ANNUAL REMINDER - Stay Within The Law & The BLUA When Using Bluelight

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For all members, lurkers, and others, we wish to take a moment to give a general reminder that the Bluelight User Agreement (BLUA), which everyone read and agreed to upon joining the site, remains in place and is being extended as policy across all our social media platforms. As we expand to Discord, Quora, Facebook, Twitter/X, Reddit, and other online spaces to reach more people, we are setting these areas up with a unified focus and goal for Harm Reduction. As such, the same principles and guidelines, which helped Bluelight survive and thrive over two decades, will remain in place in those expanded ecosystems. Specifically, our focus is on educating people without judging them.

We strive to create welcoming, safe spaces to share your thoughts and concerns. As well as having peers offer their insights, experience, and opinions. Everyone should keep in mind we are not professionals, but we are like you having faced similar situations and decisions, and our experiences are meant to help you with what you face. Staff on any given Bluelight platform are there to ensure conversations do not fall into personal attacks or destructive dialogue. They are also there to enforce our rules to include, but not limited to:
  • No sourcing or dealing - such activities are dangerous for the individuals involved, and puts our mission at risk across all platforms. There is zero tolerance for this.
  • No advertising - spammers are killed quick, and we strive to raise funds without ad revenue so as to avoid the appearance of endorsing any particular vendor. Donations are always welcome.
  • Do NOT use the site for personal gains - this speaks to the advertising, but also in terms of harassing members via private messaging, nor scraping the site for research or commercial use without our approval.
  • Do not represent BL in any capacity without our approval.
The above is meant to maintain both our integrity, and the quality of information you have come to rely upon. While we have staff in place to help keep the community running smoothly on all platforms, it is YOU the members who make this place what it is and we rely on your help in keeping this service available to others. So please continue to abide by the law and the BLUA when using Bluelight.

We also wish to add that if anyone offers to sell you drugs via our platforms, please report that person to a member of staff and they will be banned from our platforms.
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