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Any way to reverse toxic psychosis from heavy dxm use?

Toxic psychosis isn't necessarily something that can be fixed on your own. If it's that prominent and hasn't gone away yet, I would definitely recommend real medical attention. They may prescribe anti-psychotics or other forms of treatment such as psychotherapy.
600 mg doesn't sound like a very high dose for most people, or at least not one that usually causes psychosis with repeated use (usually 1500mg/day is the amount taken that triggers psychosis) and it shouldn't last 2 years even if it is temporary drug-induced psychosis, so you should really get that checked out...
best of luck!!
I drank dxm for more than six years almost everyday and finally I could not trip anymore. Now I am mentally ill and disabled w/ bad high blood pressure. DXM drained my brain of certain chemicals. In low doses it is a fine anti-depressant but I tripped hard for years and while I do not regret my experiences, I know it had a lot to do w/ neg. consequences.