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Heroin Anyone else forced to kick bc of corona?

Had to kick abruptly with no planned course of withdrawal (high dose oxy/some fent here and there)

Boy that was a great two weeks. As in... not being alive and hating every second. On the bright side, how many junkies kicked voluntarily with good intentions and succeeded? Sometimes the only way to escape opiate withdrawal is the cruelty of life forcing you to stop hard and cold all at once. I'm sure the last thing someone wants to hear when knee deep in opiate withdrawal that "it's for the best," but honestly... does anyone find that opiates put them in a great life position? LOL! I'd be damned if someone said that after 10 years of opiate addiction they're still enjoying it.
I live in the UK .. because of brexit all my lower priced #4 heroin from the Netherlands just got busted.

It was only 5g thank god (sometimes I buy like 40 or 50) .. but they dropped my "case," due to Corona virus They would just have encouraged me onto methadone .. or whatever .. but still .. sucks balls having a flag on my international trades.

I like #4 .. seems to be the only cassualty of covid for me. That and now I can't scored carfent from my Canadian connect .. maybe I shoudl go "skiing," there this year.
I like #4 .. seems to be the only cassualty of covid for me. That and now I can't scored carfent from my Canadian connect .. maybe I shoudl go "skiing," there this year.
Carfentanyl, are you serious? :oops: I loved bromadol which is around the potency of fent, but only ever as diluted liquid and carfent is like 10.000x morphine, a few micrograms can kill... Is this stuff even euphoric?
Carfentanyl, are you serious? :oops: I loved bromadol which is around the potency of fent, but only ever as diluted liquid and carfent is like 10.000x morphine, a few micrograms can kill... Is this stuff even euphoric?

Oh god .. I loved that carfent score ..

I'm not gonna say what I used to do with it cos this is a harm reduction site but in the right way .. it was insanely euphoric (it was basically insane what I was doing with .. You can PM me if you HAVE to know). But I got so excited .. I just had to ping an old thread ...
yes obviously, but oxycodone here is not available on the street, they have brought it to me from abroad and also from people with legitimate problems where oxycontin is prescribed, I have not stolen ... there are only people who do not like to take their medications and prefers to sell them, buy once a box of oxycontin for almost 15,000 Argentine pesos

Thats about €175.00. Not sure how many tabs/mgs of Oxy you're talking about here but thats rediculous cash to be paying out for any drug. I hope you can get your life together sooner rather than later. I've had to go back to square one after a month long run on Heroin after having almost 7 months sobriety but I'm looking forward to the clarity and the peacefulness that comes with sobriety; theres no way I'm going back to this life.

Also, absoloutely NO Heroin on in Argentina at all? Are you sure about this? Seems unlikely but then again you're the only Argentinian I've ever got the chance to speak with under these circumstances.
I honestly presumed there was a market for Heroin everywhere.
Thats about €175.00. Not sure how many tabs/mgs of Oxy you're talking about here but thats rediculous cash to be paying out for any drug. I hope you can get your life together sooner rather than later. I've had to go back to square one after a month long run on Heroin after having almost 7 months sobriety but I'm looking forward to the clarity and the peacefulness that comes with sobriety; theres no way I'm going back to this life.

Also, absoloutely NO Heroin on in Argentina at all? Are you sure about this? Seems unlikely but then again you're the only Argentinian I've ever got the chance to speak with under these circumstances.
I honestly presumed there was a market for Heroin everywhere.
I was talking about oxycontin 40, we also have 10, 20, 40mg oxicalmans anyway, things changed a bit and they are cheaper but it is still an expensive habit, the boxes I was talking about are only 30 pills.

I am sure that there is no heroin market here, the business is in cocaine and marijuana, also the mdma, lsd, sometimes here there are "new" things for us. But no, we don't have heroin. I don't really understand the reason, once I spoke to a guy from Buenos Aires (I'm from the south) and he told me he got heroin, but he had to order it first and they didn't send large batches (unless you ask for it clearly) He was a dealer , told me that he would not buy heroin because it would cost him time to sell it. People here are not interested in heroin for some reason they associate it with falling into the lowest, it is a taboo here opiates, mostly the people who use them IV or whatever, are surgeons or people who work in those areas.

There is something here 20 years ago (especially in Buenos Aires) that is known as "Paco" it is used in neighborhoods with very low resources, it seems to be cocaine base paste (before turning it into hydrochloride) full of garbage, it fucks people, I don't know how the business of that will be now. That is seen here as "falling low" I can't imagine what it would be like if they started selling heroin.
today i'm 3 weeks clean from a serious morphine IV habit 200-240mg doses. jesus i'm still yawning as i type this but it's bearable now, thank god.
What would be the equivalent of 240 mg IV to 240 mg orally? Or, for instance, to Oxycodone (oral) or even the hated -although it has its Methadone syrup (oral, obviously!)- Methadone?

Also, how would it equate to "non-opioids" like Cocaïne, Demerol, DMT, DXM, and salt/pepper? I'm going somewhere with the answer to this question, so please: bear with me...
What would be the equivalent of 240 mg IV to 240 mg orally? Or, for instance, to Oxycodone (oral) or even the hated -although it has its Methadone syrup (oral, obviously!)- Methadone?

