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annoying sayings from non-drug users

A friend of mine who is drug talking about mephedrone said to me. "I'd rather drink a bottle of vodka than one grain of that shit" Idiot!
A friend of mine who is drug free talking about mephedrone said to me. "I'd rather drink a bottle of vodka than one grain of that shit" Idiot!
Weed is a gateway drug

Hah! I love that one. Acid was my 'gateway' drug.

The 'weed is a gateway drug' thing is so highly annoying because I know a lot of people who just smoke weed and that's all, nothing else.

Some people swear- like if some one decides to try smoking pot then a lightening rod from the sky will come crashing down upon them and wooosh! they're doomed to be druggies for life. What a bunch of BS.

Not to mention the fact that weed has been used as medicine for I don't even know how long, and is practically legal to the rest of everybody...at least in california, and it's not even necessary to have a card because MOST popos don't even care. I had a bunch of them raid my room and they left me all my pipes and gravity bong equipment. But I do remember when I was in high school they were pricks about it and would break my friends' pipes and arrest people, and all other kinds of BS.8)
Some good ones for me:

When I was around 16 and enjoying all of the different drugs life had to offer my mom told me this: "when you're doing drugs don't drive my car"

I know tobacco isn't really a 'drug' but I had to add this one: some one I used to know always yelled "tobacco is wacko!!" EVERYWHERE. Jesus christ i wanted to claw my eyes out every time I heard that but I just smoked a cigarette instead. Ironically now she smokes blunts and cigars. Go figure.

(I know this one has already been mentioned but it's a classic and a very comical one for me): the egg fried in a pan=your brain on drugs commercial. I can't believe they would fry up chicken abortions on national television to attempt a supposed drug free message. And has anyone ever noticed how miserable those people in the drug-free commercials look? Looks like they need a light scramble themselves.

"Coke(and all drugs) are filled with broken glass"

"Do you realize how many people die from bad E pills?"

"Doing drugs means you're automatically not caring about anybody but yourself"

"You have a history of family alcohalism, so I won't let you have opiates for your shattered elbow that you had to get worked on because I don't want you to get addicted. 800mg advil will work fine."

"Because you have a history of addiction in your family, you will become a drug addict if you use any."

"Ecstasy puts holes in your brain."

"Ecstasy is usually cut with heroin, or coke, or PCP."

"Weed is often laced and you wouldn't tell the difference by looking at it."

"you're melting your brain and drugs are going to make you ugly" (This one sent me off, I didn't even hurt them physically, I just pointed out how I am a genius and that I had amazing grades in school while they didn't, had friends(unlike them), fuck attractive girls, pointed out the ugly girl they had fucked, pointed out that I look great and they're fugly, and that I am a great athlete much unlike them. It needed to be done).

"You don't know what YOUR dose is before trying a drug, one line of coke, or 1 E pill, or 1 OC will quite possibly kill you, chances are very high."

"If you take hallucinogens(sp?), you will most likely run into traffic or walk off a sky scraper"

And a great one, from a police at my school a long time back, "If you think of something frightening on mushrooms, you will see it, and be scared for days, and may kill yourself in fear", as well as "there's a great chance that you will never come back from an LSD trip"..

Ahhhh this makes me hate a lot of people again.
Yesterday, this know-it-all high schooler said, "I've never taken any drugs but I know that the reason people use them is because they get a thrill out of doing something illegal." No, it's because drugs are enjoyable and feel good! You just don't know that because all you know about drugs is from DARE classes where they don't tell you that drugs are fun and make you feel good. I hate smartass high school kids who think that they know everything and can tell someone older than them who has much more life experience that they are wrong.
"Drug users only [shoot dope, smoke weed, snort coke] to numb inner emotional pain."
im not sure if anyone else listed this bc i didnt go through every post...but i hate when people say.."why dont you just stop?, if i could be you for a week id stop for you!" ...WTF! ok obv. these people have no idea what being dope sick feels like and have no clue about addiction. UGHHHHHHH stupidity gets me soooo mad.
I used to have a friend years ago who drank shitloads everynight (I did too, but not quite to the amount he would consume), but he had never tried any other drug, but simply claimed that this was due to listening to "say no to drugs" in school and basically was always better than anyone else who ever does or had tried other drugs, and even worst yet, the rediculous amount of alcohol he only ever consumed wasn't considered a drug! To me, alcohol is one of the most crappy (due to hangovers) and dangerous drugs there are out there. That friendship didn't last too long.
"Coke(and all drugs) are filled with broken glass"

"Do you realize how many people die from bad E pills?"

