complete paradise but then something hit me and i ripped off all the fancy clothes i thought i had on and leaped into the river putting a couple gashes into my shin, the friend that pulled me over to the side went and told the driver that i had jumped in the river, so the driver ran to the river to try and find me and luckily he did, he said i was shivering and looked completely gone like a totally different force took me over, they rushed me home and put me inside so i would be in a more recognizable environment, by this time the other two that had taken the 25i were completely sober but i was still gone out of my mind, for the next 3-4 hours it was me trying to remember how to talk, remember who i was and where i was, i smoked some ganja to see if it would calm me down and it helped just a little bit, the comedown was also insane, it was more intense then peaks i have had on Lucy and mentally very hard to stay sane, i eventually came back to reality but the next day i had no clear thoughts and just felt like a complete zombie. but a few days passed by and i felt as normal as ever just a few scars.

But this is where it got me....after about 2 weeks i took a little more, this time (eye wise) it was 1/4 of what i took the other time, i consumed it in the same fashion as the other times. I sat on my couch with my friend and we waited for it to kick in, but this time it was different, my head felt like it was filling up with hot air and on the top right part of my brain i felt all of that pressure explode and i was in extreme pain, the trip imminently came to a dead stop and for the next 6-8 hours all it consisted of was my trying to handle the pain and not have a panic attack because of how strong this pain was, it was more painful then any bone i have broken and felt like a cold knife cutting open my brain and letting stinging fluids out. it has been a month since then and the same pain has come back day after day everyday since then, it is now dimmed down a lot from what it used to be, but my whole body and brain would go numb and i would feel like i was about to go into a trip randomly and i would loose some motor skill in my hands and my face movement."

Read more: http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96980&page=2#ixzz21QXg811v


These are some anecdotal reports I found. Not everyone is getting these reactions, but it's concerning. I have also read of people having seizures from these.

Found this one too... DO NOT EYEBALL WHEN DOSING THIS DRUG. It also sounds like it can get very intense.

Thread: 25i-NBOMe
Quote from user: eBagger

"be careful, it can be more intense than expected. I have personally never done it, as I had a bad trip experience shortly before some friends got ahold of some nbome.

They handled it fine, sniffing a small amount slightly bigger than...like. 3 milometers. Another friend came over said he was experienced with other 2c-chemicals and tripping. I felt like he was exaggerating and when they showed him the amount to do he asked for more. He did a little more than they did. I showed up about 20 minutes after he did it.

He described the come up as awesome, colors, trails, other visuals. After about 2 hours his train of thought went from excited to worried. We suggested he go outside and get some fresh air. He described the trees breathing and a ton of stimuli going on. Another hour or so and he was worse. We kept saying he had taken a chemical that made him feel this way, and to relax, that everything is okay. He started backlashing saying everythings okay? So my moms not disappointed in me? So my dads not in chronic pain everyday? And we were just like uhhh...again its the chemical, things are how they were before you took it. Your dads going to be waiting for you.

Before it was over he went outside, on the balcony of the 2nd story of the apartments my friend was at. I was only drinking, and my friend was heroined out and we went out with him. He was looking over the balcony and continuing his rants, this is too intense, then starting to say uneasily make it stop make it stop oh my god. I kept saying what we'd been saying chill out man it'll be over in a couple hours just try and relax. No sooner did I see him put his hands on the railing, lunge back, and flip himself over, only to hear a sicking thud. I immediately flipped out and look at my boy, who was just kinda standing there. I was scared to look over as I didn't hear anything. I ran to the door and yelled to my 2 other friends inside holy shit he flipped himself off the god damn balcony.

I finally looked over while they were running down luckily to see him rolling around in pain on the concrete. The following hour was no better, as we layed him on the couch he was doing shit like looking at his hand, which was fine, and saying look guys, i'm healing. But that wasn't the issue, the issue was he landed on his back on the concrete from a little over 20 ft.

This was a number of months ago, and after waiting a week he finally went to the hospital and got an MRI. He broke 3 vertebra in his lower back, and I'm not sure if they new it was drug related or now, but all he got was like a perc 10 a day. He still can't lift stuff, and will probably be suffering for the rest of his life. Not to bash the Nbome, as 3 other friends did it multiple times and enjoyed it. Just that negative instance to speak of."



From user: NeuroSoup


Also, I have a question. I didn't get a full 8/9 hours sleep after taking 25i. I had accidentally left my alarm clock on and it woke up me earlier than I would've woken up without it. Could the lack of sleep after consuming 25i have caused me to not adequately recover?

