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Any tips on how to make yourself urinate while on MDMA?


Jun 27, 2012
No matter how hard I focus I cannot pee, I know I've got pee in me cos when I push my bladder down it hurts a bit so I definitely know theres some just in there.

It's so bad because sometimes I won't pee for 9/10 hours straight and I drink about a bottle of water an hour and it kind of worries me?

I try everything going into the toilet alone and just pushing and pushing but nothing comes out, it's so frustrating! I'll be in there for about 10 minutes, and I don't wana spend my whole night in the toilet if you get me!

Any tips?

im a girl btw
No matter how hard I focus I cannot pee, I know I've got pee in me cos when I push my bladder down it hurts a bit so I definitely know theres some just in there.

It's so bad because sometimes I won't pee for 9/10 hours straight and I drink about a bottle of water an hour and it kind of worries me?

I try everything going into the toilet alone and just pushing and pushing but nothing comes out, it's so frustrating! I'll be in there for about 10 minutes, and I don't wana spend my whole night in the toilet if you get me!

Any tips?

im a girl btw

I am male and it can be very difficult for us as well. Other than pushing your hardest I am not sure what can be done. When consuming fluids it is actually better to replace lost fluids rather than drink a set amount. I found this to be less uncomfortable since you won't feel the need to use the toilet as often.
I am male and it can be very difficult for us as well. Other than pushing your hardest I am not sure what can be done. When consuming fluids it is actually better to replace lost fluids rather than drink a set amount. I found this to be less uncomfortable since you won't feel the need to use the toilet as often.

I'm not really concerned about it being uncomfortable, I don't feel the need to urinate, I just know that I have fluid in my bladder which is bad that I'm not getting rid of it considering I'm putting more and more into my body i'm worried about water poisoning and all that.
I'm not really concerned about it being uncomfortable, I don't feel the need to urinate, I just know that I have fluid in my bladder which is bad that I'm not getting rid of it considering I'm putting more and more into my body i'm worried about water poisoning and all that.

As I said, its better to replace lost fluids rather than consume a set amount. You don't need to worry about water poisoning with one bottle of water an hour.
You can't really force it to be honest, I find it best just to relax and try and let it come naturally. Usually within a couple of minutes I'm able to go. For guys this definitely means getting into a cubicle as I'm sure you'd feel like a right dick standing at the urinal not pissing for 10 minutes.
Don't force it, it won't work. Just try to relax and think about the niagara falls or something. You can always turn on the water at the sink to help you.
Hello Forwardmotions

The medical term for what you describe is called Urinary Retention. This will help you in all your future research if you use this term in your searches.

Heres a summary:

Check out the CAUSES section MDMA is specifically mentioned.

One possible explaination for urinary retention from MDMA is:

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone hypersecretion

It seems like you are very susceptable to these retention effects of MDMA. Not peeing for 10 hours straight is not good.

In the long term you can get a whole range of problems from this including a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), liver problems etc.

There are specific drugs that you can take to combat Urinary Retention but I cannot advise you on this as I am no Health Care Professional.

Persoanlly I have suffered from a UTI from MDMA abuse and it is something that is so often overlooked.

We all focus on Brain Damage, Memory, cognotive funtion etc but Serotonin isnt just in the brain it also lives in the stomach and plays a massive role in digestion, heart, liver functions etc.

Something to discuss with your doctor I would recommend.

Good you are aware of this and looking into it.

I hope hope this doesnt sound too doom and gloom :) just be careful thats all im saying.

take care

I often get this after 4 or 5 hours. If a concerted mental effort or staring at a running tap isn't doing it, try taking your mind off it by checking your text messages or trying to list something mentally while you're sat there, and if that doesn't work, just try again a bit later. Don't sit for ages waiting for it as this will be frustrating for you and your friends, not to mention the other people who urgently need to urinate.

You'd have to be downing pint after pint of water to do yourself any damage. Just drinking at a normal rate will be fine, and you'll definitely be able to go when the ecstasy wears off and more than likely well before.
perhaps take some hydrochlorothiazide? (a very common diuretic)
I wouldn't worry about water poisoning, you'd have to drink like a gallon (3.7litres, around 7 1/2 bottles of 500ml water) in like one hour to really risk it. Remember that even though you know you need to wee, the water has been used and is hydrating you, you just have excess waste products that need to come out but can't yet. The risk of water poisoning is so minimal you'd have to be drinking non-stop, heavily for a long-time and not exercising much. Tbh, if you're dancing and sweating, it'd be almost impossible without trying to kill yourself. IMO, its over-stated as a danger - overheating is far more plausible.

Anyways, you could try caffeine - it's a diuretic and may help you slash. Furthermore, since you typically want to wee near comedown/comedown, the caffeine can help you stay awake if your rave still has a while to go.
The issue here is not water poisoning but more urinary retention for 9/10 hours.

Holding waste for this period is not a good thing. Hence why the OP is expressing concern.

The Syndrome definition in Wikepedia is possibley a bit over dramatic but E definitely effects the bodies retention of water and also causes excessive release of vasopressin. A hormone that will have an effect on many water retention issues including urination.

You dont have to ingest loads of water for this to become problematic. Just some people are more sensitive to this than others.

There are other issues in the mix such as urinary sphincter sometimes wont relax whilst on E. Anxiety can also be a factor as to why you cant urinate on E.

This link is a bit more informative than the Wikepedia Links posted earlier. It more relates to how long term E abuse can lead to more long term problems but a lot of the information in this pdf is very relevant to what we are discussing.

Its worth a read because if you are taking E regularly these are some of the horrors you could be faced with later down the road if you dont take care.


Neurogenic Bladder and Chronic Urinary Retention Associated with MDMA Abuse


I am not saying anyone is going to poison themselves with too much water.

