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Anyone here had a stent fitted?


Bluelight Crew
May 12, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I had a stent fitted in my left anterior descending artery as there was a greater than 50% narrowing in one part.

Operation was routine and I even got given IV diazepam and fentanyl (but not enough imo).

Anyway, I feel loads better now but am on a cocktail of extremely boring drugs, some of which I may have to stay on for the rest of my life.

Meds list:

Aspirin 75mg (anti platelet)
Bisoprolol fumirate 1.25mg (beta blocker)
Atorvastatin 20mg (statin)
Clopigogrel 75mg (anti platelet)

So my questions are:

Does this mean I can never take MDMA (or other stimulants) again?

How do stimulants and beta blockers interact?

What is the point of beta blockers now that I've had the op?

Would be grateful to hear other people's opinions or experiences.

Thanks in advance <3
Very glad to hear the op went well man...did they know about your pevious stim useage etc? What, if anything, do they think caused the narrowing?

I have no ability to respond to your questions though unfortnately...but I reckon any stimulant intake for me with your condition would be so anxiety strewn to make it not worthwhile (I mean it's like that for me anyway now tbh, although I still have the odd lapse which I heavily rue each and every time)
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MDMA and most stims taken in a moderate dose is compared to mild to moderate exercise.
If you can exercise, you can probably take a stim.
When you reach a breaking point (i.e. reality is too dull and you wanna get high), I would start small and see how it feels with a clean sample.
If a common dose of MDMA is 125mg start at 75mg or smaller.
I wouldn't recommend meth. But I also don't use meth.
If you die, then it's bad advice.
My Dad has a stent. And I would like him to try MDMA. unlikely at best. But one may be all he needs.
Not true. That is total oversimplification with false premise that they only rise bpm of heart.

And even if it would be true, when you get pain in chest from exercise you just stop, if you get it from stims you might be in a far more fucked up situation…
A couple of weeks ago I had a stent fitted in my left anterior descending artery as there was a greater than 50% narrowing in one part.

Operation was routine and I even got given IV diazepam and fentanyl (but not enough imo).

Anyway, I feel loads better now but am on a cocktail of extremely boring drugs, some of which I may have to stay on for the rest of my life.

Meds list:

Aspirin 75mg (anti platelet)
Bisoprolol fumirate 1.25mg (beta blocker)
Atorvastatin 20mg (statin)
Clopigogrel 75mg (anti platelet)

So my questions are:

Does this mean I can never take MDMA (or other stimulants) again?

How do stimulants and beta blockers interact?

What is the point of beta blockers now that I've had the op?

Would be grateful to hear other people's opinions or experiences.

Thanks in advance <3

so can i ask what happened that lead to your stent being placed?

chest pain, high blood pressure? were you having symptoms?
Very glad to hear the op went well man...did they know about your pevious stim useage etc? What, if anything, do they think caused the narrowing?

I have no ability to respond to your questions though unfortnately...but I reckon any stimulant intake for me with your condition would be so anxiety strewn to make it not worthwhile (I mean it's like that for me anyway now tbh, although I still have the odd lapse which I heavily rue each and every time)

Cheers mate. No they didn't know about previous stim use and said the likely cause was smoking- which I'm supposed to be stopping, but finding that a little hard tbh.

They actually said my heart is in good condition, strong regular beat and relatively normal blood pressure.

The thing is, I have no idea how long my artery has been blocked and I was necking MDMA left right and centre with no apparent issues (MDMA never seems to speed up my pulse rate) so I'm thinking that now the artery is back to 'normal', it shouldn't hurt? I'm more concerned about these bloody beta blockers...
so can i ask what happened that lead to your stent being placed?

chest pain, high blood pressure? were you having symptoms?

I'd been having various aches and pains in my left arm, back and chest area for probably a couple of years now which became more noticeable on hard liquor. Apparently booze can put quite a strain on the ol' ticker. I noticed that when I was rat arsed, I would become fatigued very quickly. Also, if I was doing any work that involved raosing my arms above my head, such as changing a light fitting, I soon became tired and breathless. These symptoms would come and go seemingly at random, but being a bloke, I thought nothing of it and just presumed I'd 'slept funny' or had knocked myself at work or summat.

But these aches and pains started to become pretty much constant and very uncomfortable. So the Mrs grassed me up to the docs resulting in a whirlwind of tests and ultimately the stent fitting. Apparently I was showing atypical angina symptoms.

