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annoying sayings from non-drug users

I’ve seen people who were pretty normal and not religious at all start preaching the gospel after getting indoctrinated with the 12 steps as god became their new drug of choice. I am agnostic and will never be relying on a “power greater to myself to restore me to sanity,” which they preach all the time.
I don't even mind the religious shtick that much. Whatever you think you need to get you through, ok fine.

But what I just can't be doing with is this 100% abdication of personal responsibility for, and personal agency over, your OWN bloody actions.

One specific pet hate of mine is the oft-quoted maxim 'Self-knowledge did never avail us anything.'


You cannot realistically hope to change a behaviour when you can't even OWN that behaviour.
And little do some people know, caffeine is a strong drug.
As far as stimulants go it's very mild. But if you mean some people form an extremely strong attachment to it, then yeah definitely.

I used to make fun of all those espresso junkies lecturing me on my drug intake while they're fiending for another hit of caffeine every few hours, and unironically say shit like 'I NEED my coffee first thing in the morning to get going',
'I can't function without it', 'I'm dying for a coffee right now' etc.
Not to mention all that lot in 12-step meetings who chug the stuff like their lives depended on it.
Projection much -? Xd
Yeah, I'm embarrassed to admit it but that was me at one time: I'll try anything but I'll never use a needle.
Then at age 27 I did try it and for awhile I was obsessed with that means of delivery. Like to the point where I cared more about the ROA than I did which drug I was injecting. It was absurd.
These days I don't shoot up anymore and I don't miss it nor do I look down on it-- although I do strongly discourage IV cocaine use because it can quickly turn one's arms into dart boards.
Same here, I said I'd never try it either. Amazingly I was genuinely curious and later enticed by an ex boyfriend who made it so fantastically intriguing always laughing at lyrics to songs of bands known to use drugs intravenously like the Rolling Stones, Allman Brothers, etc. I eventually realized it's not all it's cracked up to be and I'm glad I made it out with my life.
Same here, I said I'd never try it either. Amazingly I was genuinely curious and later enticed by an ex boyfriend who made it so fantastically intriguing always laughing at lyrics to songs of bands known to use drugs intravenously like the Rolling Stones, Allman Brothers, etc. I eventually realized it's not all it's cracked up to be and I'm glad I made it out with my life.
Some users really take to the method of delivery as a thing of its own accord (I am one of those). Most do not, and it's disingenuous and damaging to claim that everyone automatically does somehow.
No, I'm not a junkie . . . that's some other guy. Btw . . . do you gotta benzo ?

I deserve to do drugs . . . my wife beats me. It's her fault.

oh it gets better. I can sell my body for drugs. And I'm not . . . . *ay.

I'm honestly so very very good and so nice. I won't take all of your drugs. But if you give them to me it's okay.

Even if you don't give me drugs I can still 'take care' of you.

I don't drink, I just keep frozen vodka and rum around. It's going to evaporate anyway.

I'm a really good handy man. I can cook or clean or . . aanything. (yeah clean you out of you home and valuables.) And then I will just be on my way, ( you let 'em in, you Asked for it ) unless you can give me a ride because I don't have a car. But even if I did have a car . . . . I would drive you around even though I can't have a license ect ect ect. I can't drive a car. I can hitchhike.

I was in a blackout. I don't remember inything. And benzos will cause you to black out for hours and to lose your memory.

I'm sooo sad. Poor meeee. I haaaaaaaave to do drugs.

Stranger things have actually happened. ( they'll say anything )


I have to climax.

. . . . I can't
I wish I could quit smoking. But I can't. I would rather try to scrub the stain off of me instead.

The real deal is that it's everyone else's fault.
You think you're better than ME because you are NOT a junkie.

Okay, sure whatever you say.
I might be a junkie but I can still cuddle with you.

You think they be thinkin. oh dope might have power and control over me but I'm a gonna have power and control over you. heeee.

( I know that was insensitive but who is going to refuse sensitivity. A druggie ?

Oh I just realized I'm the idiot and how bad my dyslexia is at this point and how I can't even see straight because I am too sober to understand it all. )
....lyrics to songs of bands known to use drugs intravenously like the Rolling Stones, Allman Brothers,....
Funny you should mention those two bands. I've always liked the Stones and the Allman Brothers is one of my all-time favorite groups (attended 4 of their concerts), but no band or anyone else romanticized IV drug use to me. Actually, my needle-using friends discouraged me from even trying it.

