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another year older?? aka The Birthday Thread


To the beautiful Trancegirle!!

Have a great day babe!=D

Love you lots! <3

Happy birthday to my most favouritest bluelighter in the whole wide world!! Have a fab day/week/year xx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRANCE GIRLIE !!! (for the other day ;)

CANT WAIT to catch up !!!!
Happy birthday Trancegirlie :) See ya at The Lounge :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DJC* <3 Much love to you sweetheart. Wish i could be there xox Will have a beer for you for my birthday =D
Happy Birthday... i cant believe im doing this...


As much as i hate your guts, and bag you out all the time... I sometimes wish you still lived on this side of the world, so i could come down and drink like a mother fucker with you, and then proceed to kick the living the shit out of you after we have massive gay sex.

Happy Birthday Mate...
Happy Birthday DeeCee

I hope your Scottish girlfriend composes you a love song on the bagpipes...

*hhhnnnngggg ooorrrrr huuurrrrrrrrrrr*

Happy Birthday to our esteemed admin hoptis (for yesterday...)


Happy Birthday to the wonderful Joannie!!!!!!

Echoing everyone with wishes of awesome to Miss Joey Jo Jo Jamieson.

Love you long time, Lady <3
(sorry it's late)

Happy Birthday Joannie! <3

Habby pirthday lil angel 15!! :D

im amazed that the same person can be said happy birthday to on 1 page in this thread...

knowing my luck... this post will be on the next page... EDIT --- FUCKER!!!

PS... Happy Birthday lil angel15