Another pointless survey: when is everyone's birthday?!?!?


Dec 10, 1999
Just wondering--when is everyone's birthday?? Mine just passed, it's Dec. 27th. I'm finally 17, one more year to go til i will be considered an adult!!
happy belated bday.
mine was december 21st.
sorry to interject, but not a good detail to release if you're slightly paranoid.
Really?? my aunt's birthday is Jan 21th, exactly one month after your mom's. Amazing.
mines dec. 26th, this is sorta weird
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
hee hee I should say some day in December but it ain't..
March 23rd here....soon 24 yee haa
March 7 - it's like a double Picses. And you want to hear something ANNOYING AS HELL? (I know you do)
Every week in the year has an name given to it according to it's placing in the astrological world (or something like that). Anywya most of them are similar to the week of the dreamer, the week of theatre, the week of drama, the week of enchantment, the week of creativity, the week of passion, etc.
You know what my week is called? THE WEEK OF THE FUCKING LONER!! (minus the "fucking") ouch. how much does that hurt?

"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
Wow thats really weird that everyone has birthdays all through out year, isnt it? WOW, my birthday is sometime this year too. Thats really weird...somehow I feel soooo much closer to all of you on this thread. Thank you soooooooo much, for a great burden has been lifted off of my shoulders.
Mine would be June 3 and so far no one has had that same Birthday as me somewhere out there, somewhere.
I knew we had something in common, I can always relate to your posts, now I understand why: we have birthdays the same year! Wow...And we would never had known without this thread...Please don't tell me your favorite colour is Blue.
[This message has been edited by ManiE (edited 18 January 2000).]
mines dec 22 biggest moon of the year and biggest moon in 130 years on 12 22 99
drugs are dope
march 8th here!
RoLLerGirL ~ am i in the week of the loner too?
I am a SuMmEr Gal, JuLy 21st it'll be the 19th, Legal to drink and buy cigarettes in Canada YeAh!!!!!!
Love all ya guys
My birthday was awesome this year!! It was 9-9-99
How excited do you think I was to see the MTV music award commercials? hehehe

~*~* irishgurl ~*~*