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Anyone HATE ecstasy?


Jul 22, 2004
I, for one, loathe the drug (I am talking about 'pills' not just MDMA) for several reasons- the comedown is the complete antithesis of the high and kind of takes away any positive energy I get from it; it has caused me severe general anxiety (I can't say for sure that e did that but it certainly contributed); people talk fake shit when on e and look pretty disgusting; you always want more which can kill the buzz; it makes you nauseous . . . anyone else feel that way?
^ never been prone to anxiety, never come down that hard, all you need is some cones and good friends the next day- sometimes i feel awesome the next day. People talk fake shit on e???? righttttt i mean i usually talk shit but its all got some point or relevance and is not made up. Finally you only look like shit once you've had too much and monged in your chair and if your in this state who gives a fuck i bet your having a blast in your little world, also if your not totally monged i reckon most people look better on e with their dilated pupils and friendly faces.
I'm not a big fan at all of mda, infact I dont think you could pay me to have it willingly (then again, maybe the fact I was expecting mdma when I consumed mda contributed to the negative expereince), though I dont mind clean mdma pills on occasions. I used to hate that nauseous feeling though now I find just having some mylanta when I start to feel bad clears everything up.
bill joe said:
People talk fake shit on e???? righttttt i mean i usually talk shit but its all got some point or relevance and is not made up.

I mean like professing your love/admiration to people when you don't mean it or saying things you wouldn't when straight . . . I much rather a psychedelic drug (LSD/2c-xxx) then a silly bullshit high like pills provide. Thats just me however :)
My freinds and I used to love pills. Now that we have tried things like LSD/2c-xxxx and such we find the high to be fake and not worthwhile. I don't hate pills, there are just funnier drugs to take.
h-90 said:
My freinds and I used to love pills. Now that we have tried things like LSD/2c-xxxx and such we find the high to be fake and not worthwhile. I don't hate pills, there are just funnier drugs to take.

But even knowing that a the love and europhia is fake, chemicly enhanced, doesnt mean you still cant enjoy it.
Isnt that basicly saying you dont enjoy the high as much because you know its fake?

When the euphoria is gone, it gets bad, when the good feeling goes, it gets bad, when the comedown is the only fun part, thats the end.
h-90 said:
My freinds and I used to love pills. Now that we have tried things like LSD/2c-xxxx and such we find the high to be fake and not worthwhile. I don't hate pills, there are just funnier drugs to take.

If MDMA feels fake wouldnt every drug, i mean each drug has its own effects and non really could be considered "real". If anything i would say the drugs that make you hullicinate would feel more fake as mdma you feel everything and everything your feeling is actually true but when your seeing crazy colours and flying dragons you start to think this better not be normal.
h-90 said:
My freinds and I used to love pills. Now that we have tried things like LSD/2c-xxxx and such we find the high to be fake and not worthwhile. I don't hate pills, there are just funnier drugs to take.

I don't find the high fake as such, mainly the fact that I've taken enough pills to find the high boring.
Kinda like a stoner who can't get stoned anymore because it feels so normal.
the point you made about wanting more pills when you have come down is what I hate the most. There is definately no other drug which has that effect on me.
my innerself said:
the point you made about wanting more pills when you have come down is what I hate the most. There is definately no other drug which has that effect on me.

I rarely take pills now, i find i can take them or leave them...ie, i don't get excited when someone says "hey, i have some awesome pills".

RE: your comment, cocaine does that to me... when i'm coming off coke, i really want some more. ;)
I for one have pretty bad anxiety pretty much all the time. I blame pills yes, But i have always taken them responserbilly and spaced them out and taken vitamins. I havent popped in 3 months and my anxiety is slowly becoming less, but i know it will never completely go cos i had an 18 month break once, still was anxious.