I did it out of desperation-- I was in a LOT of pain at the time, drinking heavily, and abusing all kinds of drugs. I couldn't get enough of anything and really didn't care about consequences of any kind. It was a dark time.

Later, and for another 20-odd years, I'd IV drugs now & then but honestly I could take it or leave it. The idea that the only choices for IV drug users are lifelong addiction, abstinence, or death is a myth.
TheUltimateFixx said:
I used to make fun of all those espresso junkies lecturing me on my drug intake while they're fiending for another hit of caffeine every few hours, and unironically say shit like 'I NEED my coffee first thing in the morning to get going',
'I can't function without it', 'I'm dying for a coffee right now' etc.
Not to mention all that lot in 12-step meetings who chug the stuff like their lives depended on it.
Projection much -? Xd

Rehab is also hilarious. Chain smoking constantly. Drinking 15 cups of coffee a day. I actually STARTED smoking cigarettes during one stint in rehab because it was so hard to avoid.
As far as stimulants go it's very mild. But if you mean some people form an extremely strong attachment to it, then yeah definitely.

I used to make fun of all those espresso junkies lecturing me on my drug intake while they're fiending for another hit of caffeine every few hours, and unironically say shit like 'I NEED my coffee first thing in the morning to get going',
'I can't function without it', 'I'm dying for a coffee right now' etc.
Not to mention all that lot in 12-step meetings who chug the stuff like their lives depended on it.
Projection much -? Xd
Probably yea. I normally have 1 to two cups of coffee on the Keurig. Any more than two cups though gives me that unpleasant anxiety and nausea. In my younger days, I can put 5 cups away with no problem.
"Using something is easy - you just take it out for the task then put it back and forget about it until next time"
My issue is only the legal status and all the problems that come with it.
That right here. There is no reason opiates should have to be as dangerous as they are. The main danger stems from the fact that you're forced onto the black market and that shit can be contaminated with fuck knows what ; not just other drugs but various disease-causing bacteria and fungal spores through the unsterile production process. Plus the fact that potency can vary wildly from one batch to the next, and therefore cannot be safely and accurately dosed. It's an 'educated guess and hope for the best' scenario each time.
I'm ok being dependent on them for the rest of my life as long as they balance me out
Physical dependency by itself doesn't have to be a problem so long as the supply is reliable. There's plenty documented cases of so-called 'classical morphinists' back in the day who functioned in demanding jobs, led full lives and contributed to society despite a massive morphine habit.

I have personally found opiates to be the best cure for my PTSD and occasional suicidal tendencies. Unfortunately the only way you can legally get on them is to prove dependency. Unlike you I hated being dependent which is why I massively reduced my use. I want to be flexible to go anywhere, to travel etc without having to make complicated arrangements. Only now I'm fucked over because as a non-dependent user, I'm not seen as being 'in need' so I can just go on taking my chances with accidental overdoses etc. according to the prevailing attitude.
That's why I'm in maintenance therapy now. I get all the benefits of taking opioids without ruining my life. Just goes to show that it's not the substance causing all the trouble.
I don't want maintenance, especially since this isn't equivalent to insulin for a diabetic. It's not like my body needs it to live. But I need it to mentally function and exist at times. I wish there were an option of getting an opiate script you're free to take on an 'as-needed' basis, just like they allow me to do for alprazolam.
PS I feel as though I'm literally being punished for substantially reducing my drug use and trying to take ownership of my life again.

