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Opioids anyone ever sweat whilst on opiates?

I never used to get this with oxy, but this past week for the first time ive been abusing Poppy pod tea heavily, been high pretty much 24/7, im just wondering if anyone else sweats quite heavily whilst under the influence and NOT withdrawing? Its starting to annoy me a bit.

Also one more question, this is the first time ive done opiates everyday for more than 3 days ever, i used to do them as a treat every few months, now ive been on them constantly for a week, if i stop now will i get any withdrawals? Im planning a break soon, i just never want to have opiate withdrawals as ive been through benzo withdrawal before and dont want to experience anymore.

actually yeah, I was on a pretty heavy H regimine about a month ago and would wake up with sweat everywhere, only during the night... thought it was about time i quit if my high couldnt keep the withdrawl effects off with the drug itself....
You will likely not feel full on Wd's but you may have the leg cramps or trouble sleeping for a few days.
You possibly may feel like you have a mild flu.

The thing in your post that caught me though is that
You state you do not want to go through withdrawals.
If that is true that well you may want to stop doing opiates as your Drug of choices because ell eventually you will go on a binge and decide to take a break and find you are sick and will then go do more to keep the WD's away and well next thing you know you are trying rehabs and methadone and suboxone etc.
Just sharing what put me on the past and 27 years later I am still on Methadone and scared to death to face coming off.
I am darn almost 50 and still waking up taking something each morning to be "normal" You can not imagine how much i kick my own arse for going back to it after kicking once before

i never said opiates are my drug of choice, they are a rare treat for me, im now out of pods and not planning to buy anymore for a long time.

Well im out now and i dont feel too bad just tired and a bit grumpy, got some xanax so hopefully gonna get some sleep then i dont think ill feel bad over the weekend.