Also, how would it equate to "non-opioids" like Cocaïne, Demerol, DMT, DXM, and salt/pepper? I'm going somewhere with the answer to this question, so please: bear with me...
Orally is like 3 times the same amount. and oxy would be like 300-320mg.
What would be the equivalent of 240 mg IV to 240 mg orally? Or, for instance, to Oxycodone (oral) or even the hated -although it has its Methadone syrup (oral, obviously!)- Methadone?

Also, how would it equate to "non-opioids" like Cocaïne, Demerol, DMT, DXM, and salt/pepper? I'm going somewhere with the answer to this question, so please: bear with me...

Im having a hard time understanding the question?

LOL! I'd be damned if someone said that after 10 years of opiate addiction they're still enjoying it.

Im about 11 1/2 years in; the past 7 being consecutive. (The longest clean time I had was 5 days and only because I was locked up)
I’m not trying to glorify my habit,but I don’t feel the same way as you do. I function rather well as a functioning junkie.
Fuck, really the only time people complain about their habits, or being over the life, is because they can’t afford their habit anymore.
On the bright side, how many junkies kicked voluntarily with good intentions and succeeded?

Ummm... the ones that were serious about it?

I think you have that backwards.
Isnt it usually the ones who are forced to kick that don’t typically succeed?
From what I have witnessed, people who are forced to quit because of lack of money, or lack of a connection, tend to fall right back in the second they have money in their pocket again or someone offers them their DOC, moreso then the people who actively want to participate in making a change by staying away fro situations that they know will put them in jeopardy.
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I've been an opioid addict for about 15 yrs. I got "clean" when I became disabled and was put on MASSIVE amounts of fentanyl and hydromorphone. At least it stopped me from IV'ing heroin and it helped bring my life back down to a more "normal" level.
Unfortunately I turned back to heroin a while back when my doctors were forced to lower my meds bc of pressure from the government as a result of the opioid epidemic.
Anyway...I got caught by my pain doc w/ a heroin positive urine screen(I honestly still don't understand how that happened) and was quickly switched to suboxone. I was supposed to start the subs over 2 wks ago but I've been re-using old cottons that I had saved up. Anything to prevent the full blown WD I'd need to be in to start the subs. I've always been a huge pussy when it comes to WD's.
Ok.. this is becoming longer than I expected..
My point is, I've been trying to score from one of the many dealers I know but everyone is either unavailable or just never ends up following thru after saying "yea I'll be there soon"(plus a couple people have told me that they are not selling until this all blows over) ... hence the cotton shots(which work surprisingly well... they've lasted me 15 days so far). But I WANT to be clean, even if i have to live a life of severe pain from my disability(spinal damage).
So, in a way, it seems this epidemic is going to force me to start the subs so I can begin getting my shit together again. Let's hope none of my dealers calls me today to sell to me....I wouldn't be able to say no.....as I said, I'm a pussy.
Those old cottons are gonna make you sick. Cotton fever if nothing else. Be careful.
Knew in March it was already getting sketchy with a huge surge of police. Once the lockdown happened, dope connects were not picking up, the streets were empty, police everywhere. No way was going into the spot, end up in withdrawal in covid jail. Jumped back on the clinic since no way to kick that fent dope we get out here. The withdrawal is miserable. Or maybe im just getting older. I wanted in and out of the clinic. They would not taper me so just jumped off a few weeks back. Feels much better not having to rely on the dope man, or the clinic.

All worked out too since don't have to work, dont have to pay rent, don't even have leave my house. Might as well kick...
Are you just joking, or are you actually for real? I'm asking because of the different laws everywhere that this just could be a true legitimate thing in, for instance, Switzerland...
I suspect there's some truth to it but he's probably exaggerating. Where I live it is possible to get heroin injections covered by government healthcare. but not just anyone can get it, there are a lot of barriers of entry. you have to try and fail to get stable on suboxone and methadone multiple times and then you'll get dilaudid and if that doesn't work AND you can get a doctor to sign off on it ( which is extremely difficult), you'll get supervised heroin injections. Happy to be proven wrong, I kind of doubt its easy as this user implies.
I get Suboxone prescribed so I have been good. Just monthly doctor visits and I am going for a Klonopin script this month haven't had it scripted in 3 years I hope I get it back. Otherwise my friend up the street has plenty of them and Xanax/Valium/Ambien/Soma and Black/Ice etc. I just get the klonopin. Didn't know he had anything so I was out of benzos for 4 months or so until 4 days ago. Back on 0.5mgs of klonopin a day and feel great haha.

Shout out to everyone that is effected by this COVID crisis, hope you get your DOC asap and don't believe your dealer if he/she says COVID jacked up prices and lowered supply, it's all mostly bullshit from California at least where I am. Still strong as usual from what I know. And prices remain the same. Dealers just wear masks usually now.
I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever liked opiates knew from the beginning they would one day be forced to kick and it would be horrible. Unless you're obscenely wealthy the sickness is inevitable.

I feel for anyone in this situation atm because of the virus :(
I'm from Hellgium myself, and here we speak in provinces too. As lot of European countries do. The mainland, at least... I'm not sure about what it's called in Britain, though.
HELLgium is correct!! Meetingpoint of the upper echelon satanists. 👎 What was that guys name again who peddled kids to pedo politicians and got off real light? Rothschild Meetings with politicians, Chateau of the six black sisters. etc