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another year older?? aka The Birthday Thread

A belated happy birthday the the insane canine :)

And birthday punches to pillsnappa.

Happy Birthday To Me! Happy Birthday To Me! Happy Birthday Dear Meeeeeeeeeeeee........

Happy Birthday To Me! Yay!
Well my boyfriend went and paid like $250 to get my stereo fixed- Its a real good stereo so was worth getting it fixed rather than buy a new one. My dad gave me a puppy about a month ago as an early present.... and I haven't seen my mum and step dad yet but I told them not to worry because they have helped me out heaps with money lately. My sister I haven't even heard from but thats a whole other story :/

My friends and I don't bother with presents. In fact, I don't make a real fuss of birthdays at all really. As long as I am happy and stress free thats all i want really. Believe it or not, that can be a lot to ask for. lol
Bandwagon jumped as I always off it.


Hope it's great!

Thanks babe! And yes McWigga That was my birthday! :) Yours too I believe! I saw it in the lounge :) Happy birthday too you! Hooray for us lions!
Happy Birthday Kytnism, i hope you had a fantastic day surrounded by teh bewbies. :D

Also, happy birthday to DJC. :)

It's officially one month, to the day, till my birthday.
^^ aww, thankyou <3 the fact that you and scott have taken the time to remember, means alot. so THANKYOU! :D

i too have to take my hat off to DJC. not only do we share the same birthday as well as initials; but this guy has a personality like no other that DEFINATELY deserves celebration. love ya buddy, have a rokkin b'day bro. <3
