• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art Any Airheads around?


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 8, 2017
I've been doing some serious work on a video game for a year or so and felt a need to ground myself by reaching back into my "analogue" days and do some physical art. Ya know all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, LOL

So I have unearthed my airbrush "kit" and have started doing some spectral art, LOL ?

Is there anybody out there who is an airbrush head and loves to bring "their inner vision" to light ???
Heh, I saw the thread title and thought you meant vacuous Kardashian wannabees.

I was going to suggest my daughter... =D
LOL, thanks F.U.B.A.R ;)

Heheh, sorry White_rose, I genuinely thought that's what you meant. But to get back on topic, when I was an art student I had one of those amateur air brush kits that were powered by compressed air canister. Although I never became an expert in its use, it did allow me to produce some cool hand made Xmas cards... (examples attached)

upload photo

the change poem

BTW, please don't any of you cunts rip off my OM design. I probably cant copyright it as it's a religious symbol, but it's
my fuckin interpretation, alright..? :)
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Never done airbrush... I'm limited to 3D acrylic paintings (with tons of texture).

Cool stuff !!! I love the blending. An airbrush is like a magic wand in your hands.

BTW, used an old Badger Wren for the longest time, and it was the cheapest brush you can find on the market. I used it way past the time the chrome plating wore off doing custom car paint jobs at a speed shop for the detail work. The main layers were done with an old Paacshe air gun. Now a days you can find lots of cheap air brushes on the inter webs.

I'm waiting for some Createx textile transparent paint in the mail. I have some old T-shirts with the graphics worn off that I'm going to practice on doing some spectral tie-dye kinda graphics on. Just for "therapy" ;)


I wouldn't called that limited, bro. It's just your chosen medium. You can get a cheap airbrush off eBay or Amazon for under $30.00 that will let you try it out if you really would like to. Working with an airbrush while tripping is truly a motivating experience.

I leaned to shoot paint when I was around 9 years old or so. If I could do it, I''m sure you could, too! My dad owned a auto body shop on the south side and I learned by watching and trial and error on parts that were damaged beyond repair. I've never done textured acrylics myself but I bet they are all spectral and great!
Nice lines DeadManWalking ;) What do you use for an portable airsource when you do graffiti ?

BTW I didn't intend to suggest that a sample of anyone's artwork is shared, although that is quite cool if you do. I totally get that some folks don't want to share anything that may link their Bluelight account to any real world identity and I totally respect that :cool:
Nice lines DeadManWalking ;) What do you use for an portable airsource when you do graffiti?

I am pretty sure that cops over here have much more to do than read bluelight art posts. I have no fucking idea what is portable airsource.
I do everything in a studio so I have a compressor, what do you use if you are doing street graffiti, or did I misunderstand ?
Depends. If i do tags, i use different kind of markers or spray cans. If i do big pieces, then i use spray cans - of course.
When i was a kid, graffiti just consisted of crude drawings of cocks and cunts on toilet walls. Over the last 30 years it has definitely developed into an artform in its own right.
Damn straight F.U.B.A.R. ! Except you missed "Kilroy was here", LOL ;)

It's modern urban folk art. And quite developed. too.