After the op, I wasn't allowed to drive for 7 days so I ended up walking quite a lot as it's 3 miles into town. But rather than getting tired, the exercise was exhilarating. I'd get home and be buzzing off an endorphin hit. So I'm definitely noticing the benefits now...
FUBAR I have a friend in near me that went to a hospital some years back with chest pain. He was 48, now about 58. They sent him home and said indigestion. 4 hours later his wife found him on the bathroom floor unconscious He was helicoptered to to a bigger city in NY and had several stents put in right there and then.

Heart issues run in his family, father and grandfather also had blockages so that is the one thing I believe can be hereditary. I will say this my friend trips on acid a lot still grows on mushrooms and his own weed and it is 10 years later after his stents and did so all along. In some ways you probably have the best blood flow through the heart in years. I think in ways you are safer now. But I also understand there are other things a person is not to do with a stent. I thought I heard a hot tub is a no no. Not sure.
MDMA I'd be cautious about, due to 5HT2B agonists. Amphetamine, onthe othe hand, I've eaten. . loads of since (and one stent was a 50mm stent! Hurt like fuck!). Just as in all things, moderation n advised (like it's ever had any effect on me!). Even don't take beta blockers, as it's dick death.
Cheers mate. No they didn't know about previous stim use and said the likely cause was smoking- which I'm supposed to be stopping, but finding that a little hard tbh.

They actually said my heart is in good condition, strong regular beat and relatively normal blood pressure.

The thing is, I have no idea how long my artery has been blocked and I was necking MDMA left right and centre with no apparent issues (MDMA never seems to speed up my pulse rate) so I'm thinking that now the artery is back to 'normal', it shouldn't hurt? I'm more concerned about these bloody beta blockers...
ellisdee my man.

No hippy.
See doc about Zyban. Dopamine reuptake inhbtr, the makes it so much easier to quit (will have to go for vape). Not easy, bt infinitely easier. If you want back up. Let me know and I'll give you the full pharmacology backup, in a way a doc cannot argue with (you know o I can make tem jump through hoops!) argue cannot argue with. You know I can do it.

ellisdee my man.

No hippy.
Beta blockers - I've never taken them. Anything that is a 5H2B agonist, I'd leave well alone (valve overgrowth z pulmonary hypertension. Some weak 5HT2.B agonists (MDMA, MDA, 6-APB, 6-MAPB, 5-MaPB) fraid no. Acid and derivatives, tryptamines ok AMT ok. Meth, I'd avoid. Amphetamine, phenmetrazinne and methylphenidate derivative OK. No substituted methamphetamines
How do stimulants and beta blockers interact?
Doctors will prescribe beta blockers for heart patients who also use stimulants such as cocaine, so there appears to be no significant contra-indication.
What is the point of beta blockers now that I've had the op?
Beta blockers help regulate your heart rate and blood pressure, so they're standard medication for anyone who's had a heart procedure to avoid further complications.
Doctors will prescribe beta blockers for heart patients who also use stimulants such as cocaine, so there appears to be no significant contra-indication.

Ah, I didn't know that. Thank you.

Beta blockers help regulate your heart rate and blood pressure, so they're standard medication for anyone who's had a heart procedure to avoid further complications.

I can see the reasoning behind beta blockers before fitting the stent, but now my artery is back to 100% blood flow, I fail to see the logic of staying on them. Am I missing something here?
I can see the reasoning behind beta blockers before fitting the stent, but now my artery is back to 100% blood flow, I fail to see the logic of staying on them. Am I missing something here?
The fact that you developed angina and needed a stent fitting in the first place indicates you have certain risk factors for developing these problems. It's very common for patients to need a second stent fitted a few years down the line because another artery furs up, or in some cases to develop other cardiological issues. Like I said above, you continue to give beta blockers to prevent such future complications. They have a protective function and it's standard to continue them for on average 3 years after a procedure.
The fact that you developed angina and needed a stent fitting in the first place indicates you have certain risk factors for developing these problems. It's very common for patients to need a second stent fitted a few years down the line because another artery furs up, or in some cases to develop other cardiological issues. Like I said above, you continue to give beta blockers to prevent such future complications. They have a protective function and it's standard to continue them for on average 3 years after a procedure.

Thanks mate. That makes perfect sense. My main risk factor is smoking. If I can kick that into touch I should be ok, I think...