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anyone have a crappy diet with no fruit and veggies

So you think just by puttin dressing on the salad im gonna like it ? LOL . i cant even get that crap down . its nasty to me
most fruits ill eat is apples and veggis maybe brocoli . thast about it
It's not that easy, unfortunately.

Baby steps my dear. :) If you keep looking at the big picture and seeing how difficult it is, you will be overwhelmed. But taking very small steps and doing something DIFFERENT but good for you little by little , day by day, is better than not doing anything at all.

Lots of helpful tips in this forum on getting your health back on track, eating better and more nutritious food, etc.
^ Thanks, but at the moment I'm not really interested in getting my health back on track.

Too depressed/anhedonic/apathetic for that. :\
I eat really terrible (as well as getting high and smoking cigs and not working out enough ) i hate most fruits and veggies.............and i eat way too much pizza, and fast food.............I am scared its gonna catch up with me eventually . i just dont know how to change it............anyone relate ?

I used to be like that too man. I'm still pretty young in my 20s but there came a time when I became paranoid about my health. The only thing that helped me chill out was by eating healthier. Even though most fruits and veggies are not too pleasant for me to eat, I eat them when they are available. I cut out most fast food and limit my red meats to 2-3 times a week. I started working out because I wanted a more impressive body shape. I used to smoke like a pack a day of Marlboros and those things caused the most problems for me. Now I smoke American Spirit, and even though I am still smoking, I feel much better than before and I get sick very infrequently. I found that the additives in cigarettes would irritate my sinuses and weaken my immune system so I would get sick pretty often. Now I feel pretty good all around but I still have to keep my smoking down, otherwise I begin to worry about my heart and stuff like that. Also I still treat myself to junk type food once in a while and I drink a couple times a week, but I feel pretty good. You can be more healthy if you really want to but only you can make the decision. Eventually it becomes second nature and you actually enjoy making healthy decisions. I know my peace of mind depends on it.
i HATE Salads

haha I think you got your point across.

I'm not a fan of salads either... so just don't eat them. Eat other healthy things instead. I'd rather have some carrots and hummus VS. a salad, so that's what I eat. You just gotta find the few healthy foods you do like and just buy those. Don't try to force down shit you don't like. I mean, it's important to have a variety because not all fruits and veggies are equally healthy or supply all of your vitamin needs... but I'm just saying, at least for ME, I only buy food I like otherwise I just end up going to McDonalds.

I know nothing about dope addiction, but I generally believe that no matter what your state of mind or body is, a good diet can really help you feel better. I def. don't eat 100% super healthy but I've recently switched to a much more balanced diet and my body feels way better. I have more energy, a better looking stomach (lol), more self eesteem, and I recover better from hangovers, to name a few things I've noticed.

Sorry this is long, but as someone who used to be kinda pudgy and had a horrible diet, I like to do my best to help people struggling (whether your weight has to do with it or not). Again, I'm no poster child for the food pyramid, but I don't think you have to be perfect, just improve your diet little by little.... any small changes are for the better.
i think i most be the most picky eater ever............theres so many things i wont eat..........and i go to Culinary school too lol
I don't eat a lot of veggies mostly because they don't keep well and I like to buy food in bulk so that I don't have to go grocery shopping more than once every three weeks but V8 is good and I take a multivitamin other than that super clean diet eggs, chicken, 96% lean ground beef and brown rice.
are there ppl out there who eat bad their whole life and smoke and end up living to old ages ?
Are there 80 year old dope fiends who don't work out, smoke, and eat like crap?
Hmmm statistics don't look too good on that one.
If you define old age as 40 then maybe.
are there ppl out there who eat bad their whole life and smoke and end up living to old ages ?

Eh, my grandma is 75 and she's been smoking since age 17. She also doesn't really eat that healthy, although she is not overweight, she eats a lot of pre-packaged frozen stuff because she doesn't like to cook.

She's alive, but she's not in the best health. I can't prove that it's from the cigerettes or diet, but her older sister who is 80 doesn't smoke and is in much better health... can't help but wonder if that's because she took better care of herself.

'Course, this is just one example... but I think for the large part, people with poor diet and a smoking addiction end up either dying earlier or having poor health in old age.