Mental Health Anxiety about death after bad LSD trip, help


Jan 2, 2018
I have been engaging in experiences since I was 17. Being someone who frequented the music scene in my city I sometimes had periods of weekly psychedelic use, particularly with lsd and never had any problems. Even on higher doses near the point of vomiting and other such uncomfortable notes I always retained my sense of well being.
During a trip on a rather large blotter but no more then 200ug at a concert, I experienced what I would describe as a panic attack about a sensation I felt in my chest which resulted in leaving the show. I spent the remainder of the weekend concerned I was about to have a heart attack or some other Immeddiate medical situation. After making it home I went to my doctor who informed my my oxygen rates were lower then normal and said I would need to go to the ER and get checked with an EKG, X-rays and all other means available.
After a few thousan dollars of tests the doctors approached my bed and performed an echo while I watched on my heart just to show my everything it looked ok and was clear. It should be noted that during the ER stay I often felt more feelings in my chest and as I felt them, panicked and checked my diagnostics next to me. It came to a point where the doctors informed me if I kept looking at my own rates and panicking myself they would have to remove them.
After what they saw they promptly asked me to leave, as there was absolutely nothing they could find wrong with me.
This was in September of 2015 about 2 1/3 years ago,
to this day I am still deeply connected to the psychedelic experience, though I have since never been able to regain my "footing" so to speak. On most experienced now be they psychedelic substance or any other, I start to panic on the intake of the ordeal.
These forums were actually the first place I started my journey. Before I found music and conjoined the experiences I started here with myself, a dosage, a small room, and some reading material from other psychonauts.
So here I return asking for any suggestions or advice.
Thank you and much Love.
P.S. My use of dmt has also been rather intertwined with this problem though it obviously occurs on a much more Immeddiate scale during a trip.
So my first intuition says that this is your body and brain saying, "Let us be!" In other words, stay away from substances that alter your consciousness for a while. My second thought is that an exploration of death might be in order. There is a thread in Philosophy and Spirituality right now that may interest you:

But beyond that I am thinking of a more basic exploration. We tend to accept death in the abstract but our brains are wired to not only fear it but fight it with every cell in our bodies so right there we encounter a conflict. Exploring our own beliefs about death can be both interesting and as well as acting to diffuse the fears we feel about it. This has persisted for you for a long time and it sounds like it may even be seen as an obsessive thought. There are lots of practical tools like cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices that can release your mind from these recurring thoughts that keep your brain operating in fight or flight mode.

I really think that the use of dmt and any other psychedelics should be put off for now until you get this under control. Many people use dmt to alleviate fears of death but if it is exacerbating those fears it makes sense to stay away from it or any other substance that deepens the fear.
So my first intuition says that this is your body and brain saying, "Let us be!" In other words, stay away from substances that alter your consciousness for a while. "

I appreciate the advice and input! I have stayed rather distant from psychedelics for about 2 years now besides cannabis
And taken monthly breaks from that every often as I felt necessary. I thought the time away would be helpful but I worry that it has exacerbated the condition and at the very least alienated myself from my beliefs that death is only a step down the line of existence, as is this one and the most important trait I can't seem to recapture which is this idea that panicking will never help a situation or condition so just stop.
lately I'v been almost saddened at my innability to overcome this panicking feeling.
Do you think more time away is necessary?
Honestly I haven't smoked dmt in easily 3-4 years and lately my intrigue in it has resurfaced