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Anyone have a Volcano. Looking for tips n trick

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
as the subject sayeth. How much do you load at once? Use dosing capsules or liquid concentrate pad?

Most importantly, what temperatures do you use and why//

Thanks for any help. Just got mine on June 16th. Used one pre-roll ripped up into the bowl, ripped it a couple of times and promptly greened out. So instead of the regular bowl (holds maybe 0.5g) I switched out the bowl for the reducer, made a bunch of cartridges (hold 0.1 to 0.16g give or take).

Anyone used/use the whip? I haven’t since I had an Arizer Eq in 2009ish.


Thomas i think its very easy to underestimate the power of a vaporizer, Whilst i do not own a Volcano i do own both a Mighty and an Extreme Q and i used to own a V Tower years ago, if i had tallyd up 'greenys' from that thing on the side of it like an aircraft it would be looking like a ww2 aces spitfire.

I read on a study that was used to see the potency of vaporizers that a group was given 3 options: Placebo, 10mg THC and 25mg THC through different forms Smoking or Vaping and for some the 10mg vaped was just as powerful as 25mg smoked.
For me i only vape weed havent smoked in years, and i take breaks too where i wont use it for a few days or a week then start again , constantly resetting my tolerance and if i hit that shit too heavy when i first come back to it, it kicks my arse (despite at one point being a very heavy consumer of cannabis and used to its effects)
At one point i really did consider purchasing the volcano however i decided the V tower was good enough so went for the extreme q, now something i see that all these vapes have in common is that the filling chamber is quite big. There are going to be heavy cannabis users out there who will say " Ey yo man wtf that shit is small " , but for most people the filling chamber is large. What i mean by this is when you put too little of dry herb in the chamber your experience will be pretty crap. There will be a lot less vapour a lot less flavour and a lot less of a 'hit' will just feel like Air.

So, Thomas my advice to you would be to get some high CBD flower and try mixing some of that in place of your THC weed in it in order to use the regular bowl. The whip addition is meant to be just like the V tower/dabuddha etc although the volcano might be more efficient. Another thing i noticed is if you re-vape some weed later on the high is much heavier and stonier but not necessarily more psychotropic. This is due to some of the THC content being converted to CBN. Its trial and error really i have found with mixing in CBD herb tho it kept the flavour, the thickness and the overall pleasurable vaping experience , and i never vape beyond 200c either
@Darksidesam Yes, I've unerestimated vaporizers for a while until I got a Pax 3 (no longer have, had to give away when I moved)

In the past I've had

original Davinci
Extreme Q
Silver Surfer

Of all those, I only liked the whip from the Extreme. The others had various flaws

When I bought the Volcano, I also bought the load chamber reducer and dosing capsules. They hold ~160 mg ground weed; the normal bowl at least 1/2 gram.

Heh; I've revaped material in short times and you're right, it is a heavier, stonier experience - sort of similar to an edible high (for me)

It's had one positive effect already; I've kept away from cartridges for 1 whole week, and those things were jacking my tolerance up. It's rather nice getting back to flower.


Here is a pic of a dented dosing capsule (they really are thin), balance tared and displayed weight of weed inside capsule. The repeatability of filling is pretty good. Still haven’t used the whip - but when I do, it’s going to be w/a weighed dose.

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i have these same capsules and the keyring holder, which i use for the mighty i wonder if they are the same size. Ive had some cracking highs the last few days its about getting the ratio you like perfect as well as finding a strain that suits preference and vaping too, but ultimately it will all get you high just hopefully the right amount of high eh lol

You cant beat flower honestly its the best way i found at least