Forgot to add: Didn't have any physical activity and I don't recall eating anything while tripping, such as anti-oxidants.
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I think I took around like 1-2mg. I'm not really sure, my friend put it on the blotters. Did you read the shroomery one? I think people on there took some normal doses and were messed up. While I'll admit some of these were likely caused by overdose, I think these drugs have the potential to do some very nasty things. No one should definitely being doing any heroic doses.
As a matter of fact I do very much feel like I have died in a way

I wonder if death does feel like what we think dying should feel like tho enables. Perhaps real death feels completely different?
I wonder if death does feel like what we think dying should feel like tho enables. Perhaps real death feels completely different?
that wasn't me lul, i posted someone who had a bad reaction


You know why some people don't come back to this site? Because of people who post rude, sarcastic comments, like this. Get over yourself.
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as said, the dose curve is fucking steep with 25i-nbome. one blotter - nothing. two - best trip of my life, lots of visuals, thought energy etc, rode my bike, sat in a field and drank beer with a buddy and watched the sunset.

dissolve it in water or something? i don't know the process for that so read up more. but have benzo's or something on hand and a rational person and don't be afraid to call the medics, embarrassment is better than months of recovery.

sorry you had such a bad experience.
as said, the dose curve is fucking steep with 25i-nbome. one blotter - nothing. two - best trip of my life, lots of visuals, thought energy etc, rode my bike, sat in a field and drank beer with a buddy and watched the sunset.

dissolve it in water or something? i don't know the process for that so read up more. but have benzo's or something on hand and a rational person and don't be afraid to call the medics, embarrassment is better than months of recovery.

sorry you had such a bad experience.
I'm learning that their can be a wide range of reactions to these and psys in general
I'm glad you had a good time at least, maybe my personal chemistry doesn't go well with it. The first time I took it went okay, I actually got bored so I decided to smoke some weed with it, not sure if that made a difference, and didn't have any noticeable negative after effects, though the trip wasn't that spectacular. The second time I was actually having a good time, I had an introspective trip, ego dissolving, until I started coming down, I had negative thoughts, and was overall not feeling good. Then when I woke up the next day, I felt very depressed and my brain felt so fried.
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I think it's clear that messing around eyeballing doses of any Nbome is foolish and dangerous. These idiots really shouldn't have access to such potent chemicals if they do not know both the dosage required to safely trip and an accurate way to measure out their dose.

But I will say 25I-Nbome even in small, and safe doses can be difficult to handle. I found it very taxing mentally, I gather that's not the case with everyone or even the majority though. The biggest dose I've done was 1.5 blotters i.e 825mcg. For much of the trip I was fine, I enjoyed the insanely good 3d morphing visuals and eureka type revelations I was having. But then I got stuck in thought loops, everyday tasks became difficult and confusing, then my train of thought almost became fractured or something, was quite scary and unpleasant. And the ego-dissolving quality of this material became very apparent. Was tough, but I would say useful to me in some ways. Even so, I won't be consuming this one again. I'd rather enjoy my trips ;)
Right so to conclude everyone should stay away from this substance as you took ~6 times a medium dose, with a brand new very unresearched chemical....wana play russian roulette? 8)

I dont mean to be rude but its people treating extremely potent substances such as NBOMe's in this way. I got 10mg of 25i the other day as as my scales are only 0.01g accurate (10mg) I have ordered some more accurate to 1mg so I can properly check the amount I have before carefully dissolving into solution. Therefore this 10mg has not been touched, as you MUST be careful!

Drugs are extremely dangerous but I have tried 29 different ones have never been to hospital, or had any more side effects than vomited and I honestly believe this due to carefully researching dosage and staying more on the light/medium doses, minimising risk.

I wouldnt even eyeball MDMA and a light dose of that is 100mg. So when 25i-NBOMe light dose is 0.5mg your seriously playing with fire!
Right so to conclude everyone should stay away from this substance as you took ~6 times a medium dose, with a brand new very unresearched chemical....wana play russian roulette? 8)

I dont mean to be rude but its people treating extremely potent substances such as NBOMe's in this way. I got 10mg of 25i the other day as as my scales are only 0.01g accurate (10mg) I have ordered some more accurate to 1mg so I can properly check the amount I have before carefully dissolving into solution. Therefore this 10mg has not been touched, as you MUST be careful!

Drugs are extremely dangerous but I have tried 29 different ones have never been to hospital, or had any more side effects than vomited and I honestly believe this due to carefully researching dosage and staying more on the light/medium doses, minimising risk.

I wouldnt even eyeball MDMA and a light dose of that is 100mg. So when 25i-NBOMe light dose is 0.5mg your seriously playing with fire!
I'm don't wanna say don't do it (even though I think taking something with a better safety profile like lsd/shrooms would be far safer, or even one of the 2c's), I'm just trying to make people aware that there is a dark side to these chems. You're right, you are playing with fire dosing such a potent substance. Many people don't have the means to measure it out properly and thus shouldn't touch these or just get some pre-laid blotters. Thanks for not being condescending like the other guy (not Mortimer).
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I would honestly say they're not much safer than bromo dragonfly. I vaped an eyeballed dose of 25i and was sent spiraling into oblivion. I also felt like I was being 'struck by lightning' at times too, it was INTENSE.