"Doing drugs means you're automatically not caring about anybody but yourself"

"You have a history of family alcohalism, so I won't let you have opiates for your shattered elbow that you had to get worked on because I don't want you to get addicted. 800mg advil will work fine."

"Because you have a history of addiction in your family, you will become a drug addict if you use any."

"Ecstasy puts holes in your brain."

"Ecstasy is usually cut with heroin, or coke, or PCP."

"Weed is often laced and you wouldn't tell the difference by looking at it."

"you're melting your brain and drugs are going to make you ugly" (This one sent me off, I didn't even hurt them physically, I just pointed out how I am a genius and that I had amazing grades in school while they didn't, had friends(unlike them), fuck attractive girls, pointed out the ugly girl they had fucked, pointed out that I look great and they're fugly, and that I am a great athlete much unlike them. It needed to be done).

"You don't know what YOUR dose is before trying a drug, one line of coke, or 1 E pill, or 1 OC will quite possibly kill you, chances are very high."

"If you take hallucinogens(sp?), you will most likely run into traffic or walk off a sky scraper"

And a great one, from a police at my school a long time back, "If you think of something frightening on mushrooms, you will see it, and be scared for days, and may kill yourself in fear", as well as "there's a great chance that you will never come back from an LSD trip"..

Ahhhh this makes me hate a lot of people again.

haha, oh god those make me laugh/angry at the same time. There are so many idiots out there who have nfi.
"What's it like?" when they know well enough that it can't be explained any more than color can be to a blind person.
Well, other than rumours and "drugs are bad mmkay..."

"Smoke your cigarettes, drink if you have to, but I DO NOT WANT YOU SMOKING WEED."

Okay then, advocate more harmful things.
"If a person takes opiates legitimately prescribed for pain, they can take them for as long as they need to and not become addicted".

This was told to me by my own mom, an otherwise highly intelligent person, regarding a close family friend, "Peggy", who is widely lionized by my family as some sort of living saint on earth who can do no wrong. She was in a really bad car accident about ten or more years ago and is constant chronic neck pain, and is thus prescribed buttloads of OxyContin. I pointed out that anyone who takes opiates over a span of time can become at least physically dependent, if not addicted, regardless of it being prescribed by a doctor and taken as directed. Yes, even Peggy Perfect. It was a ridiculously stupid thing for my mom to say.

My mom would probably be shocked, although I would not be, if it turned out that Peg every now & again pops a couple extra to chase that nice buzz she probably got all the time when she first started taking them. (Sorry, that sounded mean--I would not wish her pain on anyone. It really is debilitating, and the only surgery that could possibly help her also runs the risk of killing her or rendering her paralyzed or making the pain even worse, so it really sucks all the way around. Plus, Peg actually offered me one of her Oxys several years ago after one of my wrist surgeries, when the Vicodin just wasn't helping much. I declined the offer, for some reason.)
Well, other than rumours and "drugs are bad mmkay..."

"Smoke your cigarettes, drink if you have to, but I DO NOT WANT YOU SMOKING WEED."

Okay then, advocate more harmful things.

oh i love that one...my rents always say just have a drink...ummm ok let me just become an alcoholic because thats waaaaaaaaaayyyy better for me LMAO!
The one I can't stand is because you have a history of drug use whenever you're tired/hungover/fed up with the bullshit you look "loaded". In fact I hate that phrase, "You look loaded."

I'm high as a kite you dumb ass loaded doesn't even touch where I am.
"Once an addict always an addict" cause you know people are incapable of change or maturation