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Any 40+ year olds here enjoy ecstasy?

Augusta B, I hope to be you in 20 + years ! Btw,I dug it up. Ran across it and wondered if any of us are left. Unfortunately I only get to roll rarely, but the quality is the best I ever had in 20 + years.

Actually,I'm just getting that itch to roll again.
Im 18 and I mean this in no way to be offensive but Ive always assumed I would stop doing drugs after college or sometime in their before I start having kids / a family / a good job.

The Idea of using drugs for the rest of my life into my old age kinda scares me.

You should grow up some point and accept the fact that you have had your fun and move on to other things.
Hopefully Ill actually be able to let go haha

I'm 36, but in my head I'm still 17. Married 11 years, have 3 kids, finally getting a decent education but still love getting off my face when I get the opportunity.
Last year I was at a festival that is known for having an older crowd. I was dancing away with my buds having the best of times and turned to the look at the crowd behind me to see a guy in his mid 40's on someone's shoulders giving it loads. He was enjoying himself, I was enjoying myself and our age had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Youngster's who think they're in some kind of aloof clique just because they do drugs for fun really annoy me. Rant over
Back to the point, the way you enjoy your MDMA is totally dependant on your own preference. I've been doing it since I was 17 and enjoy it in many varied situations such as clubbing, working, at the pub, home with friends and also home alone.
Next time get some weed along with it and have a smoke about an hour after you've peaked, its so nice.
Stay safe
Never too old to have a good time...it's weird how most people lose sight of that fact.
My best qualude experience was at a cemetery.

I was really fucked up and I went to an old cemetery with big bitchen memorial headstones in marble. It was night and cool but not cold, southern Calif weather. 1975. I had a VW beetle, light blue, and I was coming home from a party. I decided I should stop.

I found the graveyard to be peaceful. I felt no fear. I did not see any ghost nor did I feel any strange bursts of warm or cool air. I simply walked into the cemetery and walked among the headstones, read the names, marveled at the number of infants and children and sat thinking about mortality. I couldn't make sense of it. It seemed that if you made it though childhood, you could grow old. I saw no teenagers buried there. I myself was a teen.

My presence in the cemetery scared some other people who saw me walking there that night. They believed they had seen a ghost. I know because I heard them talking. I said nothing. I just walked and I kept my head down, reading the stones. The cries of fear, the sound of footsteps running... I remember these. There was nothing I could do. I knew if I reached out to the poor motherfuckers who had seen me there, and the fact that I was wearing a white flowing dress and that my hair was down must have made them sure I was the Living Dead. I didn't want to scare them further. I could hear the people shitting themselves as they fled. I was sorry, but unable to control the situation.

I sat and wondered about their fear. I wondered about life. I wondered when I would die. I knew one thing. There are no ghosts. There are only drug addled living souls who like to be an old cemetery on a dark night for the peace that is there.

I also knew it wasn't my time yet to be there. Eventually I got in my VW and drove home.

I am visiting my parents for the holidays and even though I'm 52 I can't smoke weed around my father. I don't want to have the same fucking argument we used to have. He can make me go home now and I don't want to get sent packing so I can't smoke at their house unless I take my mom and go somewhere. She likes to smoke.

Now all these years later there are two female figures in the cemetery at night. I make sure to wear my hair long and wear my skirts and naturally, my cape. It's safe in the cemetery. I realized it then. I appreciate even more now. No words are spoken, just the sound of the lighter and inhales and exhales. The sound of life in the dead, old cemetery.

I know some stuff now though. Let us hear kids walking though the adjacent park. We walk slowly until seen then stop out of the line of vision. We hear the kids stop. Hear them talk. Then I walk across the lighted area again into the darkness. Now I hear screams and the sound of footsteps running. We smile and we go back home.

I've never been afraid of a cemetery since my qualude experience in one. I've never believed in ghosts either. But that's just me.

thank you for this...
I didn't start rolling until 37...I recommend you roll and get around people and take the supplement regimine to purify your brain and take to 2.5g of fungi when you do. It changed my life...literally. I'll be 41 in November...
I´m 46 and only in December 2014 I took MDMA for the first time. Don´t smoke or drink and never had any special experience with drugs before that. MDMA is amazing and taken as it should, it´s a lifetime and divine experience. At this age you see and feel things differently compared with your twenties, more responsability and maturity plays a roll here. I believe nowadays I can create the perfect setting and being with the right person or friends to take MDMA and take the best this drug can give to me, I love this drug, it changed my life for the better.
41 and I wont ever stop. Love it.
i space it out and count down the days until my next roll.
MDMA gives me feelings of unbridled happiness and bliss.
I stopped taking MDMA when I was 60 and my partner when she was 65. I would like to try it once more, but feel caution is advised. MDMA did begin to worry me a little with the fried feeling that comes after. LSD and lysergamides on the other hand .... well they're a different matter. I hope to never leave them behind (or mushrooms =D)
I find this thread funny. I didn't even smoke a joint until years after most people were long finished the party stage of life and starting to have children. I do agree that there is a significant need to be responsible with it as you get older but I would also assume, for many of us, that taking substances at a later age will result in a greater level of care over someone just loading up on a bag of pills in their youth.

Responsibility is a personality trait, not age specific, although in many cases as we age, there is a general acceptance of improved responsibility.
Reading some of these posts made me laugh haha
Anyways, I'm in my mid twenties and that exactly how I like to spend my time rolling. Laying down listening to music or watching TV. Never have I felt like dancing or partying while rolling.