I also find that with pills, if say im taking them every month, i get very uptight for the build up to the next month and feel i need pills in my draw all the time for a security blanket, not that i would take them, just knowing i have them. But Im not like that now, only when i was popping every month.
I have to agree that after taking pills for 4 years on and off i have found its lost its appeal.. i.e. dont feel that love anymore etc .... even when ive had a break for 3 months .. i then had one of those white heniken stars and didnt get that feeling (when i put this pill away for a rainy day so to speak so it was the goods as last time i had was really happy/lovey).. i think once you have taken e for so long that you wont get that feeling you once had when first started taking....Im sure im not the only one feeling this way...Also i get the shits really bad for days after taking so its doesnt seem worth it anymore as i never used to get upset so easily...

maybe its time for another drug other than MDMA ,that has the same properties and effects...

come on cooks get to work we need something NEW.....

i agree with billy joe....taking any kind of drug is an escape from reality, that's part of the reason we take them. So of course you there is a 'fakeness' about it. It's a kind of artificial happiness, that's the whole point. They can enhance a situation and they can be a social thing.

you say you end up professing your love or admiration for ppl whilst on ecstasy when you don't really mean it? I have found that there have been times in the past when I have said things to close friends and vice versa which I HAVE meant but was never game enough to say it when I was sober. I think the best thing you can take away from your drug experiences, regardless or whether you continue to take them or not in the future is the closeness and affection you got with the ppl you took it with. In some cases, it really brings friends closer in a different way and it's something you remember when you are sober. You should just take the drug for what it is...a party drug which opens people up, and you should take that away that ability to your everyday life...
I love E because for a while you can talk the fake shit and everyone believes you, for 5 or 6 hours you can totally forget about how ordinary the world is and get lost in your own little world of perfection, where everyone listens to you and everyone has time for you, where people you don't know will talk to you without looking at you strange, and everyone smiles and laughs and jokes....

How the fuck could you hate that ???

It's the kind of questions a chronic tweeker would ask (no offence to tweekers but it's filled with the classic cynicism).
bill joe said:
^ never been prone to anxiety, never come down that hard, all you need is some cones and good friends the next day- sometimes i feel awesome the next day. People talk fake shit on e???? righttttt i mean i usually talk shit but its all got some point or relevance and is not made up. Finally you only look like shit once you've had too much and monged in your chair and if your in this state who gives a fuck i bet your having a blast in your little world, also if your not totally monged i reckon most people look better on e with their dilated pupils and friendly faces.

couldn't have said it better actually.
lok1 said:
But even knowing that a the love and europhia is fake, chemicly enhanced, doesnt mean you still cant enjoy it.
Isnt that basicly saying you dont enjoy the high as much because you know its fake?


Good point lok1
But I find everyone's use of the terms 'fake' and 'chemically enhanced' pretty funny.
I mean, ultimately all our emotions are just the fluctuation of brain chemicals. now those fluctuations can be affected by more "real" things, such as relationships with friends etc., but in the end it seems kinda pointless labelling one chemical fluctuation "real" and another "fake".

having said that, i completely understand the "fake" feeling everyone's taking about. on a tuesday after a big weekend, it does cut pretty deep to think "hey, if i asked that same person what they thought of me now i bet they wouldn't say they loved me".

i think the main thing that comes through all these posts (as usual), is that if you feel like shit before drug use, you won't feel any better afterwards. sure, you might have 5 hours (if you're very very lucky!!) of bliss in between, but it won't last.

but in the end i agree with this wise man!:

bill joe said:
all you need is some cones and good friends the next day
Don't get me wrong, I love the drug but if it isn't respected it is a fucking nasty substance. Unlike pot, pills have a very large negative side. On the lesser side of things, i'm not a fan of dropping going to a club because i don't look too attractive on pills (more like some drugged fucked crazy bastard who looks like he's shit scared). But on a more serious isde when i have a big weekend (ie. 2.5+ strong bickies), I wake up the next day with my tongue shredded, an aggrevated fracture in my tooth, sore jaw and very painful ulcers on my tongue and mouth. Not to mention terrible comedowns - feeling sick, tired, complete disphoria (sp?) and general crankiness and depression. but to make it worse you can still feel a part of the pill when your coming down only now its taken on this nasty side. The nausea is a bit of a baddy but not too bad.
Anyway point is it's a good drug but if used without respect it will not treat you with respect
I just think I have moved on to bigger and better things . . . LSD and other pyschs have helped me to face my reality and in effect lessened my tendenices towards anxiety. Ecstasy never did that . . . .