I am not saying anyone is going to drop dead tomorrow by not peeing right during a rave.

BUT... I am saying E has a massive effect on water retention, urination and in this case it might be worth running the symptoms by a doctor just to be sure.

I think this case is slightly beyond the norm.

take care everyone..
yes, it is a harm reduction site, not a harm elimination site... ;)
The only thing that works for me is too think about something, anything, - not in images but in words. Think about what you did that day in an internal monologue - really say it to yourself in your head, and don't stop that internal monologue till you're actually urinating.
I'm not really concerned about it being uncomfortable, I don't feel the need to urinate, I just know that I have fluid in my bladder which is bad that I'm not getting rid of it considering I'm putting more and more into my body i'm worried about water poisoning and all that.

go and dance so you sweat out as much of the water as possible

you're supposed to drink 500ml an hour if you're dancing a lot
The issue here is not water poisoning but more urinary retention for 9/10 hours.

Holding waste for this period is not a good thing. Hence why the OP is expressing concern.

The Syndrome definition in Wikepedia is possibley a bit over dramatic but E definitely effects the bodies retention of water and also causes excessive release of vasopressin. A hormone that will have an effect on many water retention issues including urination.

You dont have to ingest loads of water for this to become problematic. Just some people are more sensitive to this than others.

There are other issues in the mix such as urinary sphincter sometimes wont relax whilst on E. Anxiety can also be a factor as to why you cant urinate on E.

This link is a bit more informative than the Wikepedia Links posted earlier. It more relates to how long term E abuse can lead to more long term problems but a lot of the information in this pdf is very relevant to what we are discussing.

Its worth a read because if you are taking E regularly these are some of the horrors you could be faced with later down the road if you dont take care.


Neurogenic Bladder and Chronic Urinary Retention Associated with MDMA Abuse


I am not saying anyone is going to poison themselves with too much water.

I am not saying anyone is going to drop dead tomorrow by not peeing right during a rave.

BUT... I am saying E has a massive effect on water retention, urination and in this case it might be worth running the symptoms by a doctor just to be sure.

I think this case is slightly beyond the norm.

take care everyone..

Hey mate thank you so much for this post

I have always thought MDMA could do such a thing, and it always had been a matter of worrying for me, I have also tried not to think so much on it in order to have a good time while rollin..
It is a serious issue to think about if you loves MDMA as I do, because if you get ill having fun with drugs where is the fun on it?

So I would like to know more about it, because sometimes depending on the amount of water drank I feel the retention but I can pee if I concentrate in the right way, so I would like to know when things start to complicate which are the symptoms ?
I can not read your pdf file please post it again

Hello Buffalosoldier

Cheers for the positive comments. Its not the most pleasant of topics but the issue of urination is a hardened reality when we experiment with MDMA.

Theres lots of focus on the brain and how the MDMA can cause neurotoxity but less focus on how MDMA effects the bodies more basic functions such as heart, liver, intestines, temperature sensors and water control. Pretty much serotonin controls vast amounts of our bodies day to day function.

For me unfortunately I have been affected by MDMA in a bad way so I try and share this information with people to prevent them from doing the same to themselves.

One of the big giveaway signs that MDMA was starting to have a permanent effect on me in regards to water retention and temperature control was when I was going to the gym.

Previously I never used to sweat so much but the last few years prior to my awful long term come down I noticed I was starting to poor with sweat whenever I excerted myself in any way.

I also noticed if i got into an embarrasing situation I would sometimes poor with sweat. Something I never used to experience.

I never knew it at the time but the MDMA was starting to have long term effects on how my body controlled temperature. My thermo regulators were starting to fail.

I only realised this when I was at a discussion group talking to other people with MDMA abuse problems and they described this excessive sweating symptom. Then suddenly for me the "penny dropped"! I realised what had happened.

From my personal experience I would say if you are starting to sweat too much and you are starting to find yourself at raves taking ages to pee it might be time to hang up the towel with MDMA and call it a day.

Over 18 years of taking MDMA it has been an amazing experience but looking back I think the build up of problems has been very slow and very progressive. At first you dont realise any problems as far as I was concerned there were no problems. But year by year bit by bit things just got worse until one day it was too late.

My life is now a mess as a result of MDMA and more importantly lack of knowledge and information.

When I see topics such as this one where the OP cant pee for 10 hours I see the potential for harm Forwardmotions could be faced with.

This isnt just a case of sitting on the loo and trying to relax this is a case of where MDMA could hurt someone and when you experience symptoms like this think ahead to the future and really ask that question

"where do I want to be in a few years from now?"
"is my body trying to tell me something"

Check out the PDF MDMA and urinary problems are a reality!!

Be safe everyone..
I got the same problem, mdma completely will not let me piss. I used to spend an honest 40 minutes a night all up trying to piss before I knew any better. My first time rolling the main piece of advice everyone kept telling me was drink water jsut keep hydrated; all i remember was banging down water and not pissing, comming down i was leaking like a hose and could feel lower left side of my stomach pulsing, lived to tell the tale and I was drinking a fair amount of water I think it takes a bit more than you think to poison yourself with water plus the fact you sweat a fair amount dancing on e.

What I do when I know I gotta go but can't is, not to try. I just sit down on the toilet ( and I'm a guy) and then u relax,while sitting straight up w good posture. Relax top to bottom and it seems to flow by itself. I rarely can when I have to and try. It's better for me not to try and relax. My. 2 cents.

This works for me too, go sit on the cubicle and take a break literally dont think about it pull your phone out message a few people how much you love them, post on bluelight, get your mind off it and you wont realise youl have pissed a bit most likely. works for me, check the water for piss here and there and if its yellow get more water in you.
Take a shower that relaxes me.
Won't work in a club dude