Anyone else think mental addiction is far worse than physical addiction?

^i agree, however i smoked jwh-250 for quite a few months and didn't have any issues when i quit, kind of strange.

I think for benzos the physical withdrawals are insanely awful. But it is true that the mental addiction will always drive you back to the same place of misery. The physical withdrawal also lasts from 1 month - 1 year or more, so pretty much coincides with the mental addiction and they are hard to separate.

For opiates, the mental addiction is much worse, the cravings are intense and impossible to ignore for me. The actual withdrawal sucks but it's not impossible. The PAWS are the absolute worst part of it.

For stimulants, the cravings are more intense than opiates for me. I don't even like stimulants yet still crave them for some reason. I love that rush but hate the comedown and anxiety, yet they still have a pull on me. There is pretty much no physical withdrawal other than fatigue and depression which are probably just rebound effects.

for cannabis; i quit 3-4 months ago now and i had no physical withdrawal this time (although in the past i have). However i still crave to get high now. especially before i go to watch a tv show, movie or play a video game. I just want to get high first and have a lot of fun. However cannabis makes me panic, feel terrible and feel mentally unstable. My gf still smokes though and i'm always around it so that probably doesn't help. I guess i just crave the small shift in consciousness to make things more fun/interesting.

so my answer: it depends on the substance.
I see what you mean absolutely. Ive been thru the physical wwithdrawal of heroin numerous times but the mental addiction is what always brings me back

We need to stop fighting against ourselves and being our own worst enemy. Do what you gotta do to keep yourself away from it.. im two days strong off heroin and to help me i deleted my dealers numbet, which i couldnt of picked a better time to do cuz i memorized both his old numbers but the very day i decixed to delete it he texted me a new number saying both old ones were shut off. Hopefully i won't self destruct and find my way back down that path
ya but pure mental addiction if you can beat it you win and its over... but physicality addiction you .. have no choice you have to use or you die plus it effects you mentally