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Anyone else on here childfree?

I don't see a new born as a drain on society but the chance to create some one who could make it better.
this might be in your case
this is a good post but busty its not reality. there are alotttt of shitty people out there having babies . at least in the city im from and were im at i would NOT want to raise a child.

having a child seems to be trendy now. back in the days you better have been married to have a child! now a days girls have babies from multiple partners.
i believe in abortion also if your not fit, mentally capable, emotionally and financially stable DONT HAVE IT you'll just struggle and hurt a new life.
To each their own, I am childfree by choice atm but I have to say I find it near impossible to understand how anyone could be squeamish about babies generally(especially a Female over the age of 14)~ It baffles me. They are wonderful little creatures IMO- So they defecate, cry and puke- big deal!!! Adults are FAR more 'gross'(in more ways than this) IMO. :|

Just my 2c.
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I used to not want kids then I got married and then when we found out my wifes unit was gonna deploy to afghanistan towards the end of this year so I went and made her nondeployable and now we've got a lil boy on the way and I can honestly say I'm kind of excited
I don't think it's fair to bring a child into the world in an unstable environment.

No matter how deluded a family might be, there's no way to fully escape an unstable environment once a kid's brought into the picture. Some of the most "stable" households of people I've known produced some of the least stable people, and vice versa...not that that was the deciding factor...

I'm not saying anything in regards to your particular situation, and I'm certainly not saying anyone should or shouldn't do any thing, I'm just saying the transition in one's life that having a kid catalyzes is beyond neat planning, and it can't simply be assessed with a simple checklist of things you might or might not have. etc.
To each their own, I am childfree by choice atm but I have to say I find it near impossible to understand how anyone could be squeamish about babies generally(especially a Female over the age of 14)~ It baffles me. They are wonderful little creatures IMO- So they defecate, cry and puke- big deal!!! Adults are FAR more 'gross'(in more ways than this) IMO. :|

Just my 2c.

Have you EVER had to change a diaper?! Lol
Yes! I am well aquainted with baby poo! lol I worked as an Au-pair at 19 and was also a childminder for a few other years, baby sat as a kid etc etc. ;)
Yes. I don't particularly like kids. I mean I like teenagers in that rebellious, want-to-be-cool sort of way, but I don't want kids per se. Too much living for them and not enough living for yourself, especially when there's barely time to live for oneself in a lifetime.
I love kids but dont think I want any
I cant even find a partner I want to commit to for longer than six months, let alone a child forever.
Plus... a year without drinking, drugs, soft cheese, processed meat, cheesecake, soft serve ice-cream, botox.... REALLY? No effing way.
My family is huge so plenty to go around :p

Im always surprised at how many guys want babies....
I am 39 female and intend to remain childless.

I feel that being a mother would take away too many things I enjoy and would negatively alter who I am and where I want to be. I have know this since at least 19-20. Maybe earlier. I don't recall a pivotal event or ongoing theme that would have molded this idea. It just is. Like being gay. When you know you KNOW.

Hahhahaha busty I also support the extermination age.
I love kids but dont think I want any
I cant even find a partner I want to commit to for longer than six months, let alone a child forever.
Plus... a year without drinking, drugs, soft cheese, processed meat, cheesecake, soft serve ice-cream, botox.... REALLY? No effing way.
My family is huge so plenty to go around :p

Im always surprised at how many guys want babies....

Brilliant post!
Just telling it like it is Attempt4 :p

Kids are a lifelong commitment and I know too many people who are short sighted about that. And it requires two people to make a baby, meaning you're tied to some one else FOREVER! I mean... That idea alone makes me break out in hives ;)
Yeah I'm quite disappointed in how many guys want kids:/ Or worse, already have them! There's this guy that wants to get with me but I turned him down because he has 2 kids. I ain't raising no babies! Lol I want to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. I admit, I'm quite selfish. I don't belong anywhere near a kid.
I'm 30. And never wanted them. I know exactly what you mean about knowing.
I always felt like I never had a maternal bone in my body.
I recently found out that there's a chance that I may not be able to have children...
And lemme tell you... THAT makes me question my whole life of thinking I didn't want them.
It fucks with your head a bit. But they always say you want what you can't have.
Once I come back to reality, I realize that I never had children for a reason.
And the fact that I possibly can't have them, just reassures me that my decision was correct all along.
Dont want kids to be honest.. never have. I think they are just, too much responsibility for me.. I can barely be responsible enough just for myself! Although if the world was a different place, for the better, then yes.
Every new child is a fresh chance for them to be " the one" to invent or create something wonderful. Even if they don't, being a parent gives you a special time capsule that allows you to programme and send into the future the gift of love, compassion of your fellow man or the appreciation of speed metal.

Thats all well and good if the child is born to stable, loving supportive parents. Unforunately where i live theres more single mothers on the breadline than ever before, who probably still need mothering themselves.
Would love a daughter, but not a son. Not gonna take the risk. Might adopt, but I'm only 22 so a LONG way off yet!
I am 30 and I said I didn't want kids up until maybe a year or two ago. Something in me changed and I just had a feeling that I wanted to pass on the knowledge that I have so graciously earned. ha ha, more like how to at least quiet the demons and learn from everything. I never thought that I deserved the opportunity to bring a child into this world but as I grow up, my thoughts on this have changed. That being said, I'm absolutely not ready yet. I think it is sort of a goal for me - to be ready (level headed, healthy, top of career, good father).

I never believed that I deserved to bring a child and can relate on many levels to these posts but I do one day strive to be able to handle the responsability - AND the purest form of love that a little monkey brings to two people who love each other.

Plus I'm a chick and we have some sort of clock - or so I'm told. <3:)
I'm about 26. I do not want children (as of now). When I was younger I wanted 3 kids, my sister wanted 6 kids. (She is pregnant, younger than me, too. She's 24)

Why? I have put my body through hell. I have had eating disorders (6 f'ing years of that shit hole), drug addictions, self harm, mental anguish/depression, etc. I do not think I could handle raising children. I don't want someone to be predisposed to having a shitty life.

Also, I would rather and will WILLINGLY put my energy into being a kickass Aunt to the son of my brother, and the upcoming little girl that my sis is having. :)