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Misc Anyone Ever Develop A…


Nov 9, 2020
Hey guys I have a very frustrating issue!! So because I give myself IM shots I develop A LOT of abscesses on my arms. Well my question to y’all is have any of you ever gotten a cyst instead of an abscess?
If so did you get it out on your own? If you did can you please tell me how you got it out?
I was trying to drain what I thought was a small abscess on my upper arm. Instead of the hot smelly yellow gunk I normally get I was confused when a bloody “sack” looking thing literally popped out from the eraser size hole in my arm! I kept squeezing until more bloody sack looking stuff popped out!
There is still the “core” to get out but I’m having a hard time trying to get it out!
Hey guys I have a very frustrating issue!! So because I give myself IM shots I develop A LOT of abscesses on my arms. Well my question to y’all is have any of you ever gotten a cyst instead of an abscess?
If so did you get it out on your own? If you did can you please tell me how you got it out?
I was trying to drain what I thought was a small abscess on my upper arm. Instead of the hot smelly yellow gunk I normally get I was confused when a bloody “sack” looking thing literally popped out from the eraser size hole in my arm! I kept squeezing until more bloody sack looking stuff popped out!
There is still the “core” to get out but I’m having a hard time trying to get it out!
The best thing to do is to look medicine help.Only suitable drugs for im injections are ampules(vials)
I have read several of your other threads where you have tried to heal your abcesses on your own. Every time our skin is broken we allow staph bacteria to enter the wound. By constantly poking and prodding and squeezing said abcesses the only thing you are doing is inflaming and infecting the site further.
Whether the wound is from an ingrown hair, a boil, or an injection site messing with it only creates more issues.

I know from other threads that you never seek medical attention for them. The proper course of action is incision and drainage of the wound and a course of antibiotics. They heal rapidly with this procedure and barely scar. If you continue to get them and self treat like you are one of these days you may wake up with sepsis and be in a world of hurt. If you can't stop injecting yourself in spite of the serious harm it causes you I suggest at least getting a Dr. to treat them when you get them.

I truly feel for you but you have made several threads asking this same question and have received a lot of good advice. Yet you continue to ignore our advice and keep having these issues. Trying to squeeze anything out of your body by yourself only creates further infection.
Please don't consider bathroom surgery on yourself, it sounds like you need to see a doctor. Get help from a medical professional, your post has me very concerned for your health man.
What the actual duck..... pls someone tell this guy/,girl he/she is gonna contract sepsis doing this shit....
As others have said. the only reasonable option here is to consult an actual medical doctor. We could take about all of the reasons why, but that's a waste of time. Conditions like abscess/infection are absolutely not within our abilities to assist with. In the best of circumstances, if someone could remove the abscess themselves, it will likely just return unless it's packed and medicated, not to mention oral antibiotics are often necessary following an abscess. It's just not even remotely something we can help with.

Please just go to the emergency department man :( It's not worth losing a limb or a life