Apparently so long as I was recklessly shooting up several times a day not caring whether I lived or died, and literally drugging myself into the gutter, I had a chance of getting 'rewarded' with the good stuff. Now that I'm doing my level best to get my life in order and not rely on the drug for absolutely everything, have managed to go back to occasional user from being a full-on addict, am practically a fucking showcase for 'how to use responsibly' all the drug services are like 'nah you can go die'. I honestly don't get it.
Physical dependency by itself doesn't have to be a problem so long as the supply is reliable. There's plenty documented cases of so-called 'classical morphinists' back in the day who functioned in demanding jobs, led full lives and contributed to society despite a massive morphine habit
Precisely my friend! See, since I'm in maintenance I have started to continue writing my business plan that I have stopped working on many years ago when my heroin habit escalated, because now I have the time to do so when previously all that time went into scamming people out of their hard earned money to feed my habit. It wasn't the heroin that caused it. It was the financial and social consequences of prohibition that forced me into this utterly destructive lifestyle. The masses are so dumb when it comes to this. They look at a Heroin addict and say "see, see? THIS is what big, bad Heroin does to you when you take it". Well, actually no you retarded, braindead masses, this is what prohibition causes you stupid fucking know-it-all dimwits. Let me prohibit your crappy alcohol (I curse western culture for having chosen this antisocial, violence promoting toxin as their drug of choice. Shittiest high anyway if you can even call it "high".) and we'll see how well you manage when you have to pay 20x the price to the black market version, with no quality control, resulting in all kinds of nasty cuts and health hazards (aside from alcohol being a health hazard itself lol). But you see, the masses aren't bright. They cannot grasp it intellectually. They just can't and I have given up on explaining why we need to legalize ALL drugs, not just freaking weed you lazy ass potheads with your supremacy complex.
I HATE people! I hate them so much. Their ignorance and the malleability of public opinion has caused me so much unneccessary suffering. Society can go to hell for all I care. The only two legged mammals I sympathize with are my fellow opiophiles. The rest can burn alive with their screams filling the air.
Sorry for this little rant. I just needed to vent off some of my anger.

I have personally found opiates to be the best cure for my PTSD and occasional suicidal tendencies
I am so glad this wonderful, magical substance has protected you from trauma and suicide. Who knows, maybe you wouldn't be here talking with me if it wasn't for opioids. I certainly would have long committed suicide due to my manic-depressive episodes if opioids weren't there to balance me out and create internal harmony.
Tricyclical antidepressants on the other hand have actually CAUSED suicides but they aren't illegal ofc. That's considered medicine lol. Dumbass people...

Unlike you I hated being dependent which is why I massively reduced my use. I want to be flexible to go anywhere, to travel etc without having to make complicated arrangements
Dependence isn't what prevents you from travelling easily and comfortably. It's the asinine, arbitrary rules and regulations that prevent your freedom of movement. If opioids were legal you could take your last shot at the airport, and then when you have landed in Kairo to sightsee the beautiful pyramids (one day I will) you simply walk into the next pharmacy and buy a couple of diamorph ampulles with the same ease as people buy immodium. Or perhaps you enjoy the rush of hydromorphone more? No problemo, go ahead and purchase that? Or maybe you are in the mood for some smokeable Opium? That too is possible. Dependency wouldn't hinder you from travelling.
I don't want maintenance, especially since this isn't equivalent to insulin for a diabetic. It's not like my body needs it to live. But I need it to mentally function and exist at times
Yes me too. Our brains just lack something that normies have. Maybe it's as Dr. Christian Rätsch said. Maybe our brains underproduce endorphins, hence our subconsciousness reacting with the unexplainable impulse to selfmedicate with opioids. Nothing wrong with that. If society was empathic enough, they would actually actively help us achieve that exogenously induced neurochemical balance.
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@Hexenstahl, you are doing the same thing as the people you condemn, ie you're declaring a certain type of drug as bad categorically.
As a matter of fact amitryptilene (an old-school antidepressant) had very good effects for me. Yes eventually the undesirable side-effects outweighed the wanted medical effects, so that's why I stopped it, but what remains is that it absolutely helped me. Right now it's also the only thing that relieves my mother's neuropathic pains and muscle weakness. Unless she has her amitryptilene she can hardly get up out of bed in the mornings. (AND surprise surprise, we have had the devil's job in getting her a repeat script, despite her being a retired doctor who back home would be able to write any script both for herself and any family members.)

There's no such thing as a universally beneficial medication or a universally bad medication. The issue is never the substance alone, but how it interacts with the individual.
Tricyclics aren't bad and useless because SOME people don't get relief / have adverse outcomes on them. I'm absolutely in favour of tricyclics for those who respond well, because they changed my life for me. They just didn't carry me all the way.
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you're declaring a certain type of drug as bad categorically.
No I did not CATEGORICALLY condemn antidepressants. This is what I wrote: "Tricyclical antidepressants on the other hand have actually CAUSED suicides"
Did I say they always cause it? Nope. You're reading something into my words I haven't said lol.
I can't help but feel like sometimes you're just looking for ways to start an argument.
I think the fact that SSRI's block MDMA, the love drug, is indicative of something highly dodgy.

Every single person I've ever asked if SSRI's have helped them, the response has been the same; "I don't know".

But they get withdrawals if they stop. If they mention they don't work, the dose gets upped.

Dodgy, sketchy.