you're not invincible, be careful as shit when handling these risky chems.
I would honestly say they're not much safer than bromo dragonfly. I vaped an eyeballed dose of 25i and was sent spiraling into oblivion. I also felt like I was being 'struck by lightning' at times too, it was INTENSE.

you're not invincible, be careful as shit when handling these risky chems.
I too have read of it being very intense, especially in higher doses. Some people report their experiences to be matching the intensity of DMT, when enough 25x-NBOMe is taken. These are not to be considered safe, with some deaths and seizures attributed to the 25x-NBOMe's.
A friend of mine accidentally insuffulated(?) 1.4 of 25c whilst my self only using .7 ( don't ask how it was an accident). Needless to say it was very strong full throttle within 5 minutes, for me it was fine, I could handle it. For him he was vomiting profusely and said he couldn't see there were so many visuals. So I took him home and got some valium off of his dad. It took him about a month to come back to normality he said. All I can say is, 25c is a VERY potent drug and shouldn't be fucked about with.
yeah tolerance and proper dose are big factors. the last times i tried this chem i had a somewhat limited time to regain my tolerance, and the needed doses were fairly high, and comedown was accompanied by a nasty headache.

that said, i feel these are still quite safe if used right, and would suggest multivitamins and above-average hydration when using. im not sure if 5htp helps, id love to hear someone chime in on that
How interesting, that most of the conclusions that the NBOMe phens are highly dangerous, come from people ~eyeballing~ the chemicals, which happen to be highly active in the sub-milligram range.

If we all started eyeballing pure crystalline LSD, what conclusions do you think we'd reach about that chemical? 8)
The problem with the NBOMe's is certainly the high potency and the steep dose-response curve. It's too bad that the unsubstituted N-benzyls are not readily available. The 25x-NBs are active intranasally at about 6 mg and buccally/sublingually at 12 mg. It would be a lot harder to make dosing errors with these. Of course, nothing is fool-proof, since fools are so clever :\.
Murphy was worried about these things. I thought the therapeutic index would save us. Murphy was right, I was wrong.

I used a milligram scale and liquid measurement in an eardrop bottle. You can go for about three months without losing much potency like this, or probably more if you keep them cold. Liquid insufflation is very potent though. I was pretty far gone on 250 micrograms.
Nearly everything you're talking about seems related to overdose. 5-6 mg of an NBOMe is just asking for trouble, the dose/response curve is VERY steep with NBOMe compounds. Everyone who seems to have these absolutely horrible reactions, besides allergic ones, is doing stupid shit like eyeballing doses, or for some reason thinking starting with a dose of 1.5mg of 25C is a good idea without any prior experience. I don't think NBOMes are all that harmful if used correctly, but jesus, your story combined with the others, all of it just reeks irresponsibility. For fuck sake, stuff like this is to be EXPECTED if you're just eyeballing the shit, or have unverified blotter material and don't know what you have exactly in terms of potential hot spots.

Edit: I don't think lack of quality sleep is the problem, I think the fact that you probably MASSIVELY overdosed is the problem, or that you're borderline allergic, or it somehow doesn't agree with your body.

I thought going over 1mg of 25iNBOMe was risky, but to read posts like this is scary when considering the dosage response curve and the rate of absorption. There should be warnings from posts like these, as it could mislead someone and they might have difficulties and then some. Start low, work your way up.
All the negative reactions I've seen have been because of "eyeballing" this shit. This is the most irrisponsible you can possibly do. This substance is active in MICROGRAMS. Would you eyeball pure LSD and then complain that its not a fun drug because you accidentally put 163 doses up your nose? So why do this with something that has been linked to hospitalizations. I've done 25x around 50 times now honestly, never exceeding 2 mg and never in single doses of more than 500 mcg at a time. I honestly feel like LSD has stronger and longer lasting negative after effects than any of these aside from mild HPPD. 2 days and I'm good as new. The problem is people who are new to psychadelics are just bieng flat out irrisponsible when most of us learned our lesson about "too much" with acid or mushrooms.
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Good point man ^ Contrary to popular belief, i think NBOMe's make terrible starter psychedelics, because they lack that profoundness at reasonable dosages that shrooms and LSD offer, seems like it'd be much easier to unknowingly overdo it looking for effects that aren't there... You know, the psychedelic effects... I like 25i and i usually dose 250ug-2000ug but most often 500ug, but it definitely feels disproportionately taxing compared to some other phens and and tryptamine.

If 500ug 25i is a common dose needed to trip, then why would anyone ever take 5-6mg. That would be like taking 1 gram of MDMA to roll (10x the recommended amount).
I have titrated up to a half of a blotter of both 25-i-nbome and 25-i-nboh,
and then back down to 1/4 blotter for my experiments of psychedelic nature with more than 4 days between...

my sweet spot is 200-300micrograms of it, and not any more than that.

no wonder there are so many nasty experiences... people are incautious and consume too much.
reminds me of the coneheads (they were from france)